Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3838: Resolution change

From Lenny’s mouth, she learned of her past, no wonder Lenny showed such an expression when he saw Sauron before.

Yingluo couldn't study what kind of grievances she had before, but she had something to remind Lenny.

"I can understand the hatred in your heart, but I just want to say that with your current ability, if you want to find Sauron for revenge, the chance of success is almost zero."

Although Yingluo lived abroad and did not enter the mercenary battlefield, but this Sauron's reputation has been heard more or less.

This person not only has his own power in the mercenary world, but also because he controls a killer organization in his hands, making his strength even more terrifying.

Therefore, even if Lenny and this person have an incompatible hatred, if he wants to avenge him, the hope is very slim, and he died in Sauron's hands before she even started.

"Previously, when I entered the church, I saw many guards outside. Each of them is not simple in strength. Although I can help you kill him, but if I do this, it will violate my principles."

Lenny smiled slightly. This incident was a grievance between her and Sauron, and no one else would be involved.

"Thank you, I understand what you said, I won't just take revenge on Sauron, because now I am a member of the Lengjian Mercenary Group. Before doing anything, I have to think for the benefit of the Mercenary Group."

"It's good for you to understand this, but I feel that the situation in the mercenary battlefield will soon change. Even people like Sauron can't always sit in the position of boss."

Yingluo could feel Xiao Yi's ambition. He wanted to cultivate a powerful mercenary group, planning for the future.

Right now, Xu Qiang and others are just a rudiment. When the real strength grows, these mercenary groups will inevitably become a stumbling block in front of them, and they will eventually be defeated by Xu Qiang and the others.

Only by getting rid of these opponents can you have a broader space and will not be killed by others. I believe that this day will not take long before it will appear.

"I believe that Leng Jian will stand at the peak of this world, and it will not be too late to come back to avenge your comrades in arms at that time, and now all you can do is learn to forgive."

Lenny nodded, she remembered what Yingluo said, and believed that there would be this day.

This time Freyman persuaded Sauron to agree to start this hunting session, and entered Rost’s quarters to create the final pressure on Rost.

Two people have agreed on the three aspects now. If Rost still maintains a neutral attitude, then it is tantamount to not giving him this face, and in the future on the mercenary battlefield, the two will be considered to have settled a grievance.

With a smug expression on his face, Freeman clearly told Roster about Sauron's attitude. As the boss, Sauron had agreed to hunt, so what else could he say.

"Rost now depends on your decision. Sauron agreed to start hunting. Do you still want to refrain from taking a stand?"

If he hadn't received the news before, Roster would really have scrutinized Freeman's three-pointers, which were brought by the three people around Freeman and had nothing to do with him.

Now there is no need to take what Freman said in his eyes. Rost arranged for someone to entertain Freman this time, but he did not subdue Freman.

"Freman, I think this matter, we still need to discuss it."

"Discuss, what else needs to be discussed?"

Freeman said, he couldn't wait to start hunting, and many mercenary groups joined forces to destroy Xu Qiang's team.

In such a situation, Xu Qiang and the others did not even have a chance to fight back. Only in this way can they eliminate the hatred in their hearts and calm the anger in their hearts.

"Freman, don't worry, I received a message before, as if Sauron did not agree with your proposal."

"What? Are you kidding me?"

"You are kidding."

Rost chuckled. He motioned to Freman. If he didn't believe it, he could call and ask now. If he said it was true or false, he would know immediately.

With a confident attitude, Freeman picked up the phone and turned on the speakerphone, also to let Roster hear it clearly. After a while, the call was connected.

"Rost, listen carefully here. I know you and Perrod have been dating before, but no one can save them this time."

Freman's expression was cold, and Sauron's gloomy voice came from the other side of the phone. When talking to Freman earlier, he hadn't used that tone.

Sauron clearly told Freman that the proposal of hunting was not passed, and whoever agreed to start hunting would be his enemy.

He didn't even have a chance to ask Freeman, so I hung up the phone, as if something happened in it, which made Freeman very puzzled, what was going on.

The smug smile on his face gradually disappeared, his expression became stiff, and Rost sat aside from beginning to end, looking at the play, waiting for Freman to make a fool of himself.

He already knew that as a result of this call, Roster didn't know where he got the news. In order to get Sauron to agree, he had specifically agreed to Sauron's request.

"Look at Freman, I said that Sauron may not agree to it. Since Sauron has spoken, I can't nod the proposal this time."

At a crucial moment, Sauron changed his decision, which Freman did not expect. During the call just now, Sauron's tone was obviously full of hatred.

After Sauron hung up Freman's phone, he gave an order to mobilize a group of people to find his daughter's body according to the location provided by Yingluo.

If the body of the daughter is found, it proves that the two women are right, that Freman killed his precious daughter, which means that in the future he will be at odds with Freman.

"Have you remembered what I said?"

The five stood in front of Sauron, they were the dead men who followed Sauron, and they were always protecting the safety of Sauron.

If a dangerous situation is really encountered, these five people will protect Sauron with death, and they have no choice but to stay with Sauron because their family is controlled by Sauron.

If the wife and child's own parents had any intention to go against Sauron, the family would be massacred right away. For Sauron's death, only one person would be killed. At least the family would survive.


"This matter is going on in secret, don't speak out, contact me immediately after you find it."

Sauron ordered that his daughter was killed by Freeman. This matter must first be determined by finding the daughter's body.

There is a more important point. If this matter spreads, it will be a shame for Sauron. Freeman has found a backer and does not want to openly be an enemy of Freeman for the time being.

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