Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3828: Proposed to hunt

Anyway, as long as someone is alive, he will fight to the end. Freeman has already come to him while he is talking, and said with a light smile.

"Don't get me wrong. I am here today, not to fight. Although my battle with the Raiden Mercenary Corps is over, I am not arrogant thinking that I have no opponents."

"If it wasn't for provocation, it would be my guest. Tell me what it is that you came to me."

Freeman stood outside the resident. Although Rost said he was a guest, it seemed unreasonable.

"Rost, is this your way of hospitality? Let the guests stand outside and soak in the sun. I'm what I call. If it goes out, isn't it being laughed at."


Rost is upright, and what I look down on most is Freman, who relies on the power of others to achieve his own goals.

It's a pity to be born in this war-torn place, and many things are unavoidable. He let Freeman enter his residence and arrange a room to meet guests.

Earlier, Rost received a call. This call was from an acquaintance. The former deputy of the Flame Mercenary Group, Perod, is now under Leng Jian's account.

He had deliberately wanted to win over this person before, but was rejected. Although he was very disappointed, he admired Perod because of such a decision.

Perod's intention to call was to ask him for one thing. Now that Freyman has defeated the Raiden mercenary group, with absolute strength, he will definitely bring up one thing.

That is hunting, and the hunting target will be Leng Jian. Once this newcomer mercenary group is selected as the hunting target, then the next problem will be big, and Perod doesn't want this to happen.

The only person who thinks of being helpful is Rost. The hunting requires the consent of the three forces to start it. As long as there is no agreement between two parties, the hunting will not be possible.

"Let's get straight to the point, Freman, what is your purpose for coming to me this time."

"Sure enough, I am a happy person. Well, my thoughts are actually very simple. Many newcomer mercenary groups in the mercenary battlefield do not want to abide by the rules here. So I want to start a hunting game to make these people sober, who is it? It’s the master here."

Freeman said bluntly, as expected that Perod’s previous guess was correct. How could a villain like Freeman let go of such an opportunity to directly remove them from the mercenary battlefield in the name of being able to hunt.

It was said by Perod that this person had only climbed to the third position before, and he couldn't wait to start a hunting, in order to eliminate his opponents and to promote his strength.

"Able to hunt? It seems that you have already thought about it, who is the target of hunting?"

"A newcomer named Lengjian Mercenary Corps is very active on the mercenary battlefield. I need to give them a little color to take a look."

When Freeman said the name, everything was in Perrod's calculations. If Freeman proposed an ordinary goal this time, Rost would not object.

Even in the face of Perod’s face, at best he would be merciful on the battlefield. Perod would be left alone, and the rest of the mercenary group would have to die.

But, this cold sword mercenary group is different.

"It turned out to be like this, Freman, I know that you and this Cold Sword Mercenary Corps have personal grievances mixed in them, right?"

Rost bluntly said that since he had proposed hunting and came here, Freeman would not hide anything.

On the mercenary battlefield now, who doesn't know the backer behind the Lengjian Mercenary Group, if you want to move this team, you need to consider your own strength in advance.

"Well, then I'll be more straightforward. This is the grievance between me and Xu Qiang. You Roster should also know that besides Edward, there is a Chinese war wolf behind the Lengjian Mercenary Corps. Death."

"Yes, I know what you said, and of course you also know that this matter is very important. I don't want to provoke such a terrible opponent. The polar bears were so powerful before that they were removed directly because they offended that person."

On the mercenary battlefield, mentioning Xiao Yi's name also changed the expressions of everyone present. One can imagine how terrifying Xiao Yi is.

Unless you don't want to live anymore and have to provoke him, Rost just wants to make money as a mercenary mission here, and doesn't think much about the others.

"In addition to these, I am afraid there is one thing you don't know. The boss of the mercenary battlefield and the arms business is actually the Jock family, not his Edward."

"Really? I heard that the Jock family's cargo ship and the ammunition could not reach the dock smoothly. Jock blatantly opposed Edward. It was just talking."

Before the Jock family, the arms business here was indeed quite big, but now there is no movement, as if everything has calmed down.

The boss in this position is still Edward, and even Rost’s arms have to be purchased through Xu Qiang. There is no arms on the mercenary battlefield, how can this battle be fought?

So Rost was trying to find a way to get along well with Xu Qiang and wouldn't be an opponent. Now that Freeman proposed to be able to hunt, he certainly couldn't agree.

"Freman, I know that Xu Qiang has a grievance with you. If you want to get rid of them, you can do it yourself. There is no need to pull people like us as accomplices."

Freeman’s proposal was tantamount to being rejected, and as he expected, Freeman had time today.

The mention of Xiao Yi's name does make many people afraid of fear, but on this battlefield, not one person can dominate.

"Rost, you are scared by death, I can tell you here, do you know why, this time I can successfully solve the thunder and lightning mercenary group?"

After saying that, Freeman clapped his hands, and three people walked in immediately. The aura of these three people made Roster's face instantly become tense.

I've never seen a person's aura so terrifying. The other person's eyes seemed to be able to kill people, telling Roster directly that these three people are very dangerous.

"I just added these three helpers, they can dispatch at will, they can cut off the head of the thunder and lightning mercenary group, and with this move, the battle is ended."

The three of them showed their strength a little bit in front of Roster, moved their fingers, and a gun on Roster flew into one person's hand in an instant.

Seeing this, Rost immediately stood up, and the guards around him pulled out their guns and aimed at the three of them. This meant that the other party wanted to do something, but what happened next was beyond everyone's expectations.


One sneered, and the people around the room raised their hands were overturned by an invisible force and fell to the ground one by one.

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