Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3692: May not win

But don't underestimate the power of mosquitoes. No matter how powerful a lion is, there will be things that it cannot do.

"On the way Freeman led the attack, you can set traps and set up ambushes. You don't expect to kill many people. It is enough to cause trouble for this attacking team."

Xu Qiang turned around and came to the sand table behind him. The sand table showed all the terrain around their station on the sand table, and the mountains, rivers and valleys were clear at a glance.

Where they are, there is a river not far away. In a rainstorm, the rainwater washes and converges to the river valley, and finally passes through this area and flows to the depths of the grassland.

"We are in this position, and this battle can't be random. Relying on the favorable terrain here, we lie in ambush in advance and prepare a big gift for Freeman."

Qin Gang turned around and took a look. Although he didn't know any art of war, Qin Gang understood the simple truth.

The location marked by Xu Qiang was a river valley. The erosion of the river caused the valley to form a wide plain.

There are towering hills on both sides, and it has always been a position that must be occupied by leading soldiers to fight.

"Captain Xu Qiang, can you be sure that this Freeman will lead people through here? Even I can see that if you pass here, you will definitely notice in advance whether anyone has set up ambushes on both sides."

The implication is that this place does not work, because Freeman is a wise man, how can you not understand such a simple reason.

Xu Qiang smiled, Qin Gang's words have his truth, but he also has his own ideas.

"If someone like you led the team, I would definitely not arrange this, but Freeman would be different."

"What can be different? Is he not as good as me?"

"It's not as good as you. For Freeman, he is arrogant and will not put others in his eyes. The simplest method will have unexpected effects for him."

The reason for this is that there is another plan that hasn't been stated. Now is not the time. When Freeman is almost there, he will immediately understand it.

What Xu Qiang conveyed to everyone was that he would not continue to fight timidly this time, even in the face of the attack of the flame mercenary group, without Xiao Yi, he would lead the team to fight this battle.

After unifying the decision to fight, Xu Qiang arranged the task and found some people who were smarter and bright, and ordered these people to go out and spread rumors for a while, and in short, the target should be aimed at Freman.

Let Freman sit at home with a black pot falling on him. After achieving this goal, these people can retreat. The remaining second-step plan is left to masters like Duan Zhisheng and Matchmaker.

In fact, this time Perod provided the distribution map about the layout of the flame mercenary group's resident location, which played a big role.

Perod thought of a very important point. Although his defense system is very thorough, there is one of the weakest places. That location only has some monitoring equipment and sentries.

"Oh... I remembered that there was one of the weakest places in Freman's residence. Once here, the local armed forces built an underground passage."

When formulating the second step of the plan, Perrod remembered a key point, and it was this point that provided great help to the action.

"Oh? Is this underground passage still there?"

"En! I said to Freeman at the beginning that I hoped that he would block this underground passage, so that the defenses I set up are basically nothing left out."

What Perrod said, Freeman didn't take it to heart, but instructed people to cover the entrance of the underground passage with canvas.

What Freman said was that Perod was worried about being excessive. With the strength of the Flame Mercenary Group, who else would dare to invade their station, so there is no need to spend this time.

"This underground passage extends beyond the station, a relatively hidden area."

The information provided at the critical moment relieved Xu Qiang of too much pressure, because in the second part of the plan, it was impossible for Duan Zhisheng and Matchmaker to go there, and other members had to be brought along.

They don't have the strength of Duan Zhisheng, and they can easily avoid the defense set up at the station. Xu Qiang looked at Duan Zhisheng beside him.

"Master this matter is left to you, I need you to provoke the flame mercenary group to fight with another mercenary group to suppress Freman's strength in this operation."

"If there is no problem, leave it to me. It is very simple for me to put a blame on it."

"Well, we will wait here for Freman's arrival next."

Xu Qiang has arranged everything he should do and all the arrangements have been made, and the dispatched personnel have also acted and acted according to the plan.

Freeman learned that Xu Qiang and the Edward family were cooperating in the arms business. An unexpected situation really occurred. The arms were robbed at sea.

Although there is no news from the outside world, the gossip has spread. The Edward family has not made the news public. It should be worried that if this matter is made public, it will lose his family's face.

Up to now, Freyman has dispelled the last touch of Jock. Jock has used his actual actions to prove that Jock's strength surpasses Edward, and the arms business has basically become the Jock family.

"Mr. Jock, don't worry, what I promised you before will be fulfilled soon."

In the first batch of arms cooperation, Jock made a request at that time, asking him to lead his mercenary regiment and completely eliminate Xu Qiang's newcomer mercenary regiment.

The existence of the Cold Sword Mercenary Corps is like a throat for Jock. It was these people before, which caused his oil business to encounter a lot of trouble.

A group of lawless thieves dared to take away the money from his Jock family. Jock seemed to be crazy for a while, looking around for news, looking for clues to this pedestrian.

Finally found a clue, pointed to the Lengjian Mercenary Corps, but didn't pay attention, the other party had already fled to Africa.

Even more irritated to Jock, it was Xiao Yi who was behind this mercenary group, who suffered many losses in Xiao Yi's hands, and wanted to find Xiao Yi to settle accounts.

It's just that Jock also knew in his heart that Xiao Yi was not a casual person to provoke him. Once it touched his bottom line, he had seen how terrible the end was.

So he thought of a way, through the cooperation with Freeman, let Freeman do things for himself, get rid of this rookie mercenary group, and taught Xiao Yi a profound lesson.

"It seems that you are already prepared. I thought you Freman, really afraid of Xu Qiang."

Jock said this deliberately to arouse Freman's anger, so that Freman could kill Xu Qiang and the others.

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