Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3689: Human heart

"When we encounter weak opponents, we have the ability to fight, but when we encounter a mercenary group like flames, is our choice like a mouse, holding its head and looking for a place to escape?"

"Then tell me, how can we fight the flame mercenary group with such a small number of people."

Bart stood up and asked, no matter how much nonsense he said, how to solve the immediate trouble, or what solution Lenny has to deal with, this is the first thing.

"If you want to fight, you can, but you have to recognize the gap in strength. We are not afraid of death, but we can't die in vain."

Others agree with Bart's statement that the obvious thing is that the strength of the two is too far apart, and the battle is basically lost before it starts.

The most important thing for the retreat guarantor is to live and develop your own strength, instead of thinking about head-on with your opponent here.

There was a smile on Lenny's face, and on such a serious occasion, the smile on his face was a bit strange.

If she was not sure of the situation, Lenny would not say such a thing, she opened an electronic map, which marked the station where the Freeman mercenary group was located.

It was nearly 180 kilometers away from their side. It would take half a day to rush. After everyone came over, there was no chance of winning in front of the powerful.

"I know what you are worried about, but I can tell you responsibly that this time Freeman will dispatch no more than 300 people."

"Why are you so sure?"

Lenny marked another location. This place was just above the flame mercenary group and was the resident of another mercenary group.

"As far as I know, Freman's strength in the mercenary group is about to surpass the fourth, and his station is just next to this fourth."

"What about this, do you expect to win this fourth-ranked mercenary group as our assistant?"

Bart issued a question and said, obviously this is impossible, these few mercenary groups that rank high in strength, they simply did not put them in the eyes of these newcomers.

If you want to rely on these people to help you, it is better to pray here and ask God to be more realistic. Bart is telling the truth, and Lenny naturally understands this truth.

"I didn't say let them help us hold Freeman."

"Then how can you be sure that Freman is not the power to concentrate his superiority this time. When he came last time, he brought nearly four hundred people."

The reason why Lenny proposed to fight this battle was because she had a wonderful idea. If this idea worked, it would not be a problem to hold Freeman's footsteps.

Lenny turned his gaze to Perod. Without Perod, she would not have such confidence, looked at Perod and said.

"How did you get rescued last time Perrod, you won't forget it so quickly?"

"Of course not. If it weren't for Mr. Duan, I'm afraid I would have died in Freeman's hands at the moment."

"Very well, you used to be Freman's deputy, so you are familiar with Freman's camp layout, right?"

Before that, I asked Perod these questions. Even if he killed him, Perod would not say it. He would rather die than be a traitor.

Now that he has become the deputy of the Lengjian Mercenary Group, the mercenary group is in trouble and needs everyone's strength to cope with it together, and he also has to contribute his own.

"I understand what you mean. It is true that the layout of the camp of the Flame Mercenary Corps before, these are all handled by me, I can draw the floor plan immediately."

Perod said that he has a strong memory, especially the things he has done, and he will not forget it. It is all in his mind.

This is an indispensable part of the plan, but at the same time, Perrod has a word to remind Lenny.

"Now that I have left the mercenary group, as for the layout of the camp, I am not sure what changes will be made."

"I understand this, you just do yours."

Lenny then talked to Xu Qiang about his plan. In short, this time the plan was very risky, but it was worth a try.

"My plan is like this. Since Freman is coming this time, then we will come to fight. If you are timid, it is a cowardly performance."

The finger stayed in the area of ​​Alfreman's resident's station and looked at everyone and said.

"Bart is right. It is impossible to let other forces help us. If this is the case, we will simply make the fire a little bigger so that those people can't stand by."

Xu Qiang took a breath of air, and knew what Lenny was thinking. This idea was terrible.

Now the mercenary battlefield has become a mess, and there are wars everywhere. If Lenny does this, it will be completely messed up.

"According to the information obtained, Freeman intends to launch an attack in two days. Then we will use the news of the two days to create some friction outside and put the blame on Freeman."

Qin Gang understood what Lenny meant, but he also thought that this approach was very inappropriate.

After all, this group of people have been surviving in the mercenary battlefield for many years, how could they be fooled by such a clumsy technique.

"Lenny, I probably know what you mean, but these people are not fools, can they be easily fooled?"

Jin Yiyang has a deep understanding of this matter. Qin Gang was right, but after so many experiences, Jin Yiyang came to a conclusion.

The more people with status and status use this simplest method to deal with them, they will receive unexpected results.

He walked to Qin Gang's side, patted Qin Gang on the shoulder, and reminded Qin Gang.

"Have you forgotten that you and Fan Kui were wearing a pair of trousers before, and Xiao Yi used a simple divorce scheme to make the two of you fight."

"This... I'm a bit stupid, I didn't want to understand the tricks."

Qin Gang didn't want to admit that he had placed the responsibility on himself, and the original past was turned out. It really was such a thing.

"You can say that you can, but don't forget that besides you, there is Fan Kui. Fan Kui is cunning and cunning. How can he not see the inside story."

Fan Kui was good at calculating, how could Xiao Yi fool his eyes with such a method.

"The arrow has to be sent on the string. In some cases, human power can't control it. The simpler the method, the more unexpected the results can be achieved."

Jin Yiyang agreed with Lenny's idea that this could cause a lot of trouble and trouble to the Flame Mercenary Corps, which dragged Freeman's footsteps, and they won the battle.

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