Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3655: Talk to Xu Qiang

I hate these deceiving feelings and beating women the most.

"He should be fortunate that I let someone throw him out. If it is an ordinary person, he must be beaten severely."

Wang Rong would not be soft-hearted, nor could she be soft-hearted in her current position.

"If you do, don't worry, you should hit the dog harder, otherwise he thinks you are afraid of him, and on the contrary, he will bite you."

"Repose your sister Wang Rong."

"Look at your script honestly. I believe no one will harass you after this incident."

With Xiao Yi as the backer behind him, who would dare to hit Sophie's idea, unless he didn't want to be confused.

Xiao Yi met Wan Yan Lie, and at the same time the two of them fought against each other. Wan Yan Lie suppressed his own strength. Xiao Yi was not in front of him this time, and was as embarrassed as before.

But obviously, once Wan Yanlie let go of his suppression, in front of Wan Yanlie, he could only escape.

There is a realm difference between the two, and the gap in this realm may take months or years.

Driving back to the city center, Xiao Yi didn't go home directly this time, and came to a community.

This is a high-end community, and the average house price is more than 20,000 yuan. Before this, even if Erni was dreaming, she would not have thought that she could live in a three-bedroom high-end community.

The house was bought under the name of Xiao Yiyi and Xu Qiang. The workers were arranged to decorate the house before that, using the best and most enveloping materials. This will be Xu Qiang's future home.

Erni and her mother live here and do not need to work hard. As long as there is a need in life, Xiao Yi will immediately arrange for someone to do it.

With money, Xiao Yi directly gave ten million. He has been living in the countryside since he was a child and has always been thrifty. For Erni, ten million will be spent in a lifetime.

Ding Dong...

The doorbell of the room rang, and Erni was looking after the child, and her mother got up and opened the door.


When I walked to the door of the room, I opened the cat's eye in advance to see who it was. The mother and daughter lived in this house, and there was no man beside them, so they had to be vigilant at any time.

After seeing it clearly, he immediately opened the door and said enthusiastically.

"Come in quickly."

Xiao Yi was carrying some fruits and nutrients. Now Xu Qiang is in a foreign country, leaving behind a woman and a child, who needs someone to look after him.

This time I took the time to come and have a look. By the way, I would like to ask if there is any need, Xiao Yi will arrange for someone to deal with it as soon as possible.

"Auntie is still so tough."

"Oh, I'm so far away now. Ever since I live here and work hard, I feel like I'm going to sit here and panic."

Erni's mother enthusiastically invited Xiao Yi in, and had met Xiao Yi several times before.

Not to mention her daughter, she had never thought of this. The man her daughter was looking for had such a capable friend by her side.

Xiao Yi solved their family's work alone, and now they live in such a good house, so let's enjoy the blessing in this life.

"Xiao Yi, just come, what do you bring so many things."

"With a little heart, I can't come with two hands empty, it's too rude."

Putting things down, Xiao Yi walked to the living room. There was a crib in the living room, which could be moved at any time.

Erni sat on the sofa to coax the child to sleep. After the child fell asleep, she looked up at Xiao Yi and smiled slightly.

"Big Brother Xiao troubles you, you are so busy at work, and you still have to take time to come and see us."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, the company has always been taken care of by others, and I'm just the one who shook hands."

Xiao Yi stepped forward and looked at the baby in the swaddle. He slept very sweetly with his thumb full and full.

There are still some milk stains hanging on the corner of his mouth. This is Xu Qiang's son. Xu Qiang has been fighting **** battles for a long time, and he has not had time to see his child.

"This little guy is looking at his head and brain, he must be promising in the future."

"I just hope he grows up healthy. This is the child of Xu Qiang and I. I don't know when Xu Qiang will come back and have a look."

It has been several months since Erni met Xu Qiang the last time. In order not to affect Xu Qiang's work, Erni did not dare to make calls on weekdays.

For fear of distracting Xu Qiang because of her phone call, she also knows that her man is not easy outside.

"I met Xu Qiang before, and he gave the child a name called Xu Weiguo."

Xiao Yi told Erni Xu Qiang's name. This was Xu Qiang's idea. No matter what name he chose, Erni would not object.

It's just from this name that Xu Qiang's intention can be heard, Xu Weiguo, defending the country.

"It's Xu Weiguo, and his nickname is Guoguo. Your father took this name. Do you like it?"

After Erni lived in the city, especially after giving birth to her children, she became a lot more mature, and her simple and honest appearance gradually disappeared.

There was a saying that Xiao Yi didn't know how to speak. He could see that Xiao Yi had something to say. Erni thought of a way to get her mother away.

"Mom... go to the supermarket and buy some diapers, there is not much left at home."

"Oh, I'm going now, you guys are talking."

Erni's mother went out alone. Only Erni and Xiao Yi were left in the room. She looked at Xiao Yi.

Judging from Xiao Yi's expression, the matter to be said is very serious, and it should be related to Xu Qiang.

"Brother Xiao, just say what you have to say. You said you have met Xu Qiang before, is it Xu Qiang..."

"It seems that you have already guessed it, so let me just say it. Xu Qiang had a little accident, but it didn't endanger his life."

Xiao Yi organized the language and sighed deeply. He and Erni said truthfully.

"You should know where Xu Qiang is. It is a mercenary world where wars often erupt. Xu Qiang and the others had an accident before and they were blown off by one arm."

"One arm, one arm!"

Hearing these words, Erni almost fainted. She was already weak in tolerance.

His own man suffered such an accident and his arms were blown off. You can imagine how dangerous it was at that time.

Leaning on her body and sitting down, she had never experienced anything like this before. After a while, Er Ni was relieved, and she kept repeating a word.

"Arms, arms are gone..."

"How about Brother Xiao others?"

Xiao Yi would not conceal such an important matter, so he comforted Er Ni.

"Don't worry, others are fine now. His previous mentality has been affected. Fortunately, he has accepted this fact."

Erni hid her face and sobbed softly. Xu Qiang was a responsible man, and Erni didn't regret being his woman.

But to endure such pain, his own man is in danger of his life at any time, maybe he will leave this world at some point.

"Big Brother Xiao, I have never asked for help easily. Today I will beg you once and let Xu Qiang come back."

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