Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3815: not qualified

In the space ring, Xiao Yi can do it without worrying that outsiders will find out that this is the advantage of the space ring.

But the inclusion of people in the space ring was originally a violation of the laws of space, and it could only last for three hours. After three hours, the space ring would automatically clear the lives in it.

That is to say, unable to continue to be included in the ring, Xiao Yi clenched his fists. Since Xiao Huaiyuan said so, Xiao Yi would not be polite.

"Xiao Yi, your strength is below me, and I will not rely on this to bully you, so in the next competition, as long as you can hurt me with one move, I will know what I know and tell you everything. you."

"This is what you said!"

"My Xiao Huaiyuan always counts, only you and I know about this, and there will be no third person who knows otherwise."

Xiao Yi clenched his fists. Now that Xiao Huaiyuan had spoken, he would try to find out how strong Xiao Huaiyuan was.

Among the many powerhouses I have seen, this person is the only one whose strength, even though he is still a little behind Xiao Huaili, is regarded as a goal that must be stepped through now.

The golden Dao Qi above his fist was flowing, and Xiao Yi's aura changed in an instant. When he noticed Xiao Yi's soaring aura at this moment, Xiao Huaiyuan's face gradually became serious.

No wonder that after seeing Xiao Yi before, what he felt from Xiao Yi's body was nothing more than the breath of an ordinary person. It turned out that this was the case, and Xiao Yi could already manage his breath freely.

"Good boy, it turns out that you have been suppressing your breath all the time. At this age, you have such a means. At this point, you surpassed your father."

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm going to do it!"

With one move, Xiao Yi rushed towards Xiao Huaiyuan, and Xiao Huaiyuan also faced Xiao Yi with both hands.

The two fought together, Xiao Yi used eight points of strength for each move, and two points were reserved for the next blow.

Xiao Huaiyuan seemed to be able to deal with it easily, but there was also a mutter in his heart. The last time Xiao Yi appeared in the Xiao Clan, there was a big gap between his current strength.

I thought that after Xiao Qing left the customs this time, among the younger generation, no one would be his opponent anymore. Now it seems that his idea is wrong.

Xiao Qing has a father who is a patriarch, and relying on the resources given by the Xiao Clan, his strength can be improved so quickly. It is really surprising that Xiao Yi only relies on himself to make such progress.

"Xuantian cut!"

The golden light in the palm of Xiao Yi's palm was prosperous, condensing Dao Qi in it, and hitting a slash.

The slash pierced through a terrible pressure and fell on Xiao Huaiyuan's head. From the beginning, Xiao Huaiyuan's attitude towards the battle was not relaxed.

If such a trick falls, even with his strength, if he doesn't resist, he will definitely be slightly injured. Among the young people of the Xiao Clan, few people are capable of hurting him.

Jin Mang fell in an instant, and Xiao Huaiyuan raised his arm and followed his gesture to form a shield in front of him.

The slash shot by Xiao Yi fell on it, ripples on the barrier, and then there was no movement, showing how strong Xiao Huaili was.

"Hehe... If this is your ability, I am afraid that it is impossible to get the news you want from me."

"Really? It's too early to draw conclusions!"

Xiao Huaiyuan's words aroused Xiao Yi's anger. In any case, he will reach what Xiao Huaiyuan said today. From Xiao Huaiyuan's mouth, he learned news about his mother.

The fighting between the two intensified. The Space Ring absorbs the impact of the trick, which seems very normal. If it is placed outside, I don't know how much movement it will cause.

"Break it for me!"

The golden light on Xiao Yi's fist was condensed, and it slammed down at Xiao Huaiyuan, who responded in the same way as before.

He was very confident in the shield he had condensed. With Xiao Yi's current ability, he couldn't break the shield, so he didn't need to worry about other things.

The fist collided with the shield, and Xiao Yi's attack was blocked. When Xiao Huaiyuan was about to smile, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Small cracks appeared on the shield. At this moment, Xiao Yi let out a violent shout, and the cracks seemed to spread.


It turned out that every move of Xiao Yi attacked the same position of the shield, and it seemed to be headless, but with every strike of Xiao Yi, a small crack appeared in the shield.

Finally at this moment, he could no longer maintain his shape. Taking advantage of this moment, Xiao Yi smashed Xiao Huaiyuan's condensed shield with a punch, and his fist was about to fall on Xiao Huaiyuan's face.

"Do you think this can beat me?"

Xiao Huaiyuan chuckled lightly. Just when Xiao Yi thought he had won, Xiao Huaiyuan suddenly exploded with a powerful aura.

About to come into contact with Xiao Huaiyuan, Xiao Yi was overturned by this momentum and fell aside, but the aura that Xiao Huaiyuan exploded had such power, and ultimately fell short.

Although it was a pity, Xiao Yi also knew how a strong man like Xiao Huaiyuan could easily defeat him by one and a half strokes. Such a result was normal.

"As expected to be the strong of the Xiao Clan, it seems that if I want to get revenge on Xiao Huaili, there is still a big gap."

"It's good for you to understand this. You should cultivate at a young age and down-to-earth. This is what you should do."

Xiao Huaiyuan persuaded Xiao Yidao. As a young junior, it is rare for Xiao Yi to behave like this. It is almost time to leave, he turned and said to Xiao Yi.

"Let go, you are not qualified now."

"Ahem...Is it? It's not up to you to be qualified or not."

Xiao Yi, who was lying on the side, suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Huaiyuan for an instant, leaving an afterimage in place.

With such a weird body, he hardly saw how Xiao Yi did it. Xiao Yi's fist was already in front of him, and Xiao Huaiyuan hurried back.

The ghost image thirteen legs made Xiao Yi's speed play to the extreme, and his failure to hit Xiao Huaiyuan also made Xiao Yi more confident.

"What a fast Shenfa, where did you learn it? If you say that you don't have the master's teaching, I can't believe it."

"When I want to tell you, I will tell you naturally. Now my goal is to win you one by one."

"Arrogant! Do you think you can get the first-line opportunities if you are fast? I really don't know the sky is high and the earth is thick."

Xiao Huaiyuan let out a chuckle, originally intending to leave, but with Xiao Yi's persistence, then he let Xiao Yi know what is absolute strength.

Without letting Xiao Yi understand these words, he would never know how big this world is, and he would not be merciful at this moment.

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