Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3814: Do you have this ability

"I probably understand what you are talking about. No matter who is the patriarch of the Xiao Clan, who is sitting there has nothing to do with me. I think you should be able to understand what I mean, right?"

Xiao Yi is stubborn. At this moment, Xiao Huaiyuan wants to ask Xiao Qian what is wrong with your descendants.

One is the incompetent, who just has to pretend that he understands everything, and his attitude toward things is arrogant, he doesn't even look like a young man.

The other is ability. Looking at it right now, it is appropriate for Xiao Yi to be the successor of the patriarch, but Xiao Yi is not interested in this position at all.

In addition to these two people, there was no third in Xiao Qian's line. As for that Xiao Cang could be automatically excluded.

"If Xiao Qian heard these words, he would be very sad. In his line, that is, the three younger generations of you, Xiao Cang betrayed the Xiao Clan. Are you really going to fight for it?"

"If you have to come and tell me this, then I can only order to see off the guests."

"Well, since that's the case, just assume I haven't been here this time."

Xiao Huaiyuan let out a sigh, prepared a lot of words on the way here, and still has no chance to use it.

"I really didn't expect that Xiao Huaiyi's son was such a poor man. That old man wouldn't talk too much nonsense here to save you trouble."


Xiao Yi was too lazy to get up, Xiao Huaiyuan walked to the door step by step, and at this moment he stopped.

Turning his back to Xiao Yi, if there is something that interests Xiao Yi, it may be that thing, he said in a leisurely tone.

"Don't you really want to know why your father died back then, and where did your mother come from?"


If Xiao Huaiyuan said before, Xiao Yi would not have the slightest interest, but it is different now.

I thought he was going to inquire about the news with Xiao Huaiyuan, but thought that Xiao Huaiyuan might not tell him, nor did he know it.

Now that this kind of remark came out of his mouth, it meant that Xiao Huaiyuan must be aware of this matter, but just wanted to know what conditions he needed to promise him.

"What do you mean by this? Who is my mother? And the conspiracy back then, is there any hidden secret?"

"These things can only be known after you become the patriarch of the Xiao Clan, and now I can't tell you this."

Xiao Huaiyuan put it plainly, just to let Xiao Yi be able to take care of the affairs of the Xiao Clan, after all, Xiao Yi's body also has the blood of the Xiao Clan.

With such a talented talent and advanced cultivation base, it would be a pity if it were wasted in this way. Perhaps the future of the Xiao Clan would fall into the hands of Xiao Yi and it would have a different ending.

"You! Are you threatening me?"

"It's not a threat. If I threaten you, I can use my own strength instead of using such means."

"I have already said that who is the patriarch of the Xiao Clan has nothing to do with me, what do you want?"

Xiao Yi had already expressed his stance. For others, Xiao Yi had never had any idea about the position of the fiercely competitive patriarch. Even he would not agree to sit in this position.

To know this position, you don't know how many people's corpses were stepped on, and how many people's blood was shed before they finally climbed up. After people sit down, they will find that their entire personality has changed.

He will no longer be himself, and completely become a stranger. Xiao Yi didn't want to be like this. He is a big living person, with flesh and blood, his family, and he needs to guard.

"Well, I won't force you. There are indeed things you didn't know about back then. As for who your mother is, you can only rely on your own ability to come to the Xiao Clan to intervene in person."


"Don't pass it here! You said before, you don't need to come to see me off."

Turning around, Xiao Huaiyuan was about to leave. Xiao Yi rushed forward with an explosive step. Xiao Huaiyuan had just walked out of the door and was stopped by Xiao Yi in the yard.

He didn't want to miss such a great opportunity so easily. If he missed this opportunity, he didn't know when he would wait until next time to learn about his mother's identity.


Xiao Yi stood in front of Xiao Huaiyuan, with the expression in his eyes telling Xiao Huaiyuan that if he wanted to leave here, he had to pass Xiao Yi first.

He let out a chuckle. Although Xiao Yi's cultivation is indeed the best among the elderly, he is not yet qualified to stand here to provoke him.

At this moment, Xiao Yi has a bit of spine. Xiao Huaiyuan likes such a young man. He raised his head and looked directly at Xiao Yidao.

"What? Are you planning to stop me?"

"Speak out the identity of my mother and the inside information you know, and I will naturally let you go."

"Joke! This place I can come and leave as long as I want, do you think you can stop me?"

A Xiao Yi, Xiao Huaiyuan hadn't paid attention to him, and he could stop him, provided that he needed to measure his abilities.

"I said before that I didn't come here to do it with you, but don't force me to do it."

These words aroused Xiao Yi's fighting spirit. Ever since he successfully broke through and entered this state, he had already thought about it, and found a chance to try.

If you meet a strong Xiao Clan, how sure you are, and how big the gap between the two is, can only be known after trying it yourself.

"How can you know if you don't try it."

"Very well, this momentum is a bit like Xiao Huaiyi, since you want to give it a try, then do it!"

"I don't want to involve my family in it."

Xiao Huaiyuan understood Xiao Yi's thoughts, and saw that he was wearing a ring on his finger. At this moment, the ring emitted a white glow, covering the two of them.

After Xiao Yi's eyes adjusted to the light, he found himself in a strange place, surrounded by nothingness, as if it were his own spiritual world.

"Don't panic, kid, this is the domain that his space ring has developed. It is not easy for this person to be able to open up such a space with the space ring."

Zixu told Xiao Yidao that he is now in Xiao Huaiyuan's space ring. Xiao Yi said earlier that he did not want his family to be involved, so he agreed to Xiao Yi's request.

After understanding what was going on, Xiao Yi saw that Xiao Huaiyuan's figure appeared right in front of him, with a smile on his face.

Being condescending with no one in his eyes, he didn't put Xiao Yi in his eyes at all. This kind of lofty appearance made Xiao Yi very depressed.

"This is my space ring, the space opened up. Since you want to give it a try, I want to know how capable you are."

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