Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3646: We are good people

Regarding Sophie, even if this one is very serious, Wang Sheng is settled.

He immediately ordered the younger brother to transfer all the good fighters in the Sihai Bar, and put those who have work in his hands.

This time their sister-in-law was bullied, so how could they look at them and gather one by one, wanting to make an appearance for Sophie.

Soon after Wang Sheng's order, more than a thousand brothers in the Four Seas Bar here all knew about this, and they all called out to go with Wang Sheng and chopped off the heads of this group of people.

"Brother Sheng, let's leave, if it's late, the sister-in-law will suffer."

"Yeah, Brother Sheng, what are you waiting for? Let's leave right away. Brothers are not afraid of death."

Wang Sheng gathered thousands of people, and if he went out mightily, it would inevitably arouse a lot of attention.

At the critical moment, Wang Sheng's head was still alive. He knew that going on like this would cause a lot of trouble to Xiao Yi. It would be irrational to do so.

Even if he helped Xiao Yi this time, he would definitely be scolded by Xiao Yi when he turned his head. Now it is the Four Seas Bar, no longer a gang without rules before.

"Okay, you can all be quiet. From now on, you will listen to my orders. Whoever **** talks a lot, I will clean up you first."

Wang Sheng lit a cigarette, took a few deep breaths, thinking about how to deal with this matter, which is the most appropriate way.

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Sheng had an idea. Among these people, he singled out more than a dozen good fighters. He was a representative figure in the Sihai Bar.

"The few people I ordered just now will come with me for a while, and everyone else will stay here for me."

Nearly a thousand people were waiting for Wang Sheng's order. As a result, as long as more than a dozen followed, the remaining people were immediately unhappy.

Everyone is a gangster, and what they pay attention to is a sense of loyalty, and they can sit idly by when such things happen, and it seems that they have become frightened softies.

One by one stepped forward and blocked Wang Sheng's path. Wang Sheng knew what the group was thinking and snorted coldly.

"What are you doing here, doing everything you should do, and don't plan to eat and get paid?"

One person stood in front of Wang Sheng and said to Wang Sheng eagerly.

"Brother Sheng, you told us to come over and don't let us go with us, do you look down on us?"

"Yeah, what does this mean, we are not afraid of death, why did you let me stay?"

"We are going to help the sister-in-law get ahead and clean up this bunch of scum."

Wang Sheng banged his hands on these people's heads a few times, all clamoring, wanting to go with them, but he didn't think about the consequences of doing so.

He could be regarded as understanding Xiao Yi, why he wanted to create Sihai Bar, everything is to let everyone walk on a bright road, never be the same person again.

"What the **** do you think this is going to do? Lao Tzu leads people over, so I don't believe these grandsons dare to beat people."

These people are all representative figures of the Four Seas Bar. As long as the other forces have eyes, they know what the consequences will be if they move Wang Sheng.

It is tantamount to declaring war on the entire Sihai Bar. Si Hai Bar is not a vegetarian. Who can bear it if you get angry.

"Don't forget what Xiao Brother said before, let you be a good person, don't fight with people if you are idle, don't fight with people, you already have a serious job, do you have to go back to the original path?"

A few words suppressed the voices of those who were clamoring and wanted to follow.

Wang Sheng emphasized the tone of his words, but everyone knew the truth. If there were more than a thousand people this time, they would all follow him.

It will bring great troubles and troubles to the public order of this society. Fighting is only a momentary pleasure, but don't forget that you will have to bear the corresponding consequences later.

"We are here to help Brother Xiao, not to make trouble. You all have brains. Brother Xiao said that doing things makes me use my brain to make decisions. Are your brains idle?"

Glancing at these people, after Wang Sheng settled them down, he set off with these people and ran directly to the direction of the hotel.

Today, no matter what person they are, as long as they dare to embarrass Sophie, that is his enemy of Wang Sheng.

After fighting for the worst, Wang Sheng wanted to give Sophie his head, and soon three big books rushed to the hotel parking lot.

They just arrived here, and the people Guo Yongcai called on the other side also appeared in the parking lot. After getting off the car, they rushed towards the hotel.

After confirming the news in advance, it was indeed the big star Sophie who was embarrassed at the hotel, this was Xiao Yi's woman.

Wang Sheng blocked the entrance of the hotel. In the blink of an eye, more than two hundred people got out of the taxis and came to Wang Sheng.

The head of the person is relatively fat, with a small braid on his head, and he is also known on the road.

When others saw him, they would call him Brother Guang. In the past few years, he was seriously injured because of a fight and he was sentenced to four years.

After he was released from prison, he did not repent, but instead got worse, knowing that what he was doing was easy to be targeted by the police.

So they organized a group of people to live secretly on the protection fees of bars and ktv.

His appetite and his greed make so many people miserable, but they dare not challenge such people.

Brother Guang touched his braid. The white vest he was wearing couldn't cover his chubby belly, leaving a scar on his belly.

Obviously this was stabbed by a knife, and when normal people saw his aura, they were already shocked.

But in front of Wang Sheng, this kind of human fart was not. When Wang Sheng was on the mixed road, he didn't know where he was.

"Brother Guang, look at someone in front of us blocking our way."

Brother Guang's younger brother took a few steps forward, followed behind him, and pointed in Wang Sheng's direction.

The expression in his eyes immediately became gloomy, and Brother Guang quickly stepped forward, screaming.

"Who the **** does not open his eyes, dare to block Lao Tzu's way and don't want to live anymore?

When he walked in front of Wang Sheng, the eyes of this brother Guang were not awkward, but after seeing Wang Sheng clearly, he immediately became gentle.

Unexpectedly, I would meet Wang Sheng here, and Brother Guang quickly took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out one, and handed it to Wang Sheng.

"Brother Sheng... I didn't expect you to be here."

A cigarette was passed to Wang Sheng, and Wang Sheng glanced down and chuckled lightly.

"I don't dare to continue your smoke. Just now your people said that they want to come over and hack me to death."

"This... this is nothing, you bastards, has anyone said that?"

Brother Guang turned and stared at the people behind him. Even those who hadn't seen Wang Sheng, heard him call Wang Sheng and immediately knew Wang Sheng's identity.

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