Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3823: Hunting battlefield

I thought that the Raiden Mercenary Group could still hold on for a while, and the strength between the two was almost the same.

Freyman failed to use Xu Qiang before. It was Freman who was worried about being attacked. Unfortunately, the opportunity was so wrong and would never appear again.

The leader of the Thunder and Lightning Mercenary Group was beheaded, and the members of them fleeed and surrendered, which contributed to the power of the Flame Mercenary Group, and at this moment it also became Xu Qiang's greatest threat.

After this battle, the first thing Perod did was to analyze the specific situation of the battle, the use of troops between the two sides, and Freyman designed a sneak attack route.

"Freman is very smart. He sent someone to pretend to be a member of the Thunder and Lightning Mercenary Corps. The route he took was the Thunder and Lightning Mercenary Corps, the most stringent line of defense.

Perod marked an intersecting line on the map, and I have to admit that this time Freman's action was very successful.

If this battle were directed by himself, it would be the same as Freman's approach, but he did not expect that Freman's men would have such a powerful team.

"The more confident things are, the more they will disappoint you in the end. The trash leader of the Thunder and Lightning Mercenary Corps did not expect that he would die under his care."

"The situation is not what you think. In addition to what you know, Freeman has a foreign aid this time."

Duan Zhisheng returned from the outside. This battle allowed everyone to understand the strength of Freman, and the members of the mercenary group were shocked.

It is not a good thing for the mercenary group. For this reason, Duan Zhisheng deliberately investigated, and as expected, there is a hidden secret behind this incident.

"Master, you are back. Sit down and drink some water first."

Xu Qiang took the initiative to step forward, but Duan Zhisheng was not polite. He sat in a great teacher's chair and continued what he said earlier.

"This time Freeman's beheading operation not only relied on his own ability, but more importantly, several practitioners were mixed in it."

After a period of understanding, Perrod's worldview has changed, and he finally understands why Xiao Yi is so powerful.

It turns out that there is another mysterious power in this world, but it is a pity that not everyone can have this power, only Duan Zhisheng in front of him, and his brothers and sisters.

Naturally, such a secret would not be told to outsiders. Although Perod wanted to know how this power was obtained, he knew better in his heart the secretive nature of this topic.

"It turned out to be like this. No wonder Freman's beheading action was so smooth this time. I have never heard of the fact that practitioners intervened in the mercenary group this time."

"I'm afraid it is Freman. In order to improve the strength of his mercenary group in a short time, everyone knows that Freman is a running dog under Jok's hands."

On the mercenary battlefield, Jock gave Freman such a big discount, and Freman's existence has become Xu Qiang's biggest resistance.

"At the beginning, Xu Qiang and your party robbed Jock’s business. Jock is the most vengeful person, and he will certainly not spare you easily. Therefore, Freman’s becoming Jock’s lackey will greatly increase for you. Trouble."

A Freeman is enough for them, and now they have to add a **** who is eyeing and wanting to get rid of them all the time. Such a situation is indeed difficult.

Fortunately, there is a little advantage, that is, Xu Qiang has found Edward as a backer. The strength of the Edward family has given Xu Qiang a strong shelter here, giving Xu Qiang and the others an extra guarantee.

Otherwise, with the current status and power of the Flame Mercenary Group, it would be just one response. In addition, the other mercenary groups would also become Xu Qiang's opponents.

Xu Qiang took out a cigarette, and in turn paused at the table on the side, stuffed it to the point of his mouth, and was snatched by Lenny on the side.

Lengjian mercenary group, who didn't know that Lenny had actually become Xu Qiang's woman, Xu Qiang was the boss of this mercenary group, but there were some things, Lenny could still take care of him.

"If it's OK, smoke less. If you have any trouble, let's solve it together. What problem can a cigarette solve?"

Xu Qiang gave a dry laugh. Lenny wouldn't let him smoke, so he would stop smoking. The cigarette case was stuffed into his trouser pocket.

"Now Freeman has become the third place here. The number one is called the Vulture Mercenary Group, and the second is the ghost wolf. If we want to defeat Freeman here, we can say nothing. Let these three forces mix together."

What he worries about is this. Once a joint situation is reached between the three, the three mercenary regiments together will have more than 10,000.

With such a huge force, Xu Qiang and the others couldn't shake it at all. Instead, because of the three parties, they would no longer have a foothold in this mercenary battlefield in the future.

"I think you can rest assured about this. I'll take a trip next."

Perod took the initiative to invite Ying. The trouble Xu Qiang said was also considered by him. According to Freman's style of doing things, it is possible for the three parties to join forces.

This is not the situation he wants to see. Now he can only find a way to stop it. If the three forces are really coming together, then what Freeman has to do next is to persuade the three mercenary groups to have a grand occasion. Of hunting.

"Freman, I understand, he will never let us continue to survive and operate here. There is a rule of the game in the mercenary battlefield. I don't know if you have heard of it."

"You mean hunting?"

Lenny blurted out, following Perrot's meaning, all he could think of was the word.

"It seems that you deserve to be someone who has been in the mercenary world. You have heard of such things."

"I've only heard it, and I haven't really seen it. I heard that the loser who will hunt the last will always end badly."

"Yes, originally this hunting was a merciless killing."

Perod explained to everyone, what is hunting, this was originally a mercenary battlefield, a forbidden game rule.

But because of the emergence of some people, this game was activated again. The rules of the game were once established, but now they have become more and more brutal.

Hunting... As the name suggests, it is to gather a group of people to hunt, just to have a good time. By the way, when you can hunt, you will have a game, and the one who has caught the most prey wins.

But there is a little difference between this and hunting, that is, hunting is not just about hunting animals. The real purpose is to target the mercenary battlefield, the relatively weak mercenary groups.

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