Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3901: I'm busy

Everyone has their own habits and ways of life, just like Thor, and he did not feel that his life was not as good as others.

Anyway, people in the military area are the same as everyone in the military area. They eat in the canteen and sleep and rest in the base. When they choose this route, they have already forgotten all these things outside.

Among these people on the scene, it is estimated that only Xiao Yi and the three are different. Let alone brushing gifts, the performance of the concert has been very calm.

There were a few fans who kept shouting the name of Sakai Mieko, their voices became hoarse, and they were really desperate. Xiao Yi had never seen such a formation before.

"Next, I will choose a lucky person from watching the concert. As the lucky person, I can enter my room to rest tonight and chat with me."

On the stage, Mieko Sakai threw a blockbuster. When the fans heard this, they immediately exploded.

What this means is clearer than anyone else. Otakus like them all want to enter Mieko's room in their dreams. If they can get such an opportunity, they will be willing to live ten years less.

In an instant, the fans in the audience broke out, cheering excitedly, hoping that Mieko would give them a chance, and she must choose them. It was almost one o'clock in the morning.

The fans are not sleepy at all. They are all smashed, waiting eagerly for the final decision Mieko will make. Everyone is looking forward to who can get Mieko's favor.

But it is obvious that no matter who the opportunity falls on, this person will become the enemy in the eyes of everyone. I saw Mieko Sakai on the stage, walking **** steps, crisp white thighs, facing the stage. Come.

"Come down, and my goddess is walking towards me."

"Oh! Are your eyes blind? He obviously walked towards me."

"Don't block me, my handsome face will definitely let Mieko choose me. The chance is mine."

The fans became restless again, surging in the direction of Mieko. At this moment, four bodyguards appeared beside Mieko.

These four bodyguards are mercenaries who have retired from the battlefield. There is no doubt about their strength. Their duty is to work for the brokerage company to protect the woman's safety and prevent Mieko from being injured.

Now this woman is like a hen who can lay golden eggs. The brokerage company is still waiting for Mieko to help them make more money, but she can't let Mieko have an accident.

Bodyguards have been arranged in advance to protect Mieko's safety at all times. If the atmosphere at the scene is too intense, she can only make her give up this interaction with fans.

Although the fans are very excited, they still keep their sense. They make a way for Mieko. They don't want to hurt the goddess in their hearts because of their rudeness. It can be said that they love Mieko to the extreme.

The bodyguard is always by his side to prevent people who are too emotional from appearing, but it looks very calm. After Mieko stepped down and walked for a few minutes, all of a sudden, today's income has increased by 200 million.

And this number is growing wildly. The reason is very simple. Everyone of these people thinks that they will use the money in their hands to exchange for this evening, and such opportunities are not always met.

The otakus were crazy to the extreme, staring eagerly, without blinking their eyelids at this time, and in the front row seats, the rich and rich men spent a lot of money, frantically paying for Sakai Mieko.

But at this time, Mieko Sakai didn't seem to have the slightest interest in these things. She walked to the back seat and stayed beside Xiao Yi and the three of them. Xiao Yi bowed his head to think about the problem.

Feeling that the light is blocked, this is the only way to look up, and then continue to lower his head. It's completely irrelevant to him. Everyone held their breath. After all, Mieko held the microphone and said sweetly.

"This gentleman, can I invite you to my room as a guest?"

Sakai Mieko spoke, and from the back row, the most common audience was selected.

You must know that among the audience here, the wealthy people are concentrated in the front, and there is almost no need to think about it. Mieko will definitely leave this opportunity to those symbols instead of the poor **** behind.

Unexpectedly, she was really unexpected. She avoided the rich area, stood in front of Xiao Yi, and sent out an invitation in front of Xiao Yi. This was to strangle the hearts of the otakus.

If you listen carefully at this moment, it seems that you can hear the sound of heartbreak. Such a great opportunity has been missed, and they all look towards Xiao Yi, wanting to know how long this lucky guy is this evening. What it looks like.

Xiao Yi also didn't understand this Sakai Mieko, she probably didn't know her before, so she chose herself intentionally, or said she had other plans.


Pointing to herself, Sakai Mieko nodded and expressed her meaning.

"Yes, as long as you agree, I can let you stay in my room tonight. Whether you ask me to sing or chat with you, as long as it is not an excessive request, I can promise you everything."

Sakai Mieko explained that the otakus are waiting for such an opportunity, let alone being in the same room with her, even if they can be with her, these otakus can't ask for it.

Even crazier is that the clothes that Mieko Sakai wore after each performance were put up for auction at auctions. The otakus desperately spent their savings in order to retain the breath of the goddess.

Xiao Yi raised his head and glanced around. The men all around cast hostile eyes, feeling like the woman who had taken them away, but at this point, this group of people can rest assured.

"No time!"

The two words are Xiao Yi's answer.

The atmosphere of the air suddenly became solidified for a while, and everyone was digging their ears with their fingers, wondering if they had misheard.

Such a great opportunity was placed in front of Xiao Yi, and it was exchanged for the word no time. It was a violent thing. Is it really uninterested, or just pretending to be here.

This is like a sharp knife, pierced into the hearts of the otakus. Sakai Mieko is the goddess in their hearts. If Xiao Yi agrees, one by one will be desperate with Xiao Yi, but Xiao Yi said the words of rejection, this It is tantamount to blaspheming Mieko.

"What! I heard that right, this person actually refused."

"Damn I would rather live less than ten years. For such a chance, he turned it down. Damn it!"

"It's just a bastard, what he thinks in his head, don't give me this opportunity."

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