Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3677: Manipulated

He Yunguang was really tired, trying to find a way to end the nightmare in his heart, until the fall of the Qinggang, he faced the police for the first time.

Coupled with the previous getting along with Zheng Siyu, he felt it was time to let these things come to an end, and finally plucked up the courage to confess all this to the police.

When all these were said, He Yunguang had never felt so relaxed, even if the police sentenced him, he had already admitted.

"According to what I said, the police called out the accident that year, only to know that my worker was not dead, and was sent to the hospital for rescue."

He Yunguang had seen this person a few days ago and he personally apologized. Even if he could not be forgiven by the other party, he had done everything he should do.

If a person lives or not, the case has a new definition. He Yunguang has been responsible for helping to investigate the Qinggang.

In addition to the ammunition that was lost this time, the police gave He Yunguang a chance to do meritorious service, that is, to let He Yunguang cooperate with the police to find out all the arms and those people who had secretly hidden the arms.

Such a major event cannot be announced to the outside world. If ordinary people outside know about it, it will cause great confusion.

The police wanted to quietly resolve this threat in the dark, and He Yunguang also agreed. He would use his actions to atone for his previous crimes.

"The police finally gave me this opportunity, so Xiao Yi, I have to grasp it, and don't want Zheng Siyu to know that I have had this experience in the past."

Xiao Yi understood why He Yunguang was so resolute this time. He wanted to put an end to his past.

"I know what you think in your heart, but how sure will you be if you do this?"

"I don't know, but I'm going to try it."

"Since you have decided, then I won't stop you. If you encounter a situation that you cannot cope with, call me in time."

Xiao Yi told He Yunguang that he finally had such a capable manpower and didn't want him to die like this.

"The big deal is the worst. I will hire the best lawyer for you and try to get in for a few years."

"Thank you, I will definitely complete this task. If even these people can't handle it, I am not He Yunguang."

In order to give his past an end and give Zheng Siyu a stable future, he must do this.

The remaining forces of the Youth Gang received a batch of arms. If he attacked the people around Xiao Yi, He Yunguang didn't want to see this scene. It was Xiao Yi who let him escape the sea of ​​suffering, and he was willing to pay his life for Xiao Yi.

Those who followed Xiao Yi had such thoughts in their hearts, and everything they had was given by Xiao Yi.

The last time Xiao Yi met Edward, he had agreed to meet at Edward's private villa, but an accident happened.

At the meeting place, a private villa was razed to the ground. For Edward, there was not much loss.

What made Edward care about was this powerful opponent who wanted to compete with him for the arms business and completely disrupted the originally orderly underground arms business.

Previously, he controlled the amount of arms that he exported. The amount of arms was restricted. If he couldn't buy arms and lost powerful weapons, the outbreak of fighting would be much reduced.

Now it's completely changed. There is no limit to the number of munitions. All kinds of new equipment and powerful long-range artillery have flowed into the mercenary battlefield.

There are wars everywhere and constant frictions of all sizes. Edward has controlled the arms business for more than 20 years, and more than 20 years have reduced the scope of the mercenary world by two-thirds.

Under the stimulus of the arms business, it is about to return to its previous scale. Those areas that were originally calm have also been drawn into it by artillery fire, and the battle has never stopped.

Xiao Yi knows what kind of opponent he will face this time. He has already told Edward that if Edward thinks the opponent is strong this time, he can terminate arms cooperation.

Edward is also a man of temper. The more someone threatens him, he wants to see what these people can do with himself.

Not only did not stop the arms business with Xiao Yi, but even published news on major media news in the world.

Announced that in the future, in the mercenary world, it will cooperate with the Lengjian Mercenary Corps, and all arms business will be authorized to the Lengjian Mercenary Corps.

The price of arms is determined by the Lengjian mercenary group. This time Edward put his arms business on a newcomer mercenary group, which made many people unable to understand what the purpose of this was.

In the mercenary world, the top five big bosses are all qualified to cooperate with Edward, but they have no chance. Some people are saying that Edward made a confused decision.

A cargo ship docked at the pier, with a special sign on its hull, and the flag hanging on it had the Edward family logo.

The cargo ship broke down and stopped. At this time, a group of people was waiting at the pier to welcome the arrival of the cargo.

Xu Qiang leaned against a jeep and lost a right arm. Some living habits need to be adjusted.

He had to change his hand when he smoked. After adjusting for a while, his body recovered.

Following Xu Qiang was Perod, who had left the Flame Mercenary Group before, and is now the deputy of the Cold Sword Mercenary Group.

Perod did not expect that there would be today, and left the flame mercenary group he had worked so hard to cultivate and chose to follow a team of newcomers.

From the body of this team, he saw the powerful combat effectiveness, in addition to the deep friendship between teammates, which was not available in the previous flame mercenary group.

"its not right!"

Perod had used a telescope to observe the cargo ship before, and when the cargo ship landed, he noticed some abnormalities.

"what happened?"

Xu Qiang lit a cigarette, and Perod gave him the telescope and pointed at the cargo ship way.

"Where is the cargo on this cargo ship?"

"It must be on the ship, where else can the cargo go."

The cargo ship has stopped at the shore, but no one has disembarked to take over the work. From this point of view, it is very abnormal.

Perod has noticed that there will always be someone on the cargo ship to take care of it, because the ship is carrying arms, so there must be no mistakes in this kind of cargo.

But there was not even a guard on the ship. When this happened, Perrod guessed that there might be something wrong with this shipment.

"Something's wrong, let's go up!"


Xu Qiang waved his hand, and other people waiting on the dock followed behind him.

A group of people boarded the cargo ship, and the cargo ship drew ashore for a long time. What happened?

Everyone got on the boat, and there was no ghost shadow on the empty deck, and no one was found after searching.

Someone yelled for a few times without any response. At this time, Xu Qiang made a new discovery at a position on the ship's side.

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