Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3656: School accident

Erni only wanted to ask Xiao Yi for one thing, let Xu Qiang come back.

She needs a man to guard her, especially now that she has a child, she can't rely on her.

Knowing what kind of life Xu Qiang leads every day, to say something awful, maybe when he has an accident, he will never come back.

Letting Xu Qiang come back was the greatest desire in my heart, but Xiao Yi could not agree to this request.

"Big Brother Xiao, you also know that Xu Qiang and I already have children. What should we do if there is something wrong with him?"

"I mentioned this idea to Xu Qiang once."

Xiao Yi solemnly said that Xu Qiangming knew the danger and chose to stay.

"What did Qiangzi say?"

"Xu Qiang didn't agree. He said that after he has absolute survivability, he will come back to see your mother and son."

"No... he can't do this."

Erni hid her face and wept bitterly, but Xiao Yi didn't know how to comfort her, no matter who made the right decision.

Since ancient times, the dilemma of loyalty and filial piety has been dilemma. Xu Qiang knew this truth. He chose to sacrifice stability in order to help Xiao Yi.

"I can only say sorry, there is Xu Qiang's battlefield, I respect his choice."

It will be extremely painful for a woman with a child to stay here waiting for the man's return.

Xiao Yi came today, and there is another sentence to convey for Xu Qiang. This is what Xu Qiang meant.

"When I came back, Xu Qiang told me that if you think it is a torment to wait like this, one day Xu Qiang died in battle, you can remarry with your children."

Erni shook her head, her eyes became dull, she said directly.

"No... I was born to him, and when he died, he was also his ghost. Even if one day, he really died outside, I will never find a man again in my life."

Xiao Yi took out a bank card from his body. There was a sum of money in the card. Nothing else could be done. Xiao Yi wanted to make sure that the mother and child had nothing to worry about.

"There are thirty million in this card, and the code is six 8."

"Big Brother Xiao, I don't need so much money. What you gave us before is enough for us to live."

"Accept it, Xu Qiang and I are actually the same. I don't know how many eyes there are, staring at me at all times."

It was always in danger. Previously, it was the Black Dragon Society and the Shadow Organization, but now there is an extra Black Dragon clan.

The master of the Black Dragon clan appeared by his side. If there was one Wanyanlie, there would be other masters. Maybe at some point, he would encounter danger and couldn't escape.

"Accept the money, as if it was me doing something for Xu Qiang, this is what I owe him."

Leaving the bank card, Xiao Yi turned around and left the room. Erni knew what Xiao Yi meant.

This is to prepare for the future. Like Xu Qiang, Xiao Yi and Xu Qiang may encounter unexpected events.

The money was left in advance to ensure their lives. After leaving the community, Xiao Yi drove alone on the street.

In addition to seeing Erni today, there is another person, Xiao Yi going to meet.

The death of Eagle has always been the greatest regret in Xiao Yi's heart. Whenever he thinks of the scene of that day, Xiao Yi feels deeply guilty.

Why didn't he detect the other party's motives in advance, the eagle died, leaving his last wish to take care of his sister.

After the task was over, Xiao Yi found Liu Siyi the first time, and arranged Liu Siyi to go to school in H City, so that it was convenient to have a caregiver.

Liu Siyi quickly integrated into this brand new environment. In Li Xiaojia's home, she was exactly like Li Xiaojia's sister and never treated her as an outsider.

Thinking of using other people's care to let Liu Siyi lead a stable life, Xiao Yi will explain the Eagle's thing later.

Time is almost up, and the lie I lied to Liu Siyi before cannot continue like this.

Xiao Yi drove to a university. This was Liu Siyi's last semester. After this semester, she officially graduated from university.

After getting off the bus, Xiao Yi called Liu Siyi and asked her to come out if she had time, and she had something to talk to.

Just as Xiao Yi just took out the phone, the students in the school suddenly became a sensation, and ran in one direction.

"Something went wrong. Someone was fighting in the school and it was going to kill people."

"No way, is it so serious?"

"You haven't seen it with your own eyes, the blood on the ground is bleeding a lot, this is still a female student, and it is really amazing."

Some students were discussing that something really seemed to have happened in the school, and Xiao Yi followed suit.

At this moment, the security guards in the school were all mobilized and immediately closed the gate of the school. The school called the emergency call and called the police only as a last resort.

Because this matter is very serious, it is related to the reputation of the school. If the police are alarmed and the police come to investigate, the university will inevitably be pushed to the forefront by public opinion.

"Classmate? What happened to this?"

Xiao Yi stopped a student and asked, who hurried over to watch the excitement.

A little unhappy after being stopped by Xiao Yi, he pushed his glasses, holding a basketball in one arm.

"You are not from our school?"

"I am the teacher who just transferred."

"Oh... I heard that there seemed to be a few men who broke into the girl's bedroom and confessed to a female classmate giving flowers, but the female classmate refused to agree and threw the flowers away."

In college, male students chased girls a lot. There were flowers confession and all kinds of show affections.

It was only this time that the male classmate's actions were a bit too aggressive, which led to what happened next, he said immediately.

"This male student seems to have chased this girl for a long time, but has never agreed. This time he lost face in front of so many people, so he worked with a few male students and locked the girl in the bedroom."

"Don't you be afraid of punishment if you do this in school?"

"Anyway, I have a rich father, and my parents have already paved the way. I was going through a process at school."

The male classmate let out a disdainful contempt, and at the same time envied the background of this kind of person. At a young age, he doesn't need to work hard, he has everything he should, just eat and wait for death.

Others are not the same. Working hard to go to school and work is not as strong as people eating and waiting to die, so now it is not enough to work hard, this is an era of fighting fathers.

"He has talked about several girlfriends in school. If he doesn't agree, he will threaten him. If people have money, they are afraid of anything. After this is over, the money can be settled."

Xiao Yi heard about this kind of thing for the first time, but he didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen in school. As expected, the human heart is the most terrifying thing in this world.

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