Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3688: Action initiated again

"I thought that this time, with the support of the Edward family's arms business, the strength of our mercenary group could be improved. How can I expect such a mistake to happen."

The rumors from the outside world have been heard, especially now that most people choose to buy arms with the Jock family.

Not to mention whether this trouble can be resolved smoothly, even if it is dealt with, after the next batch of arms arrives, it is estimated that there will be no market.

More than 90% were occupied by Jock, and there was not much room for profit in the remaining part.

"I really want to get out of my stance and do a good job."

"Your irritable temper, when can you change it? If everything can be solved in one fight, we don't need to be here anymore."

Jin Yiyang said, it is obvious that in terms of personal ability, who can be better than Xiao Yi.

The reason for the establishment of the mercenary group is to exercise the strength of this team and become stronger a little bit so that other forces cannot shake it.

"But are we waiting here?"

Qin Gang was going to die of suffocation. He was afraid of getting hurt during the war. If he was free, he would feel bored with nothing to do.

At exactly this moment, Xu Qiang came back from outside, brought the news he had heard, and came to Qin Gang.

"What are you talking about? Even if you want to be idle here, I'm afraid there is no such opportunity."

Xu Qiang asked Perod to convene people. Next, he had to make big moves, so he needed to sit down and discuss what to do.

"What's wrong with Xu Qiang? Are you going to fight?"

"You'll find out later."

After receiving the news, everyone in the Lengjian Mercenary Corps gathered in one room.

Except for Xu Qiang and Perod, everyone else doesn't know what's going on. It must be something big to bring everyone together.

Going out to investigate the news, Xu Qiang learned by the way, how much change Jock’s arms business has brought to the mercenary world this time.

There are wars everywhere, all kinds of small frictions continue, mercenaries have poured into it, and the battle here has changed drastically again, which is no longer human control.

When I came back, I just came across an eyeliner who came to probe Xu Qiang's actions, and after some interrogation, I learned an important news.

"Perod and I came back and grabbed a tongue. This person was sent by the Flame Mercenary Corps. He has eradicated the news he said. The Flame Mercenary Corps will launch a second attack on us in the most recent time."

Without Xiao Yi as a backer, coupled with the flame mercenary group, and Joke purchased a large number of arms, the strength has been greatly improved.

The grievances between the two mercenary regiments must have an end. Freman was so impatient to start a battle, he didn't want to give Xu Qiang a chance to breathe.

"Freman already knew that there was an accident in the arms cooperation between us and Edward. He is an extremely vengeful person. This time, he will inevitably seize the opportunity and give us a fatal blow."

Perod looked very heavy, and said to everyone that the news he got this time was not just Freman's talk.

He knows how Freman is. After catching the weakness of his opponent, Freman will attack without mercy, so that his opponent has no chance to beg for mercy.

"This time Xiao Yi is not by our side, and Mr. Xiao Yi also said that we need to walk the road in the future, and we cannot expect to let Mr. Xiao Yi be our shield."

Hearing that Freeman was about to launch an attack, some of them looked ugly. The gap between the two was obvious. Everyone knew what would happen next.

Where is Freeman's opponent in a head-on fight? According to the information received, the total number of the flame mercenary group now is nearly a thousand.

Among them, the elite-level mercenaries, at least above 300, are powerful and equipped with Jock's latest munitions.

In everyone's heart, it's like pressing a mountain, making you breathless.

"It turned out to be so fast. We must figure out the route of retreat and retreat in advance to avoid this battle."

"Yes, our mercenary group has more than 80 people in total. This strength is not on the same level at all."

Someone immediately suggested to Xu Qiang that it is too late to retreat, and this is a very wise choice. The retreat can avoid irreversible losses.

But this time, Xu Qiang had new ideas. He was waiting for others. He didn't believe that among the people present, everyone agreed to retreat.

"Retreat is indeed a way to preserve our strength."

"Do not!"

Just after Xu Qiang finished speaking, Lenny, who was leaning on the side, interrupted what he said. This time Lenny had a different opinion.

The mercenary group was suppressed several times in Freman's hands. If things go on like this, the members of the mercenary group will inevitably lose their fighting spirit.

She used to be a mercenary, knowing what it means to retreat this time, but she is going to retreat this time on the battlefield. This is a deserter and an act of a coward.

"I don't approve of retreat this time."

When Lenny stood up and said something, some people were surprised. A good-natured person would be crazy.

Everyone knows that Freyman's mercenary group is unstoppable, so if it doesn't retreat, it will continue to fight.

"Lenny talk about your thoughts."

Xu Qiang asked Lenny to express his opinion. Lenny turned and looked at everyone. Everyone and every face here is familiar to her.

If there is a peaceful choice, no one will go to fight in blood, but it is a pity that your opponent will not give you such a chance to illusion.

"We won't retreat this time. Since everyone has come to this world, we should have such a consciousness. For us, dangers often accompany ourselves."

The first second was alive and well, the next second a bullet flew over and hit your head, immediately turning you into a corpse.

This is the mercenary world, the cruel law of survival, only the strong can be qualified to settle down, without strength, it will eventually become the target of others.

"The weak and the strong is the rule here. We are a newcomer mercenary group, but everyone has already experienced a lot of battles before this, not just those newcomers who don't understand cruelty."

Lenny, like everyone else, came all the way from the south, and some of them died on the way.

"We all know that fighting will kill people. If you don't want to live and fear death, you can withdraw from here. Never say that you have been a mercenary. The lives of our mercenaries are always tied to the belt."

Those who wanted to retreat, heard such passionate words from Lenny, and a flame of fighting spirit was ignited in their hearts.

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