Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3678: Weird scene

Leaning over and looking at the traces left on the side of the ship, he touched it a few times with his fingers, and Perod, who was on the side, followed.

"The blood stains have dried up. It seems that this happened for a while."

A blood stain appeared on the ship's gunwale. The blood stain appeared to be a human finger, which was scratched and left behind.

Perrod put his finger in his mouth, dipped some saliva, and put it on the dried blood, hesitating for a moment.

"At least six hours or more."

"Six hours? Six hours ago, we contacted, could it be that time..."

Xu Qiang shook his head and didn't dare to think about it anymore. This was the Edward family's cargo ship.

The vicious pirates on the sea did not dare to attack the cargo ship, but this time there was an accident.

Perod saw something vaguely from the present signs, looking forward.

"Go, let's go to the cab!"

The ship is coming, at least the person driving the cargo ship should be alive, otherwise the ship will not be able to reach the dock.

The two quickly arrived at the wheelhouse of the cargo ship. After entering the wheelhouse, they saw three of them were in charge of operating the cargo ship.

The instruments on the ship indicate that everything is operating normally and there is nothing special about it.

It's just that the cab is too quiet, and it's a bit horrible.

Xu Qiang walked a few steps forward. Ask the living here to find out what happened.

"Hey! My friend, what happened here before? Where did the people on the deck go?"

Xu Qiang stepped forward and patted someone on the shoulder, but this person did not respond, nor did he answer Xu Qiang's question.

Taking into account the linguistic reasons, Xu Qiang asked Perod to ask, and Perod grabbed a person's shoulder and turned around.

"I go!"

Xu Qiang was shocked by the scene before him, and he couldn't help but step back a few steps.

I saw this man's hands were still operating the buttons on the boat, but his eyes, like dried salted fish, had no breath of life at all.

I couldn't hear what Xu Qiang said, except for this person, the other two people were in the same situation.

"How is this going?"

Xu Qiang shook his hand in front of a few people, and there was no movement at all. Xu Qiang even slapped their faces with a hand.

They don't know the pain, if they let go, they will continue to return to their jobs and operate the cargo ship.

Perod frowned. This was the first time he encountered this situation. After a test, all three people breathed.

"I don't know what's wrong, but those masters around you may have an explanation."

"That's right, you can only ask my master what happened to this kind of thing. Could it be that the ship was scammed while sailing?"

Without a reasonable explanation, Xu Qiang could only think so, but how could this evil be made clear, so he could only go to Duan Zhisheng.

Three people were found in the driver's cab, but they were similar to the dead. They couldn't ask anything without waking up. At this moment, the other people in charge of the search had results.

"The captain is in trouble this time, all the cargo on the ship has disappeared."


Xu Qiang didn't want to hear such a result, and he was really guessed right by Perrod. There was a problem with the ammunition originally carried on this ship.

"Anyone who dares to touch Edward's goods is too courageous."

All the munitions on the cargo ship had disappeared. This is the fourth batch of cargo that Edward gave to Xu Qiang.

The previous cooperation was good, and there had never been any accidents. How weird things happened today makes Xu Qiang a little confused.

Perod carefully inspected the traces on the scene. The cargo ship's cabin, including on the deck, was missing.

There was such an accident just after the cooperation. Many people are staring at this piece of fat in the arms business and want to **** it from Xu Qiang.

"It seems that this batch of arms was taken away by someone."

"I have already sent a message to my master to come over. He may be able to figure out something from the traces of the scene."

Duan Zhisheng was also in this city, and Xu Qiang took someone to the dock to pick up the goods. He didn't follow this easy thing.

It happened at this time that an accident happened. On the entire ship, he found several people in the control room, and the others disappeared.

Perrod frowned and realized the seriousness of the incident. The ship was Edward's cargo, and someone had moved on Edward's cargo.

If this matter spreads out, there will surely be someone mocking the Lengjian Mercenary Corps, who can't even see their own door, what kind of climate can it become?

"Find it again carefully, don't let go of any corners, there are so many people on the boat, I don't believe that there are only three living dead."

There were no signs of fighting at the scene, except for the blood on the ship's side, all other places were clean.

"Captain Xu Qiang, I guess that someone sneaked into this cargo ship from the side of the ship. They solved the people who were standing guard on the deck in advance, so blood stains would be left on the side of the ship."

"You mean, maybe others are still alive?"

"You can only look for it first, maybe you will find something."

In such a big situation, if the truth behind the incident cannot be found, Xu Qiang cannot explain it to Edward.

General Edward gave Xu Qiang the arms sales business because he had an unusual relationship with Xiao Yi and had little to do with Xu Qiang.

The cooperation between the two parties had just begun, and there was a major accident in this fourth batch of cargo. Perod personally took the people and searched it again in the cabin.

The entire ship has been searched, and there is still no discovery. The good-natured big living person can't disappear out of thin air.

Where did the people on these ships go? Perrod went to the galley of the cargo ship. There are places to cook on the large cargo ships to ensure the crew's food.

In addition to offending, it will be equipped with a freezer to store fresh ingredients. Perod accidentally saw that the door of the freezer opened a crack.

There was a slight movement and instinctive reaction. Perrod drew a short gun from his waist and walked to the door of the freezer.

Opening the door and stepping into it, the gun was turned around, and the scene in front of him shocked Perod.

"Captain, I found it. It's in the freezer."

"Okay, I'll go over immediately."

Xu Qiang rushed over with someone, entered the freezer, and saw this scene, with the same expression as Perod.

"How is this going?"

The freezer was crammed with people, all of whom were crew members on the ship, huddled together in clothes.

The outermost one is not decent, the hair and clothes are covered with a layer of hoarfrost, and the refrigerator is still working, constantly blowing air-conditioning.

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