Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3900: Codename

Xue Yaoyue made an analysis and understood the thoughts of the upper class of the Black Dragon Association. What they wanted was a chess piece, and the chess piece didn't need to think about it by themselves.

What Kameda can do, he takes care of the small things himself, and there is also a think tank in the Black Dragon Association to help Kameda make ideas and analyze the situation. When it encounters a major problem, it is no longer for Kameda to make a decision.

Therefore, the position of the chairman is just a mere name. Kameda who is in it also understands that he can sit in the position of the chairman, or it may be lost overnight.

Even his own life.

"You have a good analysis, it seems that I think about this matter a bit simpler."

Xiao Yi could not have imagined that on this level of Xue Yaoyue, Xue Yaoyue was very thoughtful, and she deserved to be the one who made the plan before the start of each action.

"I'm just guessing. As for the real purpose of them, I don't know, but I have a feeling in my heart that the upper layers of the Black Dragon Association seem to be brewing some big moves."

"Big action? The previous underground laboratory has been destroyed, what else can they bring out."

After the underground laboratory of the Black Dragon Society was destroyed, it has been in a state of failure for a period of time. After gathering the minerals from the outside world, Xue Yaoyue finally discovered something strange by invading the network system.

"I found out that all the funds of the Black Dragon Club have flowed into three fixed accounts. There are nearly 30 billion U.S. dollars. With such a huge flow of funds, I think they are not for a birthday party."

Thirty billion U.S. dollars. If converted, it would be more than 200 billion. This is an astronomical figure. Such a huge amount of funds is controlled by the senior members of the Black Dragon Association. Once the funds are activated, more than 200 billion. There are so many things that can be done.

"It was the underground laboratory of the Black Dragon Association that was hit. Why did they withdraw other industries and resell some of their minerals? This seems somewhat unreasonable."

Xiao Yi said, no matter how the Black Dragon will not get to this point, Xue Yaoyue nodded, Xiao Yi thought the same as him.

"Your thoughts are consistent with me. What is certain at present is that the senior officials of the Black Dragon Association have gathered this sum of funds and are planning any conspiracy. In order to achieve this goal, they will not hesitate to abandon those overseas industries."

"With your means, can you find the final flow of these funds? Whose hands are they?"

If this point is found, the investigation can be continued along this clue, and the truth can be revealed.

Xue Yaoyue had done this a long time ago. She hacked into the other party's network terminal. Just as she was about to find out the final result, suddenly the other party's network firewall was activated, and she noticed Xue Yaoyue's invasion and made a code skip in time.

As a result, Xue Yaoyue couldn't continue tracking at all, so she chose to give up, but she finally found some clues, and said to Xiao Yi.

"Although I did not find out who the holders of these three accounts are, I intercepted a private communication from the other party, in which the words Yaqi and Resurrection were mentioned."

"Baqi, resurrection? What does this mean? I have never heard of it before."

Xiao Yi asked, Xue Yaoyue specifically checked the information about this point, and would not let any clues go, especially the news of accidental cargo interception.

"I searched on the Internet. There is a saying that the two words "Baqi" exist in the myths and legends of the island nation."

The Yachi Orochi is a famous monster in the mythology of the island country. It is also known as Yamatto Luzhi and Yamatto Luzhi. It is generally considered to be a powerful monster or **** of evil. It is a ferocious snake that can bring disasters, with a terrifying appearance of eight heads and eight tails, and a legendary sword in its body. It ate the sisters of Chi Inada Hime for seven years, but was finally beheaded by the hero Susano in the eighth year.

The Yaqi Orochi has 8 heads and 8 tails, and can fill up eight valleys and eight hills. This is the origin of the name. Its eyes are like red cape gooseberry, and its body is covered with moss, cypress trees and fir. Its belly is always bloody, as if it has been eroded.

It came to Izumo from Kozhi and eats a girl as a sacrifice every year. At this time, Suzu Mingzun (Sasa Noo) was exiled here from Takatenhara. He drunk Yaki Orochi with alcohol on the condition that he asked to marry the old couple’s daughter Qi Inada Hime as his wife, and killed it. The sky cluster cloud sword was found at its tail.

It's just that there are things in myths, how can you take it seriously, Chinese myths and legends can find a basket if you just look for them, if these are true, a mountain and sea classic is a world of monsters.

"Perhaps this Baqi means a code name. They want to start an important project, using the word Baqi as the name."

Xiao Yi guessed that Xue Yaoyue agreed with Xiao Yi's statement, and it seemed that apart from this explanation, there was no more convincing one.

The two had been chatting, but they had forgotten that they were watching the concert. Mieko Sakai sang for an hour, retired from the stage and changed clothes, and another girl group continued to perform.

Unknowingly, nearly two hours have passed, and today's concert is about to come to an end. Sakai Mieko's appearance has driven the popularity of the scene and reached its peak several times.

Just for the sake of Mieko Sakai, these audiences spent more than one billion dollars. It is more appropriate to use the word crazy.

"Thor, did you not spend any money?"

Xiao Yi saw that Thor looked serious when he watched, and he really became a loyal fan of Mei Huizi, and turned his head after hearing what Xiao Yi said.

"Just kidding, I'm like a rich man?"

Raytheon pointed at himself. Unlike Xiao Yi, money became just a simple figure.

"The little money I receive every month has long been handed over to my wife. What I keep in my hand can only buy a few boxes of cigarettes at most. The poor are going to be pants. Where can I have spare money to buy gifts. "

He was not crying for poverty, but really poor. As a big man, the money in his trouser pocket never exceeded one hundred yuan.

On the battlefield, he bravely killed the enemy and made countless contributions. After he returned home, he was no longer a hero, he was the father of the child and the husband of his wife. He was busy for the life of the family, nothing more.

Thor is also a typical strict wife control, this does not mean that he is afraid of his wife, but a kind of love for his wife, expressed in this special way.

"All my money went into my wife's hands. Even if I smoke cigarettes on weekdays, I smoke seven dollars. If it exceeds this price, I can't afford it."

"It's so pitiful to hear you say, do I need to give you a sum of money to make you squander it."

"No more, you still withdraw this idea. I am used to this kind of life. If you let me taste the sweetness of the rich, you may not know what it will become."

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