Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3681: Help Xiao Yi

"Hehe... I don't think you need to worry about this."

"Oh? What do you mean by that?"

"If I hadn't expected it to be wrong, the arms that Edward provided to Xu Qiang this time may not be delivered to Xu Qiang's hands on time."

There is another meaning in Jock's words, which is clearly to tell Freeman that the business between Edward and Xu Qiang is not as simple as he thought.

"Mr. Jock, are you..."

"I'm just guessing. As for whether it is like I said, I naturally can't know."

The matter is very important, and Jock has already said what he should have said. He does not want to tear his face with Edward, so he will not talk about it to others publicly.

Just let Freeman understand that the arms business that Xu Qiang took over is indeed very profitable, but at the same time it may also be a hot potato.

Jock is a capitalist, and what he values ​​most is the word profit. How can he look at such a large market and let others occupy a part of it.

"Understood, I understand what Mr. Jock means."

"It's good for you to understand this. Next, I hope you will take practical actions to return my respect for you."

"Don't worry, Mr. Jock, with your arrangement, I promise that this newcomer mercenary group will not exist for long in the mercenary world."

Freeman hung up the phone with excitement. It seems that Jock will help to solve the biggest worry, so he doesn't need to worry about it next.

Thinking of Edward's arms, there was an accident during the delivery process. Such important news will definitely come in the news media or on the trail.

With this in mind, he felt that it was necessary to find someone to verify the truth of the news. If it was true, it means that this Jock is not only a little bit powerful, but even Edward's goods are daring to do it.

"Go find someone to find out if there is anything wrong with Edward's cargo ship on the dock."

Freeman arranged for someone to investigate the news, but he hoped that this was true. Losing the arms business was like cutting off Xu Qiang's arm.

There was a major accident on the cargo ship carrying arms. This incident was reported to the news as soon as possible. Xiao Yi was attending an important meeting in the company.

As the chairman of the company, it is very rare for him to appear in the company. The operation and decision-making of the company are determined by Wang Rong.

Some people even wonder whether the chairman of Tamron Group exists or not. The newcomer who has worked in the company for a long time has never seen this mysterious figure.

Sitting in the conference room, listening to Wang Rong's new project planning, it was like listening to the heavenly scriptures, and Xiao Yi almost fell asleep.

The phone vibrated in his pocket. He took it out and saw that Duan Zhisheng was calling, so he talked to several shareholders of the company, and went out to answer the phone first.

"Okay, let's continue the meeting."

Wang Rong organized this meeting and asked Xiao Yi to participate in order to deepen people's impression of the chairman.

The company couldn't even catch a ghost shadow of Xiao Yi, and didn't expect Xiao Yi to help. Xiao Yi walked out of the meeting room and turned around to an empty place.

"What happened? I know that under normal circumstances, you won't call me."

Xiao Yi understands Duan Zhisheng's temperament, and he has solved most of the problems he encountered. If he can't solve it, it shows that it is really a problem.

"Xiao Yi may be really in trouble this time. Edward had an accident with the ship carrying arms here. All the cargo on the ship was lost. Some crew members were also dead. Some people were still missing."

Afterwards, Xu Qiang counted the people on the ship. There should be 67 people on the ship before departure, and nearly half of them were missing.

On the vast sea, the result of these people disappearing must have been thrown into the sea. Perhaps at this time, everyone was digested in the shark's belly.

"Have so many people been missing? There has never been a mistake in the Edward family's business. Why this time, someone hit him with an idea."

This line of business Edward has been walking for many years, and there has never been any mistake. Those pirates galloping in the sea, encountering the Edward family cargo ship, must give in three points.

When Xiao Yi heard the news, he immediately thought about who it was that dared to do things like this.

"This is what I'm going to say to you next. Only three people were involved. All three of them were practitioners. They could have killed everyone, but some of them were left alive."

"Practitioner? If this is the case, this matter will become interesting."

The survivors who were sent to the hospital, after waking up, Xu Qiang asked them what happened before.

But no one can say it clearly. They all said that their minds were blurred, and they were in the hospital after waking up.

Being able to manipulate the minds of so many people, allowing so many people to enter the illusion at the same time, Duan Zhisheng guessed that his opponent was a person with extremely strong mental power, otherwise he would not be able to do this.

Spiritual power is the power of the soul that Xiao Yi cultivates, but there are differences in the theory, Xiao Yi thought of the words that the two had talked with Edward before meeting.

A mysterious expert had approached Edward and gave Edward a warning. Now it seems that this mysterious expert should be the Black Dragon clan.

As soon as he reached a cooperation with Edward, something happened to the cargo ship in a blink of an eye. Xiao Yi understood that the other party's purpose of leaving alive was to give him a warning and also to warn Edward.

"Does this threaten me? You want to let me get out of trouble and give up the mercenary."

The Lengjian Mercenary Corps was an important move for Xiao Yi. No matter how difficult he encountered, he still had to find a way to go.

After finally resolving the Freeman's threat, the Black Dragon clan appeared again in a blink of an eye to fight against it, making it clear that this did not want Xiao Yi to be idle.

"Xu Qiang finally got a foothold here. If he loses his arms business, I'm afraid he will meet Freman's revenge next time."

Duan Zhisheng was worried about this. The eyeliners sent by Freeman had been moving around their premises, and several of them caught alive.

All of their actions were monitored by Freeman, and the enmity united by the two mercenaries would sooner or later erupt a battle.

Therefore, the most important thing for Xu Qiang at the moment is to accumulate strength, and the arms business must be held tightly in his hands.

"I think you haven't reported to Edward about this, right?"

"I can't decide if such a major error has occurred. Besides, I can't get in touch with others."

It is most appropriate for Xiao Yilai to come forward, and he also needs to explain to Edward. If it weren't for Edward's insistence on cooperating with Xu Qiang, the situation today would not have happened.

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