Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3645: What can you do

In the panic, Sophie remained sensible, and Sister An on the side pulled Sophie aside.

Called and ordered someone to come up and send a set of clothes. Sister An took off her coat and gave it to Sophie.

She only wore a pink vest, it didn't matter if she lost her face, so she must save Sophie's face from being damaged.

"I'm sorry, Mayfair, if I knew that was the case, I shouldn't let you come to this so-called dinner."

Sister An kept apologizing to Sophie because she was at the airport and insisted on talking to Sophie about the dinner.

If he hadn't agreed to the director of the crew, there would be no such situation, and the black and white Sophie was very clear.

It's not Sister An's responsibility, and it will definitely not be imposed on Sister An, she smiled slightly.

"Sister An is okay, you don't need to apologize to me, I know you are also involuntary, and I blame this circle for being too muddy."

Sophie has always wanted to maintain her good image, but how many people are thinking of her in secret, thinking of those dirty deals.

Through this incident, Sophie thoroughly understood that if this time the crew really chose to change the heroine because they offended the investor.

The big deal is that she will stop acting in this TV series. She would rather quit the entertainment circle since then, and will never agree to such a request.

Xiao Yi solved the people outside. At this time, the murderous look in his eyes almost made Guo Yongcai kneel to the ground.

Guo Yongcai is still thinking about what is going on? His own people were guarding outside, and the door of the room was still locked. As a result, the person in front of him came in easily.

"You... who are you?"

After calming down, Guo Yongcai took out his mobile phone and started calling.

He is a big boss worth tens of billions of dollars. Who dares to offend him at this time is simply looking for death.

"No nonsense, you will know soon!"

There is no need for mercy against such people. Xiao Yi grabbed Guo Yongcai's hand and bends it down.

Guo Yongcai is nothing more than rich, no matter how can he withstand such painful torture, the moment his wrist broke, he let out a scream like a pig.

After a few minutes.

Guo Yongcai, who fell on the ground, didn't know the origin of Xiao Yi, but Xiao Yi's severe beating made him impressed, and he will never forget it in this life.

Pulling the tie on Guo Yongcai's clothes, Xiao Yi wiped the blood on his hands and stood in front of Guo Yongcai.

"Do you think that there are a few stinky money that are really amazing, thinking that you are superior and living above others?"

"Puff! Who are you? I'm telling you that we are not done with this thing today, don't want to leave this place alive."

"Really? It's been a long time since I heard someone threaten me. I want to see how much you can do with such waste."

Guo Yongcai was able to become the boss of a listed company, and there was a certain amount of power behind him. He was beaten at this time, and he wanted to get his face back when he said anything.

I called someone to come and help, and I said on the phone that I would like to have a few good fights. The more people the better, I ran into a big trouble today.

Guo Yongcai had contact with the people on the local roads. Hearing the news that the boss was beaten, the group of people came to the hotel one after another, and they had to give the boss a chance.

"Boy, let me tell you, today I don't care what your background is, I have already called, and when my people come over, I must destroy you."

"Okay! Then I'll just wait here!"

Xiao Yi felt sick looking at Guo Yongcai's face. If he were a woman, no matter how much money he gave, he would not betray his body.

Psychologically unacceptable, this is even more unacceptable physically, such a wretched man.

It's also because God is blind that if this kind of person becomes a big boss, his company should be directly bankrupt.

"An eye-catching thing!"

Xiao Yi unscrewed a bottle of red wine and stuffed it directly into Guo Yongcai's mouth.

Guo Yongcai was inconvenient for being beaten by Xiao Yi. He couldn't even turn over when he lay on the ground. After the wine bottle was stuffed into his mouth, he allowed the red wine inside to flow into his stomach.

"Ahem... Ahem..."

With a violent cough, Guo Yongcai was almost choked to death, and at the same time he felt that Xiao Yi was really murderous.

This kind of person is either a backed or a reckless fool. Guo Yongcai weighed the depth of Xiao Yi and was also waiting for his arrival.

What's going on in the outside world, including the movement of people on these roads, how can it escape the eyes of Sihai Bar.

Wang Sheng, who was soaking up girls in the bar, heard the news from his subordinates that a large number of people were gathering towards a hotel.

In such a situation, it is definitely not for buying new year goods. The only possibility is to fight, and this one is not small.

"More than three hundred people were mobilized. What kind of person is this? It turned out to be in H City and can stir up such a big storm."

"It seems like a big boss, who wanted to do something to a big star during the meal, but was rejected by the big star. The big star found a helper and beat up his people."

Wang Sheng scratched his scalp. These things in the entertainment industry are indeed chaotic. It is better to be at ease in the position of Sihai Bar.

When you are full, you will go to bed, and when you are full, you will soak your sister, and you will live like a fairy.

"These big bosses all think about how to play with women. They are naturally tired of ordinary goods. They want to play some fresh tricks."

"Brother Sheng, what shall we do?"

"What do you do? What does the fight between the two sides have to do with us? Just watch the show honestly."

This one obviously has nothing to do with people like them. What Wang Sheng and the others can do is to wait for the final result of the matter.

Touching his head, Wang Sheng suddenly remembered something. Today the superstar Sophie came to H City.

Could it be said that this big star is Sophie's failure? With such doubts, Wang Sheng asked again.

"Do you know the origin of this big star? What is its name?"

"Sophie, among these big stars, she is the hottest one."

Just thinking about it, things are really moving in the direction I thought.

Wang Sheng patted his thigh and hurriedly sat up from the sofa. Even the girl who had just gotten soaked beside him was pushed aside.

What matters is clear in my heart. Someone dare to ask Sophie's trouble without opening his eyes. He will certainly not sit idly by.

"His grandma is blind, and even Brother Xiao's woman dared to move, calling for Lao Tzu to let these grandchildren know whose site H City is!"

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