Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3670: Who didn't count the cards

The grievances between Xiao Yi and the Xiao Clan were caused by Xiao Huaili and had nothing to do with other people.

In such a situation, you can just leave, and don't bother to participate.

But this mysterious man with facial makeup rescued him several times in dangerous situations. If he turns around and leaves at this time, it would be too unreasonable.

A **** clock locked the Facebook Man and Wan Yan Lie, both of them, Xiao Huaixin tried to attack several times, but did not break this magical artifact.

It can be seen that the origin of this thing is not ordinary, and with his current strength, it is actually powerless.

"Haha, I said that this is your own death. No one can escape from the bell."

Wan Yan Lie controlled the black dragon and continuously attacked. Xiao Huaixin was drawn before, and the blood in his body was surging, unable to maintain stability.

After continuing to consume like this, Xiao Huaixin knew that he would be consumed to death sooner or later. He didn't know what unique method this guy had used, and his strength had risen to this level in a short time.

"Really? I want to see how strong your cauldron can be."

"Stop struggling. No matter how you struggle, the result will be the same. It's better to save some effort than that."

Before the two were equal in strength, but now they are different. Wan Yanlie depleted his vitality and aroused the curse in his body.

Gaining greater power also means that he will have less and less time left, accelerating the spread and growth of the black line.

"Say such things to me, what are you!"

Xiao Huaixin suppressed the violent aura in his body, and no one had been able to hurt himself to this level. The opponent in front of him inspired his fighting spirit.

Since it is going to fight, then he will fight for a good time. At this point, he does not need to keep his own means.

"A dying person can no longer arouse my anger by saying anything."

"Today, the young master will let you take a look at what is meant by bowing and shooting a dragon. Just your innocent four-legged snake, I will let it break for me now."

Wan Yan Lie dismissed it, the dragon whose breath was condensed, the wound that had been pierced through his body was recovering little by little.

Until now, he had completely recovered to his original appearance, and his momentum had increased a bit. Xiao Huaixin was so weak and helpless in front of the dragon.

Facing this black dragon, he was about to swallow Xiao Huaixin with his mouth wide open, and Xiao Huaixin's gestures changed rapidly.

A bright light appeared from a ring on his finger, and then he saw Xiao Huaixin's hand holding a jet black long bow.

This bow is stored in the god's armory of the Xiao clan, and only those who have reached a certain level of strength can be qualified to go to the god's armory to select a weapon left by the ancestors.

The longbow was in the hands of the ancestors of the Xiao Clan, struggling to kill countless times. Even now, Xiao Huaixin could still feel the blood stained on this bow, exuding a strong smell of blood.

"this is……"

After seeing this longbow, the smile on Wan Yanlie's face gradually disappeared. He felt a trace of fear from this magical soldier, and attacked him.

Without a last resort, Xiao Huaixin would not take this thing out, but now it is different, he must get rid of this predicament, and even kill Wan Yan Lie in front of him.

"Keep your dog's eyes wide open, if you want to kill me, your ability is not enough!"

Xiao Huaixin grabbed the spear, and put a silver spear on the longbow. At this moment, the spear turned into feathers.

The tendons and bowstrings of special beasts can only be pulled by practitioners, and those with weak strength can't even pull the bowstring.

In order to exert the power of this bow, the bowstring must be fully drawn. Xiao Huaixin did not hesitate at all, putting a spear on the bowstring.

This bowstring instantly emptied Xiao Huaixin's whole body strength, and it was all concentrated in this blow.

"Break it for me!"

Wan Yan Lie had already expected the result, he hurriedly manipulated the black dragon, trying to avoid Xiao Huaixin's blow.

Under this circumstance, how could Xiao Huaixin leave him a chance to escape, the long spear had already locked the black flood dragon.

The moment the bowstring was released, the silver spear pierced the giant dragon head like a white rainbow. The black dragon couldn't avoid it, and the spear penetrated the head.

After suffering such a blow, the most vulnerable part of this black flood dragon was the dragon head. Xiao Huaixin's blow penetrated a hole, and a violent aura poured into it.

Unable to maintain this form, the black dragon collapsed in an instant, turned into strands of black energy, and dissipated in front of Xiao Huaixin.

Wan Yanlie sacrificed his vitality, and Xiao Huaixin broke the trick he had brewed, which shows how deep Xiao Huaixin's strength is.

Staring at the man wearing a mask in front of him, he knew from the beginning that the masters of the Xiao Clan were like clouds, and with their current strength, they would definitely not be able to compete.

It is a pity that this kind of strength does not stand on his side. If there are many experts of this kind within the clan, then the plan of revenge will be much easier.

"I admit that you are indeed very strong, you have cracked my moves, but don't forget."

The fact that Wan Yanlie's moves were cracked did not mean that he had lost. He had always been on the superior side.

"Now you are still trapped in my magic weapon, and I also feel that after playing the trick just now, your breath is too weak."

Xiao Huaixin used 90% of his power in the previous blow, pulling the bowstring and shooting through the black dragon, which consumed too much energy.

Now that he can stand in front of Wan Yanlie, he is supporting with the last strength, and the final victory or defeat is about to be determined.

"As long as you are still trapped here, the victory will belong to me. After all, you are not my opponent."

Putting away the long bow in his hand, Xiao Huaixin showed a smile on his face. He laughed wildly a few times, laughing at the stupidity of the man in front of him.

Since he was planning to break the boat, how could he be so reckless, Xiao Huaixin had figured this out.

"Do you think your magic weapon is really indestructible?"

"What does this mean? Haven't you tried it before."

"Then look up now."

The long spear that Xiao Huaixin shot did not return to his hand for a long time. Wan Yanlie was awakened at this moment, and he looked up at the top.

A silver spear was already nailed to the body of the black clock. This was a magic weapon borrowed by Wan Yanlie. The sharp tip of the spear pierced a hole.

Although there was only such a small mouth, there were many cracks around the small mouth. As these cracks continued to spread and the condensed power dissipated little by little, the magic artifact would not be able to continue to maintain this form.

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