Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3676: I want to redeem

Xiao Yi was the person he valued most. He didn't want Xiao Yi to have any accidents, he said immediately.

"I know that you are indeed very strong. Even ten Lu Qingshan may not be your opponent, but you must not forget that there is such a saying that it is easy to hide a spear and an arrow to prevent it."

"Did something happen to make you so vigilant?"

He Yunguang nodded, Lu Qingshan died of the Qing gang left behind, and the work was handed over to He Yunguang regarding the liquidation of the remaining goods.

Through the data on the list and the remaining things, everything can be found.

"When I was liquidating a batch of arms of the Youth Gang, an unexpected situation occurred."

He took out a list and handed it to Xiao Yi, where the problematic areas were individually marked, and you could understand what was going on at a glance.

Some of the above data is marked with a red pen, and the other list is the order quantity.

"This batch of munitions is missing 36 pistols, 13 micro-charges, and two boxes of high-explosive grenades."

He Yunguang checked all the items on the list one by one, and there must be no calculation errors or omissions.

Xiao Yi took the list, and he understood the consequences of such an important question.

If these unrecovered arms fall on a force, it is entirely possible to organize a team. The existence of such a force is a huge threat.

"Who else knows about this problem?"

"The local public security agency and I have already reported. After they recorded this, they knew the seriousness of the matter and temporarily blocked the news."

"They did it right. They must find out this batch of things, even if they are thrown into the steelmaking furnace, they must find out where they went."

This is what He Yunguang wants to say. He and Xiao Yi have already had an idea in their hearts.

Xiao Yi stared at his face, finally knowing why He Yunguang would say that, and sat up and leaned against the sofa.

"It seems you already have an idea, don't you?"


He Yunguang resolutely said that he has a best way to solve this trouble.

"Tell me."

"Xiao Yi, you should be able to guess that this batch of arms must be in the hands of the remnants of the Green Gang. They got the arms, but they have been silent. They should be afraid to act. They are also afraid of attracting the attention of the police. "

That's right, the remnants of the Qing Gang finally escaped, becoming desperadoes, fleeing everywhere.

The last thing I want is to be caught by the police. The things they committed were enough to cost them a heavy price.

The reason why there was no action was because these people gathered together and had a new plan. He Yunguang speculated.

"I thought that if I were one of these people, I wouldn't want to confront the police. The only thing worth taking a risk is to be the one with a big vote in the end."

He Yunguang looked at Xiao Yi. Obviously, this big vote was the most suitable for Xiao Yi.

"Xiao Yi, you are now a successful person. If you have money and status, the most important thing is that the Qing Gang is destroyed by you. They hate you deeply."

"You are right, so you think this group of people will attack me?"

"With your strength, they will definitely not do this, but the people around you are different."

In front of Xiao Yi's absolute strength, those people who ran over were also dying. They either didn't do it, or if they wanted to do it, they would choose an easy target.

Looking at the munitions data on the list, Xiao Yi frowned. The existence of these munitions is more troublesome than those of the Black Dragon clan.

This group of people will not use such despicable means to worry about their own safety, but the relatives around them are different.

He Yunguang asked him to bring up this matter this time, and it must have his intentions. At this time, I might as well listen to and see what else he would say.

"Tell me about your plan."

"This is what I told you before, Xiao Yi, I want to take a risk, contact these people and find where they hide."

Xiao Yi shook his head and denied He Yunguang's thoughts. He did it as if he was going to die.

"Your proposal won't work. Don't forget that you used to leave the Youth Gang. How can those people believe you now?"

"I have my way. You don't worry about this, Xiao Yi."

He Yunguang walked on the Jianghu Road for more than 20 years, and he had a thorough view of the things inside. This group of people would not be so clear about their grievances.

To live in hiding all day, what they need most is a sum of money to support their actions. If there is no money, nothing can be done.

He Yunguang can help with this, and based on his speculation, he can probably know where these people will be.

"You can tell me your method, and I will take a trip for you."

Xiao Yi could change his appearance and ensure that those people would not see the flaws. In this way, He Yunguang would not have to take risks.

"No, they are very vigilant. Once something is noticed, it may cause irreparable consequences."

This time, He Yunguang had made up his mind, and no one could change his decision. There was one thing in his heart that he had never told Zheng Siyu.

The reason why He Yunguang joined the Qinggang at the beginning was because he had to embark on a path of no return, the world is so big, that is, places like the Qinggang can take him in.

"Xiao Yi, don't you know, I stopped reading when I was seventeen, and went to work as a coolie on a construction site. Because I had a dispute with a worker, I was angry and severely injured him."

He Yunguang was still a child at that time, a steel bar fell, and the man fell to the ground, the ground was full of blood.

Panicked for a while, hurriedly dropped things and ran away, leaving the construction site and the city without looking back.

"I became a criminal and lived in hiding all the way. Those employers need ID cards. I can only find odd jobs."

In order to avoid being chased by the police, He Yunguang has been living in fear all these years. Whenever he hears the sound of a police siren at night, he will be awakened immediately.

This kind of life didn't know how long it would last until he met Lu Qingshan, who was valued by Lu Qingshan because of his strength and steady work.

He had always had his previous position, but in He Yunguang's heart, the nightmare that had hurt people at the beginning, would not let go of the haunting him.

"I have been dreaming all these years. The worker who dreamed of me was covered in blood and wanted to come to me for revenge."

"I didn't expect you to have such an experience before."

"It's all because I was young and ignorant at the time, which led to the current consequences. When my father died, my son didn't dare to go back and see him for the last time."

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