Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3829: Find a shield

Obviously, the naked eye didn't see what these people did. As a result, the eight powerful mercenary groups, the bodyguards responsible for protecting Rost, fell to the ground.

The weapon in his hand fell to the ground, and the three of them stood in front of Roster. At this moment Roster realized what fear was, and even more fearful, such a person turned out to be Freman's subordinate.

No wonder the Thunder and Lightning Mercenary Corps will suddenly turn white, encountering such an unmatched opponent, if it is their own, I am afraid it will also end in the same way.

Settling down, the three of them easily eliminated those who wanted to draw their guns, and sneered.

"With you people, you dare to draw your guns in front of us, it's just looking for death!"

Some of the people who fell on the ground fainted on the spot, and one can imagine the strength of the three.

After realizing his situation, Roster didn't panic. Since these three people haven't done anything to him, it means that the goal is not to kill him.

He turned to look at Freman next to him. Freman was taking a leisurely cup of coffee, not in a hurry. The boss here was him, not anyone else.

"How about? Roster, how do you think of the three masters around me?"

"Sure enough, I understand why the Thunder and Lightning Mercenary Corps loses so directly. It turns out that you found such a powerful assistant."

With the help of three people, nothing can be done, no wonder the arrogance of this Freeman has become so arrogant.

Freeman can now order the three people to get rid of Rost, but this is not his purpose. He has just climbed to the third position, which has not yet been firmly seated.

If this is done against the ghost wolf, then the entire mercenary world will become an opponent of the flame mercenary group, so he will not do a loss-making business.

"It can be said that this is the reason, Roster, you are a smart person. You know very well what the rules of the mercenary battlefield are now. Regarding the hunting thing, I think you should think about it again."

Using such a tough method is to make Rost agree to the proposal of hunting, so that Freeman can use the power of others to kill Xu Qiang and others.

Looking back, he could drag everyone else into the water. Even if the **** of death Xiao Yi asked him to settle accounts, he was not the one involved in this matter. No matter how strong he was, Xiao Yi would not dare to do it publicly.

Rost frowned. This sentence can be understood as a threat from Freeman. If he does not agree, his end will not be much better.

But if he agreed to Freeman's proposal, how would he face Perrod and the powerful Reaper in the future, and he didn't want to provoke such an opponent for this.

Thinking of this, he had a solution in his heart, and now he looked up at Freman.

"Freman, you should know that the hunting target you chose this time is not easy. Although my mercenary group is somewhat famous, it is not strong enough to compete with that **** of death."

"Haha... to put it bluntly you are still scared, right?"

Freeman disdainfully said that there are such strong people around him, so what else is there to worry about, it is true that such people will not become any climate in the future.

Rost had his worries. It was just a hunting event. It wasn't that he had never done so before. What he was worried about was the forces behind Leng Jian.

"It's not that I'm afraid. Since it's Freman that you made this request, then I'll just say it straight."

If you want to allow yourself to agree to start the hunting, the premise is that a condition needs to be met, he immediately said.

"If you can persuade Sauron to agree to hunt, then even if you try to offend that **** of death, I will definitely be there this time."

Freeman's purpose was to get Roster to agree, but Roster threw out such a sentence at this time.

I understand that this is using Sauron as a shield, and the leader of the Vulture Mercenary Group is called Sauron, and he is also the strongest person on this mercenary battlefield.

Not only his mercenary group, Sauron is also very tough. He was once surrounded by himself, facing more than 20 opponents, he just used a short knife to get out of the siege.

Not only the methods are severe, but also very vicious. The opponents killed by him are often dismembered and turned into pieces. Such a person can stand first in the mercenary world. strength.

For more than ten years, I don't know how many mercenary groups died in the hands of Sauron. Originally, Freman thought that it would be enough to persuade Rost, there is no need to go alone.

For such a person, Freman felt a little frustrated in his heart. In addition, Freman had previously used an impulse to use Sauron's daughter with tough methods, and finally killed the person and disposed of the body.

There was no news from the outside world, and no one knew who did it. Sauron once sent people to look for his daughter's whereabouts, but found nothing.

It was Sauron's youngest baby daughter who died. Sauron once said that if anyone can provide clues, he will receive a bounty of five million, and the person who killed his daughter will personally end it.

"Freman, I am timid and think a lot about things, so as long as you can persuade Sauron to start hunting, I will immediately agree without saying anything."

Seeing that Freeman was in deep thought, Rost said this, and Freeman's attitude became a lot more relaxed. This shield was still effective.

Returning to Freman's eyes, a trace of murderous aura broke out. What Roster said at this moment touched the bottom line in his heart, and he really wanted to do it now and kill this person.

"Okay Rost, I will go and persuade that Sauron to remember what you said, and if you violate your promise, you will be punished."

Freeman left here with someone, and with his current identity and status, he is fully qualified to see Sauron and sit down and talk.

No one knew what had happened before, so he would treat him as a okay person, just a hunt, he still didn't believe he didn't have the right to make a decision.

"Walk slowly and not send it."

Rost stood still, waiting for Freeman to leave before he let out a long sigh.

He didn't expect that such an expert would exist by Freman's side. If this goes on, his mercenary group will become a thorn in Freman's eyes.

Sooner or later, Freyman would get rid of him. At the moment, Rost must find a way to solve his current situation.

Being caught in the middle is the most difficult thing. Sauron doesn't need to worry about it. Sauron's side is dominating a group of killers, and they are not easy to mess with.

Even if Freman has an expert around him, he would not easily provoke Sauron. Only on his own should he consider how he should go next.

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