Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3657: Almost tragedy

Xiao Yi followed the students to the downstairs of a dormitory in the school. At this moment, the downstairs of the dormitory was crowded with people.

The students were all watching. The auntie in the dormitory ran out immediately after hearing the accident, not daring to get involved.

When Xiao Yi approached, he saw the windows open in one place on the fourth floor of the bedroom building.

One of them was hung outside, and if his feet fell under the air, even if he survived, he would definitely be seriously injured.

This is a boy who never dreamed that he had always been domineering on campus, and he would end up like this.

The collar was held by a woman and hung outside the window. As long as the woman let go, he would definitely be finished.

"Don't... don't let go, pull me back quickly."

The boy begged, the girl in front of him was injured at the position of her forehead, leaving several lines of blood on her face.

There were a few male classmates in the dormitory behind, all of whom were beaten to the ground by her. There is no need to show mercy to such a person.

Originally, I was in a bad mood today. After returning to school, I just wanted to take a good rest and don't disturb her.

It was just at this time that those who didn't have long eyes popped up and wanted to give her a confession.

For her, she was not interested in the extremely boring things. She turned the water and threw the flowers to the bathroom, and said clearly, I hope the boys can do it for themselves, and don't do such boring things in the future.

She didn't think that this boy had come prepared. When she refused, she greeted a few accomplices outside, and locked the door after entering the dormitory. She wanted to learn from the TV and come to an overlord to bow.

"I don't want to do it, you are forcing me!"

The blood on Liu Siyi's forehead flowed to the shirt she was wearing. As a girl, when she encountered this kind of thing, she was already scared and dare to resist.

But she was different. Instead of knocking down a few boys in the house, she hung the instigator of the incident with one hand outside the window.

The other female classmates who were also in the dormitory had never seen Liu Siyi's temper so big, and Liu Siyi had exploded, which was really terrifying.

Several boys were beaten all over the floor looking for teeth without saying, this would have to throw people down. If something happens, it will be too late to regret.

At first, Liu Siyi didn't want to do it, so she just wanted to explain it clearly, but she didn't think these people had to make an inch of it until she broke her head with her hands.

No longer choosing to be silent, Liu Siyi broke out and beat the people without saying anything. Today, let the leader of this matter know that some things need to be done.

"Liu, Sister Liu, I know I was wrong, so you can spare me this time, please spare me this time."

"Now beg for mercy, it's too late!"

Liu Siyi had a murderous heart. No one dared to bully her when she grew up. If she had to pretend to complete the task before.

Standing downstairs in the bedroom, Xiao Yi noticed that it was Liu Siyi who was holding the person. At this moment, Liu Siyi was completely unknown to Xiao Yi.

"Liu Siyi, what are you doing?"

He shouted at the upstairs, and Xiao Yi had to stop it regardless of what disputes had happened before.

Once life is lost, Liu Siyi will inevitably be imprisoned. A good girl, her life hasn't started yet, so she can't just be ruined.

Standing upstairs, Liu Siyi heard Xiao Yi's voice and thought it was a hallucination in his ears.

How could Xiao Yi appear in her school? It should be because she was busy with very important work. She inadvertently glanced downstairs.

Xiao Yi was looking at her in the crowd. It turned out that this was not an auditory hallucination. Xiao Yi did indeed come and saw this scene downstairs.

"Xiao...Xiao Yi... why are you here?"

Realizing that he was still holding someone with one hand, such a fierce side was exposed to Xiao Yi.

Suddenly she didn't know what to do, she suddenly let go of her hand, lost the boy who was pulling, her eyes widened, and she didn't believe Liu Siyi really dared to throw him down.

"Do not!"

Xiao Yi couldn't take care of a lot. In any case, he couldn't make a living, and he would settle the matter later.

He rushed up a few steps, quickly rushed to the downstairs of the dormitory building, and climbed along the outer guardrail.

At the same time as the boy fell, he grabbed the man's arm, and the man didn't fall and hung on the second floor.

Liu Siyi lay down at the window, watching such a thrilling scene, and suddenly realized that this place is in a bustling city.

It is not the place where the people of her tribe live. Killing is a responsibility. Realizing this, a cold sweat came out of her back.

"Xiao Yi...I..."

Xiao Yi put the person down first, and after he landed on the ground safely, he checked the male classmate, and there was nothing serious about it.

It's just that I passed out due to excessive shock, and my pants were already wet. It is estimated that other people will react like this when they encounter this.

"You wait for me upstairs!"

The students in the school, just watched the scene of Xiao Yi saving someone, this kind of thing only happens in the movie.

It is really unimaginable that Xiao Yi rushed over at a distance of ten meters, and had to rescue people. How much ability is needed to do this.

While talking, Xiao Yi entered the dormitory building. He climbed the stairs all the way to Liu Siyi's dormitory.

The door of the dormitory was locked. Xiao Yi knocked on the door. After hearing Xiao Yi's voice, Liu Siyi gradually recovered.

She slowly walked forward and opened the door of the room. Xiao Yi saw the scene that happened just now, and she didn't know how to explain to Xiao Yi next.

"Xiao Yi...I'm sorry!"

After Liu Siyi saw Xiao Yi, the strength he had been holding back before suddenly collapsed.

Tears rolled in his eyes, and the last trace of stubbornness did not let the tears fall.

Xiao Yi patted her on the shoulder and entered the dormitory. There were still a few people lying on the floor of the dormitory. They should have been beaten before.

A girl who didn't know where the power broke out was able to beat a few men into this virtue, and one of the front teeth had lost a few.

There was a pool of blood on the ground. Xiao Yi had checked it. It was all traumatic. He should be able to adjust after a period of rest.

"Okay, it's okay, there will be no problems with me here."

Xiao Yi comforted Liu Siyi and said that soon an ambulance came and took away the injured in the incident.

After such a big disturbance, it was impossible for the school to suppress the news. Someone called the police before.

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