Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3671: One step short

It was only at this moment that Wan Yan Lie understood that the purpose of Xiao Huaixin's trick was other than killing the black dragon that he condensed.

More importantly, in order to break this magic weapon, I have always been curious, if the mysterious opponent in front of me concentrated all his power to break his own moves.

Then I was still trapped in it, so exhausted, how to deal with the pressure in this respect.

As long as he was trapped in a magic weapon, Wan Yanlie controlled everything, and finally understood the other party's intentions, but it was too late.

The long spear in Xiao Huaixin's hand, combined with the power of the divine bow, has increased its strength several times.

He knew that he wanted to kill Yan Lie, there was little possibility, so after thinking about it, he locked his goal this time on this **** clock.

After breaking the magic weapon, you can freely manipulate the circulation of external Dao Qi. Everything in the big bell is controlled by Wan Yanlie, unable to absorb Dao Qi from the outside, and cannot be supplemented in strength.

"It's just a magic weapon, I want to see, is it really so indestructible?"

Xiao Huaixin diverted Wan Yan Lie's attention, now the target was hit, and the spear pierced a small hole on the inner wall of the clock body.

As the cracks continue to spread, this magical instrument will soon be completely destroyed, and it takes too much energy and time to refine such a magical instrument.

If it were destroyed this time, Wan Yanlie couldn't go back and explain, he planned to put away the magical instruments, and then think of a way to deal with Xiao Huaixin.

The crack spreading on the inner wall suddenly stopped at the moment when it was about to collapse. The tip of the spear broke through a hole. ,

However, special prohibitions were set up inside the magical artifacts, and when they were damaged by powerful external forces, the prohibitions would punish themselves.

Once the prohibition is triggered, it will confidently resist damage from external forces, and extract the power of the internal space to repair the damaged part.

The target of drawing power, in addition to the ordinary, includes the living being trapped in it. Once the aura of the living person is extracted, the **** Daluo cannot be saved.

This is the horror of this **** clock. At this moment, Wan Yanlie is controlling the clock, and the clock will also have an impact on him.

"Haha... it seems that you are still a bit worse. I forgot to tell you that once this mouthful weapon is damaged by external forces, it will open an internal restriction."

Above the heads of Xiao Huaixin and Wan Yanlie, a magic circle appeared, and the circle was running on its own.

The moment Xiao Huaixin stopped from the crack, he had a premonition that the situation was beyond his expectations, and he was afraid that it was really troublesome this time.

"This formation will extract the essence of living people to make up for the damaged part of yourself. I have already said that all this is your own death."

After all, from above the great god, two rays of light spread downward to Xiao Huaixin and Wan Yan Lie.

The moment these two rays of light fell on his body, Xiao Huaixin felt that the power in his body was being taken away little by little.

It was like a greedy behemoth, trying to swallow the essence of his whole body, such an evil formation, Xiao Huaixin really hadn't seen it many times.

"There are such evil ways, no wonder your people are suffering from the weird disease of life-saving, all of this is because of your own sake, and such an end is deserved!"

"shut up!"

Wan Yan Lie raised his hand and struck out a black glow, which fell on Xiao Huaixin's body. Although Xiao Huaixin's Dao Qi was severely depleted, this body could still hold it.

After several black glows hit him, Wan Yanlie wanted to use this method to try to prevent Xiao Huaixin from pointing at his clan members. He would never think he was at fault.

Xiao Huaixin laughed a lot. He did not expect to be trapped inside at this moment. He looked at Wan Yan Lie.

"You and I don't seem to be any different. They are not much better than me. If you are trapped in it, you will die."

"I won't die."

Wan Yanlie laughed, how could he not notice this kind of thing, he would kill Xiao Huaixin, and he would definitely not involve himself in it.

"Don't forget that this magic weapon is controlled by me. With your half-dead look, how long you think you can last."

The essence of the two of them was sucked away by this formation, which made up for the cracks in the magic weapon, and was repairing them little by little.

"Once your essence is rushed, I will naturally stop the formation, which can be regarded as allowing your existence to play some role."

"Sure enough, it's a good calculation!"

Xiao Huaixin tried to struggle to get rid of the shackles of this formation, but the power of this formation was too strong.

The previous move used up too much power for him, so much that he can't afford much power at all now, and he is left at the mercy of this breaking formation method.

In a short while, the essence of the body was sucked away by 10%. If you don't want to find a way, you will die here sooner or later.

"Can I really escape this time?"

Wanyan Lie laughed, this time his opponent had no chance to turn defeat into victory.

All this will be over soon, and after he has cleaned up Xiao Huaixin, he will then go to deal with the outsiders of the Xiao clan.

Once he joins the battle, the previous unfavorable situation will be reversed immediately. Now it is only a matter of time.

"Don't struggle, you can't escape the end of death."

"is it?"

Suddenly another voice came from outside the bell.

The big clock that had penetrated the ban was able to penetrate directly and reach Wan Yanlie's ears.

To be able to do this, it takes so much soul power to do it, Wan Yanlie hurriedly raised his head and glanced.


At the critical moment, there must be no more mistakes. Wan Yanlie really thought beautifully.

Xiao Yi realized that the face mask man was in danger, and he had to find a way to save the person from it.

Putting aside some personal grievances, he jumped off the hillside and landed on the **** clock.

After carefully observing this magic weapon, there are many formations on it. With his current state, it is almost impossible to break it.

Fortunately, at a critical moment, Xiao Huai believed in the strength of his whole body, and penetrated a hole in this magic weapon.

The crack spread to the outside. With this crack, the situation is very different.

Putting up two fingers, the golden light on the fingertips of the fingers converged little by little, and Xiao Yi instilled 70% of his strength into this trick.

"It's just a piece of broken copper and broken iron. Now I will let you know that this thing is really bad!"

Xiao Huaixin in the big clock showed a smile on his face that was about to despair when he heard this familiar voice.

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