Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3654: Leave no room for

Director Lin is also a famous person in this circle.

How many crews may not be able to get him even if he is invited, because of this, Director Lin plays a big name in the circle.

High salary, coupled with his recent worsening reputation, the crew began to be dissatisfied with his behavior.

The fame of Director Lin is helpless, but this time Director Lin provokes people who shouldn't be provoke, and has since fallen to the altar, never having a chance to get up again.

The contract is clearly written in black and white. He has been fired from now on. Director Lin is in doubt, wondering if there is anything hidden in it.

Suddenly his cell phone rang, and he took out his cell phone and looked at it. The text messages were about to fill his phone.

Just click on the content of a text message, which is all acquaintances you know in the circle. A simple sentence on the text message, don’t contact you from now on.

The persons in charge of more than 20 production crews all put him on the blacklist. At this time, he took out the phone and called them one by one.

Either it couldn't get through, or it was prompted to shut down, and a layer of sweat appeared on Director Lin's forehead. The situation was very bad.

"Don't waste your effort, let me tell you by the way, Tamron Group has invested 100 million yuan for the crew, and if the crew needs it, it will add 200 million yuan to it."

"What...what the **** is going on?"

With the strength of Tamron now, it is not a problem to come up with three hundred million. In order to realize Sophie's wishes, even if it is for Xiao Yi to invest one billion.

The capital of 300 million is far beyond the previous maximum of 30 million. With such a large amount of capital, the production of TV dramas, plus Sophie's star effect.

As long as the filming ends and it is released, it will immediately be a TV series competing for the prime time. He was originally directed by him, but now he has nothing to do with him.

"Impossible... It is impossible. How could Tamron Group invest in this kind of thing."

"There is nothing impossible, do you think Sophie in front of you is really that simple?"

Wang Rong felt that this kind of person was pitiful. At this point, he still didn't admit defeat, and had to make it clear.

"Sophie's boyfriend is Xiao Yi, the chairman of the Tamron Group, who had beaten people earlier. For this, I think you should understand."

Director Lin was ashamed and suddenly remembered that when Sophie joined the crew, he had a different idea about Sophie.

Thinking of finding an opportunity to ask Sophie to have a meal, as a director, Sophie has to agree to any conditions.

At that time, someone reminded him, don't think so, Sophie has a backer behind him, which he can't afford to provoke.

"Tenglong for a few days... Xiao Yi..."

The phone rang at this time, he glanced at the call from the person in charge of the crew, and quickly answered the phone.

"Hey, I'm looking for Miss Sophie to discuss the post-shooting."

"Okay, Lin Daxiong, this drama has nothing to do with you. From now on, the contract is officially terminated, and I will pay you the penalty."

" can't do this. The TV series is not over yet, I am still the official director."

The production side of the crew is very disgusted with Director Lin's personality, and for his own benefit, he does not hesitate to sacrifice by others.

With the investment of the Tamron Group this time, there is no need to worry about investment holes. Director Lin made the matter, so naturally he cannot continue to use this kind of person in the future.

"Sorry, this is my last notice to you. To blame, you can only be blamed for your lack of eyesight. Next time, remember that you must be low-key."

Directly hung up, Director Lin's phone slipped from his hand, and the last chance was gone.

What is the payment of liquidated damages, it is only one million, and one million is only one month's expense for a person of his status.

But now that the crew has fired him, other crews will not want him in the future. It is tantamount to losing his job and cutting off the source of the economy. How can I live in the future?

After thinking of a lot, Lin Daxiong hated Xiao Yi for being too cruel and didn't leave a way for himself to survive, but there was no way, he turned to face Sophie, and knelt down with a thump.

The man has gold under his knees, but at this point, he can no longer take care of so much. The most important thing is to survive.

"Miss Sophie, Miss Sophie, I was wrong. Please forgive me this time. Can you let me live?"

Seeing Director Lin kneeling in front of her, Sophie felt a little sympathy and pity in her heart, but for this kind of person, she herself knew it shouldn't be the case.

"Director Lin is sorry, this is not my operation, I can only persuade you to be a good person."

" can't do this, I have old and young, and children waiting for me to feed. I can't lose my job."

Sophie frowned. She couldn't deal with this kind of person, and cast a look at Wang Rong for help.

Kneeling to someone casually, as a man's bones, Wang Rong looks down on such a person the most.

"Okay, get up, don't dirty our floor. This is Xiao Yi's decision. Even if you ask for mercy, you will kneel to the wrong person."

Director Lin didn't want to give up, and continued to intercede with Sophie, hoping that Sophie would help him.

Looking very impatient, Sophie couldn't let go of this face, so the bad guys let Wang Rong do it.

"Security! Security!"

Called the outside security guards, four security guards entered the door, waiting for Wang Rong's order.

"What are you doing in a daze, ask this person out for me, just look at it and make your mind."

The word "please" was very heavy, and the security immediately understood what it meant.


Lin Daxiong had never been so embarrassed before. Four people framed him, opened the door, threw it out, and fell heavily to the ground.

Director Lin, who used to be arrogant and arrogant, is now like a bereaved dog. Watching Daxiong Lin being thrown out, Sophie bit her vermilion lips.

I wanted to say something to Wang Rong, but when the words came to her lips, she stopped again. Wang Rong knew what was thinking in Sophie's mind.

"Do you think that I'm not saving face by doing this, and I should give him a step down."

"Sister Wang Rong, I thank you for helping me, but I think this is a bit too much."

"Has it passed?"

Wang Rong shook her head and said that she hadn't done it at all, but Sophie didn't know how to deal with what kind of person.

"This man's life style is chaotic, his word of mouth is so bad that his wife suffers domestic violence at home, but he **** with women outside."

In one sentence now, this is exactly the kind of a scumbag, a scumbag.

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