Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3680: The news

To deal with these crew members on the ship, there are three highly capable practitioners who can deal with it. The people on the ship don't even know how they died.

"Perhaps there are people who are stronger than me, and the situation is the same on the freezer side. They all have illusions, so even if the door is open, they would not think of escaping from it."

"It's a weird technique. If these practitioners really have such terrifying strength, how can ordinary people like us fight with them?"

Xu Qiang couldn't help but start to worry. They can only take advantage when they take the gun. If they put down the gun, they are not the opponent of these practitioners.

Before Xu Qiang and Duan Zhisheng played against each other, Duan Zhisheng only needs one hand to deal with him. Duan Zhisheng still used a few percent of his strength.

This is indeed a question worth thinking about. Anyone will have such thoughts in their hearts. Duan Zhisheng and Xu Qiang said something he didn't know.

"It's not as serious as you think. In the world of cultivators, in fact, a rule has already been laid down, that is, you can't do anything to ordinary people casually, otherwise this is a violation of the rules."

Practitioners can use their own strength to do things to uphold justice. It is clearly stipulated that they cannot interfere with the lives of normal people.

"Now that these people are doing this, they are obviously breaking this set of regulations. I'll talk to Xiao Yi on this matter."

The matter was of great importance. He could not make up his mind alone. Duan Zhisheng wanted to tell Xiao Yi to see what strategy Xiao Yi would have to deal with.

"I think this accident on the cargo ship is just the beginning, and they will continue to do it in the future."

Duan Zhisheng guessed that with absolute strength suppression, they would not be afraid of anything at all.

Xu Qianggang's business with the Edward family has a line, and this line of business is really not so easy to control.

There are always some people who are doing their hands and feet behind their backs, which prevents you from being able to survive. Ordinary opponents are okay. Facing such practitioners, he can't do anything.

Xu Qiang did not disclose the news that the cargo ship was hijacked. Once the news was revealed, it was the Lengjian Mercenary Group's order that was lost.

There are no impervious walls in this world, especially Xu Qiang's activities. Someone has already watched them. When the cargo ship was not approaching the dock, news had already spread.

Freeman just bought a new batch of arms. The price of these arms is not much different from when Drake was in the arms business before, and some were even cheaper.

But when the arms are sold to others, they are not at this price. He can get such a discount. Freeman knows very well that this is because of Jok's loose mouth over there.

Those people who came here were just running errands. Without Jok, he gave them dozens of courage and did not dare to lower the price privately to sell them. He received this love.

After the arms handover, Freyman encountered a terrifying opponent like Xiao Yi in his previous actions against the Xu Qiang mercenary group, causing his people to suffer heavy losses.

After returning, the strength of the flame mercenary group fell from fifth to sixth in the mercenary world, and sooner or later it would fall out of the top ten.

A batch of new-style munitions previously purchased from Jock increased the firepower of the Flame Mercenary Group by several levels. In the next few battles, the Flame Mercenary Group almost won the battle.

After establishing his own fame, many newcomers joined, which improved the overall strength of the Flame Mercenary Group and returned to the fifth position again.

Freeman now understands a truth. If his flame mercenary group wants to continue to expand, it needs to have a good relationship with Jock.

Sure enough, as Jock said, Jock took over the arms business and openly confronted the Edward family. Seventy percent of the munitions in the underground market came from Edward.

The remaining less than 30% is Edward's market share. Edward originally occupied more than 90% of the market. Now he has fallen into this situation, and Freeman doesn't care what happened here.

"I have received the goods from Mr. Jock. I am quite satisfied with this batch. You can get the latest equipment even with Mr. Jock."

Freeman called Jock to thank him personally, and will count on Jock in the future, taking advantage of this time to treat him.

There are no eternal friends or enemies in this world, there are only interests.

"It's just some ordinary goods, Freeman. I heard that you have fought a few turnaround battles recently. Congratulations here."

"Mr. Jock joked, my flame mercenary group, if you don't have the supply of your Mr. Jock's arms, I can't recover so quickly."

"I said that I am a businessman, and what a businessman values ​​is making money. The strength of your mercenary group shows that you lead people well."

Jock exchanged a few words with Freeman. He had just arranged for someone to do a major event. I am afraid that even Edward would not have thought of this. Jock sent someone to steal the Edward family ship. arms.

Before the change, Jock couldn't even think about it. In the face of the powerful strength of the Edward family, he could not breathe suppressed, and could only be wronged when he encountered trouble.

Until a big man found him and asked him to help with things, Jock stood up, and even Edward ignored him.

"Freman, what I told you before, you should remember."

Jock reminded Freman, how could Freman dare to forget such an important matter.

"Even if you don't tell Mr. Jock, I have always kept this in mind. Now that my flame mercenary group has recovered, I will start a crazy revenge plan."

Freeman would never forget that it was all because of the appearance of this Chinese mercenary group that had caused him many times to lose face and suffered heavy losses.

Coupled with the defect of his deputy, leaving the flame mercenary group and joining the opponent's camp, it made Freman even more angry.

"But on this matter, Mr. Jock, you need to give me some time, because Xu Qiang is cooperating with Edward. The arms business originally has a lot of room for profit. I guess his strength has also improved a lot."

The last time he suffered a loss, Freeman didn't want to fall down twice in the same place this time. He had to deal with Xu Qiang, but he needed a ten percent certainty.

Everyone has seen that the powerful combat effectiveness of this rookie mercenary group, especially the cooperation with Edward, the new equipment, will definitely be used on their own body in the first time.

Freeman had to face this point. He wanted to wipe out Xu Qiang in one fell swoop. It seemed that it was not so easy. This matter needed to be considered for a long time.

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