Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3839: Power growth

Being able to kill his opponent in a short period of time, Sauron has already made a clear investigation. Behind Freeman, there is a mysterious force supporting him.

Before the situation is clear, you must not act rashly. The rookie mercenary group must also think about making him the enemy of Sauron and Freeman, so that he can help himself and solve such a big problem. .

How could the other party have such kindness, for their own interests, this time Freeman’s proposal of hunting was rejected, and Xu Qiang and others were given time to develop.

"I want to see what achievements this Cold Sword Mercenary Corps will make if you give them some time, let me wait and see."

Lenny took an adventure, went to the residence of the vultures, and negotiated with Sauron. In the end, he did not live up to everyone's trust and successfully cancelled Freeman's proposal.

The two returned to the camp that afternoon and talked about what had happened before. Lenny was almost detained by Sauron.

Fortunately, there was Duan Zhisheng's other-handed arrangement, Yingluo's appearance was turned away. This time it was Perod's mistake. He forgot to calculate the character and conduct of Sauron. It is not so easy to convince such a person easily.

"Although this time, your mercenary group resolved the crisis, but I noticed before that there are practitioners walking with him beside Freman."

Yingluo inspected the situation, and Freman was surrounded by a few masters, who were no different from ordinary people in dress, but Yingluo could detect that these people exuded the breath of cultivators.

"Before coming here, I really didn't expect that practitioners originally had established rules and would not easily participate in the struggles of outsiders. What is their origin?"

The movement of the practitioner was abnormal. Duan Zhisheng had already seen this the last time that Edward's cargo ship was attacked by the practitioner.

Based on the analysis of the situation learned, the opponent's strength is good, and in one-on-one situations, oneself may not have the upper hand.

"Xiao Yi once said that it seems that these people come from an ancient clan, and they have great grievances with the Xiao clan."

"According to Brother Duan, these people are actually here for Xiao Yi."

"It can also be said that their purpose is to restrict Xiao Yi's development, and start from the people around Xiao Yi, so as to achieve their goals."

Duan Zhisheng analyzed and said that he didn't say much about these Xiao Yi, but he knew that from the day Edward's cargo ship was hijacked, nothing similar has happened since then.

And none of the cargo Jock promised to Freeman arrived at the dock. After investigation, it was finally learned that another wave of practitioners used the same method to hijack Jock’s cargo ship.

He hadn't said that he could guess that all these were done by Xiao Yi, presumably in order not to cause everyone's panic, he secretly handled them all.

"Why does this guy provoke his opponent so much? I know many of them. It seems that if he chooses to help him, he will encounter a lot of trouble in the future."

Yingluo complained, but she did not regret her decision, and finally had the opportunity to meet her senior brothers and sisters, and to live together in the future, it was too late to be happy.

The situation in the mercenary battlefield is changing rapidly. Now with a pair of eyes, no one can see what will happen in the future. What can be done is to handle the current work well.

In City H, Xiao Yi accepted the cultivation method that the master and the son imaginatively said. The power of cultivating the soul is really not something ordinary people can tolerate.

Throwing his own soul into the millstone, the soul was shattered a little bit by the millstone, and the pain was magnified ten times and spread to the human body, which could no longer be described with five horses divided into corpses.

It was as if the whole person was torn to pieces a little bit, and then the shattered soul power was recombined to form a new soul. Such a process felt extremely long for Xiao Yi.

Three days passed in a hurry. During these three days, Xiao Yi shut himself in the room and repeated the same thing every day.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Xiao Yi gasped for breath, his back was already soaked with sweat, and under this kind of practice, he was already exhausted.

"I worked hard for three days, but it was tantamount to shattering and reorganizing an arm, and it was too far away from being tempered by the entire soul."

Xiao Yi thought that he had strong willpower, but faced with such a way of cultivation, he could only hold on for a while, wait until it eased, and then go back and forth.

After three days of cultivating, it only smashed an arm. It was already causing Xiao Yi to consume so much energy. One can imagine what it would be like if all the souls were thrown into the grinding wheel.

After recovering, Xiao Yi finished his cultivation, and first went to take a cold water bath. After the bath, the whole person was much more relaxed, and he was lying on the bed in a loose pajamas.

I have to say that the master and son Xu, telling him this way of cultivation, the effect is still very obvious, Xiao Yi can perceive the changes in his spiritual power, the most notable thing is that he can perceive all the movement around the body. .

The sound of people talking, the faint sound of breathing, including the beating of heart and pulse, are all clearly within the scope of his perception, and even relying on this ability to use it in actual combat.

If fighting an opponent, Xiao Yi can predict the opponent's move method and attack position in advance, so as to make the prediction in advance. In this way, he has the ability to protect himself in dealing with dangerous situations.

"This guy is very leisurely, and his little life is very moist."

Xiao Yi perceives the outside world, and Yuan Sheng walks towards his residence. After the rectification of the Tenglong Group, he rarely sees the shadow of Yuan Sheng.

He invested part of his capital and became a shareholder of Tamron Group. Originally, the money was enough for him, so he didn't need to be busy with work, and he spent all day playing outside.

I encountered a little trouble this time, so I came to see Xiao Yi. Apart from Xiao Yi, I couldn't think of anyone else who could help in this matter.

Yuan Sheng passed the security guards at the gate. These security guards were all retired soldiers and had no job arrangements. They were placed here by Xiao Yi, with a salary of 20,000 yuan a month, plus various benefits.

At work, they must do their best to protect the safety here. Even if they are acquaintances, they have to pass inspections to enter Xiao Yi's residence. Yuan Sheng passed and later went to Xiao Yi's residence and opened the door to look for Xiao Yi's figure.

"When you are done, don't stand. I'm already a servant. I've made tea in advance and just wait for your arrival."

Xiao Yi sensed his breath when Yuan Sheng was 500 meters away from his home, and knew that Yuan Sheng was coming to him, so he made tea in advance and waited for him.

"It's weird, I didn't notify you in advance, how did you know I would come?"

"Guess it!"

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