Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3669: The suppressed Xiao Huaixin

The black flood dragon was waving its paws, and was about to bite Xiao Huaixin. The white tiger beside Xiao Huaixin charged up towards the black flood dragon.

The size of the white tiger is indeed much smaller than that of the dragon. It didn't last long in front of the dragon, and it was torn into pieces.

"Your tricks are also vulnerable. It seems that for the past few hundred years, the members of the Xiao Clan have only been able to withstand this."

Xiao Huaixin's expression was calm, his moves were cracked, as if he didn't care.

This Wan Yan Lie's momentum has doubled. If the trick is easily cracked, it means that this person is indeed a waste.

As a result, in his own expectation, he clenched the long spear in his hand. The spirit of the gun was like me, and I was like the spirit of a gun.

Standing here, Xiao Huaixin was like a spear, his eyes fixed on Wan Yan Lie.

"If you want to kill me, you have to see if you have this ability."

"You...your cultivation base has reached this level."

Wan Yan Lie used his strongest tactics, and Xiao Huaixin also had his own fighting methods.

One person, one spear, rushed forward to face the black dragon, the tip of the spear failed to break the black scales this time.

The dragon seems to be wearing a piece of armor, unable to break through the defense easily, and the damage caused can be said to be minimal.

"I thought you could have any means. It turned out to be nothing more than that."

Xiao Huaixin's battle was awe-inspiring, the tip of the spear hit the scales, and the attack was blocked.

But then as he went straight in with his spear, all the burst of strength instilled a blow on the tip of the spear.

Once, twice, three times...

With the final blow, the black scales finally couldn't support it, and a crack was punched out.

A move pierced through the black flood dragon, and the tip of the spear was submerged in it. Xiao Huai believed in his strong will not to admit defeat and broke the black flood dragon's defense.

"What the **** is going on?"

Wan Yan Lie was very surprised. His move was almost invincible. No one could break through the black giant python's defense.

In the next scene, Wan Yanlie finally understood why the white tiger that Xiao Huaixin had condensed before was so vulnerable.

It turned out that the white tiger turned into an invisible breath at the moment it was broken, entwined with the black giant python.

These auras gathered in one place, found a spot, and kept breaking open the black scales. Wan Yanlie didn't notice this.

"It seems that your move is not without flaws!"

"You are too happy!"

Wan Yan Lie's will is controlling the black dragon, a long dragon tail, drew towards Xiao Huaixin's side.

Xiao Huaixin concentrated most of his power on this move. After this attack, his defensive ability was vacant.

Being pulled firmly on the body, the man flew out to the side and hit the black clock.

With this blow, blood surged in his body, almost bleeding, Xiao Huaixin was clutching his chest, and he would never admit defeat.

"You can stand up even after being hit. You are indeed very strong."

"My bones are not so soft, unlike your ancestors, whoever gives you more money will wag their tails and become others' lackeys!"

"Presumptuous! You are looking for death!"

Wan Yanlie was stabbed in pain. He didn't want to hear it last. He always tried his best to conceal the truth of history.

He even believed in his heart that what happened to the clan at the beginning was that the Xiao clan sold mercilessly and had nothing to do with them.

A large hole was penetrated through the body of the black flood dragon, but it did not dissipate, its aura was weaker, and it still came towards Xiao Huaixin.

On the other side, after Xiao Yi left the cemetery, he drove away and stopped short.

He found something in his clothes, and a note left with a sentence written on it.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Yi, I didn't mean to deceive you. If I cause you harm because of my mistakes, these are my guilt."

The note was left by Liu Siyi. She kept the note on her body all the time, expecting that sooner or later she would reveal her identity.

At that time, giving these to Xiao Yi was the last thing he did.

"This piece of obsidian contains the blood of the Black Dragon clan. As long as it is a person with the Black Dragon clan, the obsidian will become extremely bright when it is ten miles away from you."

This piece of obsidian, which was originally carried on Liu Siyi's body, has no effect anymore. She decided to leave it to Xiao Yi.

"I hope that what I left behind can help you. Before you don't have the strength of the Jedi, don't act alone. Remember my words."

Xiao Yi looked at the obsidian in his hand, not knowing how to position Liu Siyi in his heart.

He was about to drive away. Suddenly, a powerful breath fluctuation caught Xiao Yi's attention. This breath fluctuation was not directed at him.

Take out the obsidian Liu Siyi left for him, the obsidian keeps shining, proving that the powerhouse of the Black Dragon clan has appeared.

There must be more than one or two such powerful breaths. Xiao Yi originally had no intention of engaging in such a fight, but driven by curiosity, he walked towards the breath bursting point.

Fifteen minutes later.

Xiao Yi turned over the valley and came to a mountainside. Standing on the mountainside, he could just see the scene ahead.

I saw a dozen people fought together, and the two sides were clearly divided into two forces, one of which was the Black Dragon Clan.

Xiao Yi felt a familiar aura on other people. He remembered that when he went to the Xiao Clan earlier, these people should be masters of the Xiao Clan.

"It turns out that it was the Xiao Clan who appeared and fought with the Black Dragon Clan. No wonder there was such a strong aura fluctuation."

After the collision of moves, the breath that erupted, stirred up gusts of wind.

Whether it was the Xiao Clan or the Black Dragon Clan, Xiao Yi had no interest in the fight between the two parties, when he was planning to leave.

There was a **** clock in front of him, and Xiao Yi noticed the smell of acquaintances. Within this big clock, he didn't know what happened.

"What is going on? Who is trapped inside?"

The power of the soul quickly condenses, and with the improvement of the realm, the power of the soul today can penetrate this **** clock and penetrate the scene inside.

The situation in the clock gradually became clear, and Xiao Yi noticed the mask that the two were fighting to the end, and one of them was wearing a mask, exclaiming.

"It's him! He is fighting that Wanyanlie, this Wanyanlie is really difficult."

The mysterious facial makeup was difficult, and he was obviously caught in a passive situation. This time, the face was fierce, and the Dao Qi condensed a black dragon, plus this big bell, completely trapped inside and unable to escape.

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