Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3659: who are you

"No... it's impossible. You told me before that my brother will come back to see me. How could he leave me?"

Liu Siyi looked disbelief, staring at the tombstone in front of him, not believing what Xiao Yi said.

"In any case, this is the reality, the reality you have to accept."

Xiao Yi turned around and walked towards the top of the mountain, leaving this place to Liu Siyi. Perhaps there is something Liu Siyi wants to say, and he is not suitable to be present.

"I'll come back in a while, your brother has indeed sacrificed, I think you should have something to say to him."

Liu Siyi was silent, standing in front of the tombstone, not knowing what to do, froze in place.

She also didn't expect Xiao Yi to bring her to such a place this time. In fact, she already knew about the eagle's sacrifice.

From the very beginning, when Xiao Yi approached her, Liu Siyi knew that it was just to better honor and disgrace her in this role, and always pretended to live in a false world.

Up to this moment, she faced the tombstone of the eagle, and she couldn't say a word of grief. She was once good at discovering her inner feelings, but also encountered such a dilemma.

Fortunately, Xiao Yi was not there. Liu Siyi entered her role and lay on her brother's tombstone and burst into tears.

From beginning to end, there was no tear.

After waiting for twenty minutes, Xiao Yi walked down from the top of the mountain.

Liu Siyi was crying in front of the tombstone. He took out a handkerchief from his body and handed it to Liu Siyi, sighing deeply.

"Okay, wipe your tears."

Liu Siyi took the handkerchief, nodded slightly, and said to Xiao Yi.

"Thank you Xiao Yi."

"No thanks, this is all I should do."

Xiao Yi placed one hand on the tombstone and looked at Liu Siyi again. Until this moment, Xiao Yi still didn't believe that he would be wrong.

If it weren't for the previous time, Xiao Yi had noticed the abnormality, I'm afraid it would be kept in the dark now.

Suddenly Xiao Yi fell silent, without saying a word, looking at Liu Siyi with a strange look.

This look seemed to be able to see through her whole person, making Liu Siyi uncomfortable. She wondered what was going on?

Could it be that I did something wrong that attracted Xiao Yi's awareness, but after thinking about it carefully, there was no negligence.

"Xiao Yi... why are you looking at me like this?"

Xiao Yi returned to his senses. He didn't know how to speak, because he knew that once he spoke, the nature of the matter would change.

For the safety of his family and for the future, Xiao Yi had to do this and made up his mind.

"Actually, I was thinking that the acting skills of the actors in the TV series and some established actors make you unable to see whether he is acting or really living in the drama."

"Isn't there such a saying that life is like a play, and drama is like life?"

"Yeah, you are right, life is indeed like acting."

After Liu Siyi said these words, he seemed to realize something, why Xiao Yi said it so strange for no reason.

A pair of eyes gradually became scary from the previous gentleness. In Xiao Yi's eyes, she saw the murderous intent emerging.

"So what role do you play in this scene?"

"This... what do you mean by this? How weird you are today, saying everything I don't understand."

Xiao Yi let out a sneer. Someone told him before that his biggest weakness is the preservation of the two words of human nature.

Choosing to trust the people around him, even sometimes, Xiao Yi can pay the price of his life to protect the peace of the other person.

I just never thought about it, because this has become my biggest weakness, staring at Liu Siyi with cold eyes.

"When will you deceive me?"

"Xiao Yi...Xiao Yi, what did I do wrong? Why do you speak harshly?"

Liu Siyi asked back, without explaining too much, Xiao Yi drew a short knife from his body and stabbed Liu Siyi in the chest.

In the unexpected situation, under normal circumstances, everyone would react with the most basic physical instincts. Liu Siyi leaned back to avoid Xiao Yi's attack.

At the same time, he raised a leg and hit Xiao Yi's wrist. Xiao Yi threw away the short knife in his hand and grabbed her ankle with one hand.

The next second he pulled Liu Siyi in front of him, and his eyes could feel Xiao Yi's heartbeat and breathing, as well as a pair of murderous eyes.

Only then did she understand that Xiao Yi was testing herself by doing this, as long as she shot back, it proved that she was not an ordinary person.

Like Xiao Yi, he was also a cultivator, and at the same time he fought back, the impact of Dao Qi broke out. In this way, even if Liu Siyi wanted to continue to conceal it, it was already impossible.

"Xiao Yi...I..."

Xiao Yi grabbed Liu Siyi's arm. Liu Siyi knew it was too late, and this time he couldn't keep hiding it.

"Your information shows that you are just an ordinary college student and suffer from congenital heart disease."

After what happened today, Xiao Yi re-investigated Liu Siyi's information. In order to ensure that the information was correct, he deliberately found someone to visit the police station.

The last news to wait for, Eagle’s sister Liu Siyi is frail and sick, suffering from congenital heart disease. Because of her condition, she often recuperates at home.

A distant relative was entrusted to take care of it. The eagle would pay this relative three thousand yuan a month, but after the eagle's death, the distant relative lost the news.

When the news was presented to him, the result was already obvious. Liu Siyi, who was standing in front of him, was not Eagle's sister.

"I gave you a pulse check before. Your body is very healthy and there is no such case."

Liu Siyi struggled a few times, Xiao Yi clutched her wrist tightly, unable to break free from Xiao Yi's hand.

"An ordinary student can easily block my attack, even those elite assassins, face-to-face, there is no room to fight back."

"Xiao Yi...what are you talking about, I really don't understand."

"Don't understand, do you? I will let you understand."

Suddenly, Xiao Yi grabbed Liu Siyi's sleeve and rolled it up a little bit. This movement of Xiao Yi made Liu Siyi's face as gray as death.

Originally there was still a final resistance, but Xiao Yi already knew so much, even if resistance had any effect, let Xiao Yi expose her arm.

When her right arm was exposed, a black line gradually appeared on a smooth arm, and the black line spread towards the position of the clavicle of the shoulder.

On weekdays, Liu Siyi tried her best to cover her with her own clothes. She didn't want others to see this secret. Even when she took a bath in Li's house, she didn't need anyone's help.

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