Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3675: Residual trouble

He Yunguang left the Qinggang and his people became more cheerful. Now he is helping Xiao Yi to do things without worrying about the mess on the road.

Not only did he buy a house with the savings he had accumulated before, but also bought a new car for Zheng Siyu, which was considered settled.

I came to see Xiao Yi for the first time, and by the way inform Xiao Yi of the news of his marriage, he now has all this from Xiao Yi.

"Thanks to you Xiao Yi, I got out of the quagmire of the Qing Gang, and now I also live a normal life."

He Yunguang excitedly took out a wedding invitation from his arms, held it in both hands and handed it to Xiao Yi.

"Oh...have all the wedding invitations been written? You two are too fast, so are you planning to work behind closed doors to create villains?"

The date written on the wedding invitation was just half a month later on June 9th, which happened to be the day when Xiao Ya's college entrance examination ended.

Regardless of He Yunguang being such a big person, it's okay to joke with friends around him, it's his turn to sit shyly and scratch his head.

"I don't have this plan yet, I'll talk about it after we get married."

"Seeing what you are now, someone who is almost forty years old finally wants to have a home. In the future, you should not participate in the fight and kill, and it is best to stay away."

He Yunguang's current state is very good. The old He of the Han family had once approached Xiao Yi once, and wanted to intercede for his nephew.

There is no hope with Lu Qingshan, maybe he will go in any time, if this leaves any bad record, there will be no chance to re-behave in the future.

Lao He is a relatively hard-tempered person. He didn't want to disturb Xiao Yi because of his personal affairs. He didn't explain to Xiao Yi, but Xiao Yi could see through Lao He's intentions.

"If you have a family, you have to think about it for the sake of your family. There is also the two of you. If you have time, go see Uncle He."

Lao He has worked in the Han family for a lifetime. He has never found a woman and has no children of his own. Every time Xiao Yi goes to the Han family, Lao He treats him as kindly as his own children.

When a person is old, he hopes that someone around him can talk. He Yunguang understands this and pats his chest.

"Xiao Yi, don't worry, my dad left early. Uncle He has been taking care of me since he was young. Now he is old. For the rest of the day, I will give him his retirement."

"I believe you can do it. After the wedding banquet for the two of you, I must go to the banquet on time."

Xiao Yi accepted the wedding invitation, and He Yunguang in front of him had completely cut off his relationship with the life he had used to. From now on, he will live a stable life with one heart and one mind.

A man and a man sit together, and those who are silent on weekdays will also become talkative.

When the two were chatting, it would be better for a woman not to be present, so Zheng Siyu found an excuse to visit the garden of Xiao Yi.

There were only two of them left in the living room, and He Yunguang's face began to show some different looks.

Looking at him just now, I knew something was going on, and Xiao Yi's experience was also rich. People around me could guess what was in their minds.

"After all, Zheng Siyu is not here, so just say what you have. I feel uncomfortable looking at it with a twisted look."

He Yunguang came to send a wedding invitation to Xiao Yi, and at the same time there was something else, he wanted to discuss with Xiao Yi.

"You can see it, Xiao Yi actually knows it. If I sit down and let me go to serious work, I will become very uncomfortable."

"What you mean by this seems to be dissatisfied with the errand I arranged for you."

Xiao Yi made a pot of tea, anyway, in the past few days, he was idle at home and was idle, chatting with He Yunguang.

"No, no, I didn't mean that."

He Yunguang hurriedly waved his hand and said that it was a good result for a person like him to be able to do what he is now.

He had a stable job. He had left the Green Gang beforehand. If Lu Qingshan died, He Yunguang would still be in the Green Gang.

After uncovering those old foundations of the Green Gang, even if He Yunguang didn't participate in some of his things, he was innocent.

It's just that you are stuck in the mud, what qualifications and credentials do you have to prove your own position, the result will inevitably be locked in for several years.

"Xiao Yi is the one who helped me and got rid of Lu Qingshan's control. I thank you for being too late. How could I be blamed."

"Then what do you mean by this?"

He Yunguang drank a cup of tea and looked up at Xiao Yi, his expression becoming extremely solemn.

He has followed Xiao Yi now, and Xiao Yi has given him a new future, but He Yunguang is a strong person in his bones, and he doesn't want to just live with the help of others.

Especially when there was still a lot of mess on Xiao Yi's side waiting to be cleaned up, after thinking twice, He Yunguang made a decision.

"I have something to do with Xiao Yi. I thought about it for a long time and planned to bring it up with you, but I said this, I'm afraid you won't agree."

"If so, then don't say anything."

"No way!"

Xiao Yi couldn't stop He Yunguang, He Yunguang had to say this, and it was now.

He Yunguang stayed in City F, and all the rumors circulating outside could not escape his ears. He knew all of these rumors.

"Xiao Yi, you should know that from the moment Lu Qingshan died, the Qing gang was completely collapsed, and the trees fell and scattered. Those who used to follow Lu Qingshan each went to find their own way out."

When these people were in Lu Qingshan's glory, they had meat with Lu Qingshan. After Lu Qingshan fell, they fled immediately. Everyone knew that they were waiting for death if they stayed.

The police will find out their details, and once they have all been found out, it will be too late to escape.

"Lu Qingshan is dead. After the Qing Gang's power has dispersed, there is still a part of it. These people have been active in City F."

"How did you know?"

"Don't forget that although I left the Qinggang, I still have my own eyeliner staff in City F. This kind of news is easy to detect."

Xiao Yi didn't feel strange, because sooner or later, there will always be some restless people trying to get involved behind your back.

This is what He Yunguang worries about. Those who once followed Lu Qingshan are now desperadoes and fleeing around.

"I heard the news that these people have counted the downfall of the Youth Gang on your body. They seem to be planning something to retaliate against you."

Xiao Yi didn't take these shrimp soldiers and crabs to heart. They were just a gang of mobs and couldn't make any climate.

How many powerful opponents have died in Xiao Yi's hands, even if this group of people want to attack themselves, they will understand that this is completely self-seeking.

"Don't worry, there will be nothing to do with me. If they dare to come, I promise to clean up everything if they don't stay."

"No...Xiao Yi, you can't think so."

He Yunguang interrupted Xiao Yi's words, this matter must not be careless, because it is related to the safety of life.

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