Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3672: Destroy the artifact

Every time when Xiao Yi was in danger, he appeared next to Xiao Yi to help him, but he didn't expect to be rescued by Xiao Yi this time.

"Boy, if you are not sure, don't get involved, hurry up and leave here and leave me alone."

Xiao Huaixin knew that it was Xiao Yi who had appeared, but he did not hold much hope for Xiao Yi, because this mouthpiece could not be easily destroyed.

"No matter how hard it is, I have to try it!"

Xiao Yi pointed out and landed on the hole that Xiao Huaixin had pierced with his spear before.

Jin Mang looked inconspicuously, what Xiao Yi cultivated was the mysterious Taoism created by Zi Xu himself, which means the Tao of heaven and earth.

As the fingers dimmed, Jin Mang infiltrated the crack, and the arrays set on the magical weapon had no resistance in front of Jin Mang.

Coupled with the fact that Xiao Huaixin's spear had broken a corner earlier, the formation could no longer be maintained at this moment, and the formation was gradually collapsing.

Wan Yan Lie also heard Xiao Yi's voice. He thought that Xiao Yi was just bluffing, and even the strength of the person in front of him couldn't break the restriction of this big bell.

With the strength of Xiao Yi now, how could it be possible, until this magic weapon, the inside became so turbulent, and the aura became violent.

The running formation gradually lost its effect. Xiao Huaixin, who was bound by the formation, recovered his freedom, only to foresee that the situation was not right, and the magic weapon was really broken by Xiao Yi.

"Damn it's not good!"

Wan Yanlie wanted to put away the artifact, if this continued, this artifact would really be scrapped.

Losing to his own carelessness, he killed a Xiao Yi halfway, and now it was too late to stop.

Inside the **** clock, cracks spread rapidly, losing its restraint, and it could no longer maintain this form.


In the end, it completely shattered and turned into pieces, falling in front of Wan Yanlie.

The **** clock is a magical artifact. The magical artifact itself is only less than the size of a palm. Seeing that the artifact is destroyed, Wan Yanlie's heart is bleeding.

He hurriedly picked up the fragments scattered on the ground and used it as a magic weapon to build this bell.

He had already ruined the magic artifact, thinking about bringing these fragments back, maybe that person would have a way to restore the magic artifact.

After the big clock collapsed, Xiao Huaixin jumped out for the first time and landed on a clearing.

The loss of strength, coupled with the extraction of some essence, softened his legs and quickly helped a tree stand firmly.

Xiao Yi broke open the magic weapon and saved the face mask man. He followed a few steps and jumped to Xiao Huaixin's side.

"Are you okay?"

"Let's see if I have anything."

"Can I see it with the mask? But guess your situation is terrible. Eat this first."

Take out a small celadon bottle with a pill that can restore vitality. This is made by a master at Breaking Xiaoshan Village.

Xiao Huaixin couldn't appreciate the pill of this quality. He took out a pill from his arms and swallowed it in his mouth through a mask.

Among the Xiao Clan, there are more masters in refining medicine, and I know that it is Xiao Yi's kindness, but his Dao Qi is seriously depleted, and even eating dozens of pills of this quality is not very effective.

After swallowing the pill for a few weeks, I feel that the power that has passed away in the body is gradually replenishing it. This time is much better.

Xiao Huaixin was almost broken in this place. Fortunately, Xiao Yi appeared in time to help him break this mouth open and get rid of this predicament.

"Okay, don't stare at me, I'm already much better. Thanks to your appearance this time, otherwise I will really be overcast by this grandson."

Xiao Yi scratched his head, as if he hadn't done much. It wasn't this mysterious man who broke a small hole with the magic weapon, and he couldn't break it from the outside either.

In addition to Wan Yanlie that Xiao Yi had seen, there were other masters of the Black Dragon clan at the scene, and the two sides became one.

However, it seems that the Xiao Clan has an advantage, and the seven people cooperated with each other tacitly, exploding with formidable strength, completely suppressing the side of the Black Dragon clan.

Three of the Black Dragon clan died, and the two were seriously injured. If they continue to fight, the result is not optimistic.

Wan Yanlie put away the broken magic weapon, although he was unwilling, but now he had to give an order to retreat.


An order was given to the members of the Black Dragon clan to follow Wan Yan Lie's order and alternately escape from the state of fighting.

One after another, they gathered towards Wan Yan Lie. After everyone gathered, Wan Yan Lie stared at Xiao Yi in front of him and the mysterious master beside Xiao Yi.

This battle was obviously lost on my own side, and a few clansmen died, not to mention, damaged a magic weapon, and I still don't know how to explain it later.

"I have written down Xiao Yi's account today. Sooner or later I will represent our people and ask you for it!"

After Wan Yan Lie made his own people cease the war, on the other hand, the Xiao people caught up.

Worried about any changes in this, his current state is not good, and he has to face a powerful Wanyanlie.

Once there is any change after catching up, there is no room for turning back. At this time, Xiao Huaixin prevented the pursuit from continuing.

"Stop it all."

The seven members of the Xiao Clan stopped beside Xiao Huaixin, and they absolutely obeyed Xiao Huaixin.

Wan Yanlie put down a ruthless word, turned around and left here with his own people. The battle that broke out finally came to an end at this moment.

Xiao Huaixin quickly regained his strength, and killing the three of the Black Dragon Clan this time was a victory.

There was also a minor injury on the Xiao Clan's side, and an easy victory would not dizzy him. Xiao Huaixin was thinking about a problem.

"Why didn't the master order to catch up? Today, let the remnants of the Black Dragon clan not be able to leave here alive."

"Give us another half an hour to make sure they come back and forth."

Xiao Huaixin put away his spear and rarely touched other people in real life. This time he was really happy.

Wan Yanlie can be regarded as a strong opponent, besides what he considers is a more long-term direction.

"The previous master of the Black Dragon clan has the same strength as mine, but I don't know what he did next, and he doubled his strength."

With the strength of Wan Yan Lie before, Xiao Huaixin could easily deal with him, and he might not be able to kill Wan Yan Lie.

At least he would not fall into the previously embarrassing situation, he can be sure of what means Wan Yanlie used, which may be related to the secrets of the Black Dragon clan.

"If we push them in a hurry, we may use any other means. I will not do this kind of thing that kills one thousand enemies and hurts one hundred and eight hundred."

Xiao Huaixin is responsible for the lives of his tribe, unlike Wan Yanlie, who sees his tribe's life as if it is grass.

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