Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3824: Layout ahead

Those who participated in the hunt were all mercenary groups with a certain reputation in the mercenary world.

The lowest was the opening of three teams, and the most, as Petrod had heard, there were twelve mercenary groups to join together, and the scene was extremely mighty.

"As a result of hunting, the weak mercenary group will often be completely eliminated. Even if it surrenders, it will not help. They will still kill the killer."

"What? The rule of the mercenary world is not to surrender and not kill?"

Qin Gang said in amazement that he had heard of this rule when he first came here, as long as he surrendered and left the world of mercenaries.

Then you can't kill them all and leave a way for those who surrender to survive, but what Perod said here is completely different from what he heard.

"For newcomers, what they hear is this kind of rules. It's just that the rules are always made by the strong, and the weak can only obey."

Perod told the truth about the survival here. He would hunt and allow the killing, and at the same time, allow the killing of those who surrendered, so in the end, the hunting target was completely wiped out from the mercenary battlefield.

"You should have noticed that in addition to the flame pattern, there are some stars on the banner of the flame mercenary group."

The other significance of these stars is to participate in the hunting. After winning the game, a red star will be added to it to indicate their status.

The flame mercenary group has four, which means that they have won four matches in the previous hunt.

After talking about it for a long time, Qin Gang still didn't know what the hunting game was, he asked now.

"Perrod, you said you know how to hunt. What are you comparing to? Who is the first breakthrough?"

"No, it's more than the number of people killed. Who can kill the most people after the hunt is over, then this mercenary group is the winner."

"It's really bloody."

In previous hunting sessions, Perod had participated in several hunting sessions, but every time he came back, people had to become less energetic. People with strong psychological endurance like him could not avoid the psychological shadow of hunting sessions.

At this moment, everyone noticed that Perod’s face had become ugly, what was the unknown side of this so-called hunting, Perod said.

"The hunt is more bloody. It is the game that you want to win. The final comparison is the number of heads. In order to be a winner, you need to cut off the head of the person who is killed and hang it on the car."

The car that the winner drove was covered with decapitated heads, like their trophies, showing their honor.

Such a violent and **** game, it is really impossible to imagine what kind of crazy talents can think of, let alone suicide, now even thinking about it feels frightening.

Sure enough, after Perod said this, everyone's complexion became very ugly, except for Lenny, because Lenny had already heard of it, so he didn't think there was anything special.

"Now that Freeman's power has grown to this point, he is already qualified to open a hunting battlefield."

The existence of the top three mercenary groups in strength can actively invite other mercenary groups to hold a hunt together.

The hunting target was set, and basically this mercenary group was over. No one in the newcomer mercenary group had the ability to escape such **** killing.

"Damn rules, when I have enough ability, I must abolish such rules of the game."

Xu Qiang was still in danger at this time, and Perrod, as the deputy of this mercenary group, had to do things for Xu Qiang's side.

The ability of the Lengjian Mercenary Group is limited at the moment. Fortunately, the previous operations have made the Mercenary Group's reputation more and more popular, and many people have joined them.

"Perrod, you said you have a way, can you talk about it?"

"The leader of the ghost wolf has had some friendship with me. I can talk to him. If Freeman proposes to hunt, as long as the two parties disagree, the hunting proposal will be cancelled. "

"You are talking about two, what about the vulture?"

The tripartite forces need two parties to oppose before they can cancel this so-called hunting proposal, and they must also think of a way to prevent the three teams from coming together.

"As for the vultures, you don't have to worry. Freman once tortured and killed a strange girl. The identity of this girl is the daughter of the leader of the vulture mercenary group."

Perod said that this matter became Freeman's handle. Few people knew about it at the time, and Perod happened to be one of them.

"This general did not expect to have done this kind of thing before, so he is not afraid of it."

Xu Qiang said that Freman was really courageous. At that time, seeing the girl passing by his site, he approached him several times and said a few unbearable words.

"Freman secretly disposed of the corpse. I found a necklace in his room. I planned to throw it away. I thought about storing it later. I didn't expect that I would leave one day."

Perrod sighed. He took out a necklace from his body. There was a pendant on the necklace. After the pendant was opened, a picture of a young girl could be seen.

"This is a special token. Just give it to the vulture mercenary group and tell them the truth. I think this will arouse the hatred of both parties."

Xu Qiang took what Perod had handed over. This was a very special task. It was necessary to find someone with extraordinary ability and familiar with the mercenary battlefield.

Glancing at everyone, the task was very heavy and no one dared to follow. At this moment, Lenny stepped forward.

"Leave it to me. Let me take a trip. I understand the situation on the mercenary battlefield."

"I am not worried about this. At the moment, our strength is weak. If you go in person this time, the other party may make things difficult for you and prevent you from getting out of it."

Xu Qiang didn't want Lenny to take risks, but these people under his hands were no more suitable candidates than Lenny.

"I have my own means. I don't have so much time to think about it now. Maybe Freeman has already acted when we discussed it."

"It seems that this can only be the case. I am here waiting for you to come back. If you run into trouble, don't resist. Ensuring your safety is the first thing."

"Waiting for my return."

Without further ado, Lenny will set off now. For the mercenary group, personal safety needs to be forgotten.

Zhisheng felt that there was something wrong with this incident. There are no permanent enemies in this world, only permanent benefits.

Even if there is a hatred of life and death, driven by sufficient benefits, hatred can be temporarily forgotten, making two people partners.

Lenny's trip is very dangerous, for which he needs to make more preparations to ensure that Lenny can return safely.

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