Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3660: Xiao Yi sorry

The roommates in the bedroom are talking about Liu Siyi, a very strange girl.

On weekdays, when the weather is hot, everyone in the dormitory wears only one piece of underwear to keep it cooler.

But Liu Siyi never did this. She didn't need someone else to help her back in the bath, and even when she changed clothes, she needed a place for herself.

Everyone is talking about Liu Siyi's conservative thinking, what age is it, girls try to show more in summer, but Liu Siyi always wears long sleeves.

Until now the secret was revealed by Xiao Yi, everything was because of the black line on her arm. Liu Siyi didn't want anyone outside of her clans to know about the existence of this black line.

"Sure enough, you are from the Black Dragon clan."

Xiao Yi heard those rumors and what Wan Yanlie said earlier, and learned that the members of the Black Dragon clan had one of the biggest secrets that could not be covered up.

That is, there is a black line on their bodies. The positions of the black lines on the left and the right of women are different for men, but there will be such a line on adult people.

Liu Siyi turned her neck to one side and didn't want to face Xiao Yi directly. These Xiao Yi already knew, that is to say, she could not continue to hide her identity in front of Xiao Yi.

"I'm really stupid. Why didn't I spot the anomaly earlier? When I found you, you were in trouble."

Recalling the scene when I met Liu Siyi, in the underground bar that day, from that moment on, Xiao Yi had already caught the trap designed by others.

The purpose is to make Liu Siyi appear on the stage and be close to her. Xiao Yi didn't think much about it at that time. A lonely and helpless girl was too easy for people to believe.

Coupled with Liu Siyi's next perfect disguise, it was almost impeccable. Believing in Liu Siyi, she brought her back to City H and put her by her side.

The purpose is to take good care of her. Xiao Yi wants to fulfill his promise to Eagle, but he doesn't know that his decision like this has brought him trouble in the future.

"Since I met you, you have been lying to me and calculating me. Is it really fun to do this?"

Xiao Yi released Liu Siyi's arm, and Liu Siyi was extremely calm at this moment.

Slowly put down the sleeves. In fact, she had long wanted to find a suitable opportunity to talk to Xiao Yi.

All these confessed her true identity and purpose to Xiao Yi, but her father had been using the survival of her clan to threaten Liu Siyi.

Thinking of the fate faced by the tribe and the life and death of his mother, he was in the hands of his father and had to give up again and again.

Until this time, the biggest secret in her was discovered by Xiao Yi, and she could no longer hide it.

"I did not do it on purpose."

Xiao Yi exposed Liu Siyi's identity, but he felt that the woman in front of him at this moment did not mean to him.

Since it has been exposed, I don't want to continue to live with other people's masks. After releasing my own moves, my face is changing rapidly.

Like Xiao Yi's disguise technique, he can change his appearance by controlling the circulation of Dao Qi, except that Wanyanyu uses a more advanced method.

Her disguise can not only imitate the opponent's appearance, but also the other's behavior and movements.

And even if the real person is standing in front of him and looking for a few most familiar people, it may not be possible to tell who is the main person in person.

Wan Yanyu recovered her appearance, and she felt a lot more relaxed. If she could do this for the rest of her life, it would be fine. She really felt tired.

"This is your original face, right? You have been disguising Liu Siyi and replacing Eagle's sister."

"Yes, that's right!"

Even Xiao Yi was surprised by such a magical scene. The woman in front of her was more proficient in the disguise technique used than him.

Even his aura was hidden, and he became an ordinary person. Xiao Yi was negligent at the beginning and didn't notice the mystery in time. Now it is normal to think about it.

"who are you?"

"Didn't you already know that I am a member of the Black Dragon clan, and my name is Wanyanyu."

Wan Yanyu stood blankly in front of Xiao Yi and introduced herself. At this moment, there was no more pressure in her heart.

When Xiao Yi met Wan Yan Lie, there was a hunch in his heart that there should be people from the Black Dragon clan beside him, sneaking into him quietly.

I suspected a lot of people, even those in the Four Seas Bar, but didn't expect that they would appear on the closest people around me.

"It seems that my whereabouts have been leaked before, including when I came back from outside this time, someone immediately came to the door. In fact, these are all related to you, right?"


Wan Yanyu nodded, and in front of Xiao Yi, there was no need to lie.

As for how Xiao Yi would deal with herself afterwards, even if she killed her, Wan Yanyu did not complain at all.

"It was I who leaked your whereabouts and told my people."

"I didn't expect that I saved you before and brought you to my side, but you wanted to kill me."

"Xiao Yi is not what you think. I didn't mean to kill you."

What Xiao Yi said before was correct, but the next step was not what he thought. There were some misunderstandings.

"Really? The Wanyanlie of your Black Dragon clan, I almost fell into his hands last time. If I hadn't kept one hand, it would have become the sacrifice of your blood sacrifice array at this time!"

"I didn't know that things would turn out to be like this. At the beginning, they explained my mission, only telling me that in the Xiao people, you can find what they want."

Wan Yanyu was also deceived. It was his father who weaved a lie and told him personally that as long as he found the descendants of the Xiao clan, he could release the blood curse on the clan.

Thinking about the future of the tribe, Wan Yanyu agreed without hesitation, just to save people, but never thought that his father would even cheat him this time. All of this was a conspiracy set up by them.

"They snooped on your news and arranged for me to appear at the right place at the right time and waiting for your appearance. I really didn't expect that it would bring you such a big danger."

Xiao Yi didn't believe what Wanyanyu said. A woman can pretend to be someone else, and she can also lie in front of her.

"I hate people cheating on me the most. If it wasn't for the black line on you when I helped you before, when would you still want to cheat me?"

"I'm sorry, Xiao Yi, I shouldn't lie to you, but for me, I really don't have other options."

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