Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3682: Common trouble

"Okay, I know, the one who should come will come eventually. These people dare to reach out to me. I want to see how capable they are."

These practitioners messed up the rules and acted on ordinary people without authorization. Since they did so, Xiao Yi would not be polite.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, he has a way, and instructed Duan Zhisheng to work harder in recent times and be sure to ensure the safety of personnel.

Xu Qiang's strength has not yet become the climate. After hanging up the phone, Xiao Yi didn't rush to call Edward, turned around and went downstairs to leave the company.

"Hey, where are you Mia?"

Xiao Yi received the news yesterday that Edward came to China to see his daughter.

Since Mia came to Huaxia, she has fallen in love with Huaxia's culture, especially the food of Huaxia.

I can’t eat enough of these special dishes every day. With the cooperation between the Edward family and Xiao Yi, she has become a representative of the Edward family.

If there was an important meeting, Mia would also attend, but this time her father came, so she didn't come.

"I'm with my father, gathering in the country."

Mia and Edward, father and daughter came to an empty grassland, where the scenery is good and the air is fresh.

It is suitable for taking a walk and looking at the scenery. It is a good choice than staying in an office.

"Send me a location, I'll go over and find you right away."

"Are you coming over? I'll send it to you now."

Mia sent a location message to Xiao Yi. After Xiao Yi received it, she drove towards this place.

The Black Dragon clan has existed for thousands of years, and Xiao Yi still hasn't known the strength of the cultivation base these years, but it is definitely impossible to support such a huge clan without sufficient financial and material resources.

Now they set their goal on Edward, and they really verified what Edward said. The real big names in this world are not on the rankings. They don't care about this kind of vain name.

Really powerful families have chosen to live in seclusion, but in this world, most of the hidden profiteering industries are closely related to them.

It is also a good choice for Edward to accompany his daughter to relax and walk around to see the scenery outside.

After receiving a call earlier, Mia became very excited in an instant. Apart from Xiao Yi, there is no other person in the world who can make her daughter so happy.

"Is it Xiao Yi's call?"

"How did you know, father."

"You can tell from your face, what did Xiao Yi call you to say?"

Mia told Edward what Xiao Yi had said, only that she would come and find her, and asked her father about it by the way.

Edward knows very well that Xiao Yi has no feelings for his daughter and treats him as an ordinary friend.

I have mentioned to Xiao Yi several times that if Xiao Yi accepts being the son-in-law of the Edward family, all Edward's estate will belong to him in the future.

I don't know how many people want to get such good conditions. Once they get the Edward family's property, they will have countless wealth.

With such advantages, Xiao Yi still refused, so Edward guessed that Xiao Yi should have come to him this time.

I am embarrassed to hurt his daughter's face, so he didn't say anything about it. After Xiao Yi arrived, he would understand this naturally.

After half an hour.

A black SUV came towards this side and stopped by a rice field.

Xiao Yi pushed the car door and walked forward. He already saw the shadows of Mia and Edward.

The father and daughter are on a stone bridge, beside them, there are professional bodyguards to protect their safety.

Strangers are forbidden to approach Edward within fifty meters, even ordinary people are not allowed, they are responsible for Edward's safety.

Edward can't afford any mistakes in their status. After Xiao Yi appeared, these bodyguards needed to check Xiao Yi as usual.

"Sorry Mr. Xiao Yi, you need to cooperate with our work."


If Xiao Yi wanted to kill someone, he didn't need those guns and knives at all, just having two hands was enough.

Not far away, Edward and Mia waved to Xiao Yi. After passing the inspection, Xiao Yi quickly stepped forward.

Dressed as an ordinary person, with a cowboy hat on his head, who would think that Edward in front of him would be the richest man in the world without those bodyguards.

"Edward, you are so laid-back. I thought I was a successful shopkeeper, but I didn't expect you to be more comfortable than me."

Edward stretched out a hand and smiled and shook hands with Xiao Yi.

"The Edward family's business will naturally be taken care of by someone. As the head of the family, the main thing I do is to select suitable talents and trust them."

"When will I be like you, completely let go of all this and enjoy it once."

There was another chill in Xiao Yi's words, and Edward understood it immediately. He looked at Mia beside him.

"It seems that you have something important to discuss with me, which can make you feel headache. This matter should be very heavy."

Edward just got the news. Although the cargo ship carrying the arms had an accident, the disappearance was temporarily suppressed and he did not tell Edward.

But now there has been news circulating outside. The news said that the Edward family's goods were robbed during transportation, and even half of the people on the ship were missing.

Paper can't contain fire, and behind this incident, someone was operating in secret.

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from you, I think you are so well informed, you must already know some."

"Yes, it's about the arms. Did you lose this batch of arms?"

Xiao Yi knew that someone like Edward had lost such an important thing in his arms, how could he not know at all.

The reason why he didn't call Xu Qiang to question was because of his own sake. Edward guessed that Xiao Yi would come and would give an explanation for this matter.

"I received a call from there before. The arms were lost and half of the people on board were missing."

Most of these people are missing, and the chance of surviving is almost zero.

Edward was not angry in front of Xiao Yi, and business matters were as if they were on the battlefield, changing rapidly and unpredictably.

No one wants to see such a thing happen, but since someone dared to do it, what should be done now is how to deal with it, and what kind of conspiracy will be behind it.

"According to the clues reported by my people, they should come from the same place as the mysterious person who visited you last time."

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