Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3693: Dig deep

"Mr. Jock is joking. It's just a newcomer mercenary group. There is no need to scare me. I just have other important things to do before. If Teng starts, he will be cleaned up immediately."

"Yes, your Freeman did not disappoint me, so I will wait for your news here."

Freeman promised Jock that he would use the fastest time to resolve the battle, and gave him the head of Xu Qiang as a gift.

With his promise to Jock, Jock agreed to Freman this time, and the next batch of arms provided to him will reduce the price by 20%.

This made Freman very excited, and reducing the price by 20% could save him a lot of money.

The combat order has already been issued. Two days later, at 6 o'clock in the station, the members of the mercenary regiment repaired in the station and waited for the order to start.

In the early morning of the next day, when the day lighted up, the captain of a small team of the mercenary group hurried over.

Freman in the room was resting, and a quick knock on the door awakened him from his sleep. After getting up, Freman was extremely impatient and opened the door.

With an angry expression on his face, he most hates other people disturbing him when he is resting. If there is any important thing, he has to wait until he wakes up.

"I want to remind you that if you have nothing important to report to me, you should all understand what the good dreams that disturbed me will end up."

The subordinate nodded, the general's weird and arrogant temper, everyone has seen.

Because of something special, this hurriedly came to Freeman to report the news, hoping that Freeman could come up with a decision.

"Something happened to the general. Rumors spread from many places on the mercenary battlefield."

"The rumors are nothing but fuss. They can rush you into this way and get the punishment yourself."

The subordinates took a few sighs of relief. If there were only a few irrelevant rumors, he would not come to Freeman in such a hurry, specifically looking for trouble.

"General, listen to me. These rumors are all about our flame mercenary group, as if someone is deliberately targeting us."

There are many rumors, among them the secrets related to the flame mercenary group, once it is spread, it is equivalent to revealing his most ugly side.

When the Flame Mercenary Group was established, its strength was not that strong. In order to expand his territory, Freyman used his own conspiracy to secretly attack the leaders of several mercenary groups.

Let these people fight each other, and in the end, Freyman took advantage of the fisherman's profit, and immediately cleared up the four strong mercenary groups. After the incident, the flame mercenary group directly stood up.

But such an important secret is known to only a few people, and the rumors circulating outside today are related to this matter.

"Asshole! Who would dare to spread rumors on my head, is it really easy to be a Freeman?"

"The general is more than that. The rumors still say that when our flame mercenary group cooperated with an ally, we swallowed the reward of the mission."

This happened just a few months ago, when Xu Qiang and the others hadn't come here yet, Freeman took on a bounty mission.

Due to the complexity of this task, he invited other forces, and the two sides worked together to negotiate the final commission for the task.

But in the end, Freeman watched the task commission received more than 14 million yuan, not wanting so much money to be distributed to other people, so he secretly moved his hands and feet.

Send someone to assassinate the employer who issued the bounty task, so that he can find an excuse that the other party does not give the bounty for his task, and naturally he does not need to distribute the money to his allies.

These were all made by Freman himself, and he had always covered up the facts and did not want to let outsiders know.

Once the facts were made public, what serious consequences would there be, he knew very well in his heart that things were done seamlessly, and he was not worried that others would notice it.

But now the news circulated from the outside world aimed the spearhead at him, Freeman, clearly that this was a planned action, and Freeman's face became deep at this moment.

The most annoying thing in this life is that someone is secretly calculating. After calming down, Freeman is thinking about who on earth would do such a thing.

At the last moment, he thought of a person, that was the deputy of Perod, who had betrayed himself and left the mercenary group, and Perod knew all these things he did.

"Did he do this?"

Perrod left Freman, Freman has been tracking his whereabouts, but no clue was found.

According to his guess, Perod’s ability would have a foothold in other mercenary groups.

Xu Qiang's rookie mercenary group will not enter his eyes. Before confirming the news, everything is just speculation.

"Has anyone caught spreading the rumors?"

"No, the person who spread the rumors is not here, there are hundreds of kilometers away from our station."

At such a long distance, the people of his flame mercenary group are powerful, and they can't reach so far to catch it.

Moreover, in these places where the rumors were spread, there were mercenary groups active. As a result, the situation became a lot more complicated, and Freman frowned.

"Find a way to find out these people who spread the rumors and quell this incident."

"The general may not be able to catch it. The most troublesome thing now is that the spread of these rumors has caused too much negative impact on us. Some people involved in the rumors should call to inquire."

This subordinate didn't know the specific situation, in fact, what the rumor said were all true facts.

It's just that Freman will definitely not come to admit that he has done it. Those who have been deceived will come to him to settle accounts at that time, and the consequences of angering everyone are very troublesome.

"What did you say?"

"I said that the general is resting. I can't call the shots on this matter. The rumors from the outside must be ill-intentioned people who want to instigate discord and make up such lies."

Freeman was very satisfied with the subordinate's answer, and it couldn't be more appropriate to use these words to deal with these people who call for questions at critical moments.

"Yes, your answer is very good, although I don't know who is behind us, you have made credit for this matter, and I will reward you well when I look back."

"Thank you General!"

Originally planned to take a nap, this mood was completely disturbed, and Freman had to come forward personally on this matter.

In any case, we must dismiss these people, and then quell the rumors from the outside world. There will be an important action tomorrow. I don't want to disrupt the planned plan because of such an accident.

When he got up and put on his clothes, Freman was still a general of the mercenary group, and he showed a sense of arrogance when he walked.

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