Freelance Artist

Chapter 101 Where Dreams Begin (Silver 910)

After all, this is a clear matter. If Zhang Xiyang does not win the championship, his fans will definitely hate Baidi in the future, and blame Baidi's music style for not being suitable for stage competitions. Although Zhang Xiyang's fans have not said anything yet , as if we support the decision of the two parties, after all, the result has not yet come out!

And at home at this time.

Mom was already worried.

"I see that many people on the Internet are saying that if Zhang Xiyang loses in the final, we, Xiao Hei, will be responsible. It doesn't make sense. Why should Xiao Hei be responsible?"


Lin Shengtian couldn't laugh or cry: "Don't listen to those experts on the Internet talking nonsense, don't say that Zhang Xiyang will not lose the game, even if he loses, Xiao Hei will definitely not be responsible!"

Lin Shengtian was also worried.

However, after rehearsing and listening to Zhang Xiyang's new song in the past few days, he is not worried at all. As a program producer, Lin Shengtian knows the gold content of his brother's new song better than anyone else!

This song is perfect for the stage!

The mother was very dissatisfied and said: "I don't care about these, anyway, we Xiaohei don't take the blame, and others love whoever."

"Do not worry."

Lin Xi also laughed and said: "Actually, it's nothing more than experts in the industry think that Xiao Hei's song style is not suitable for participating in the competition, but they don't know what style Xiao Hei's new song is."

This is the result of inertial thinking.

Who would have thought that Baidi's new song would completely change its style?

In other words, who would have thought that Baidi, a composer who has released all his works so far, are all composed of such a bland style of singing, and the new song is actually a rock style?

The contrast is too great!

Completely two extremes!

This is the result of poor information.

Even Lin Xi was taken aback when he heard the song "Huahuo". He couldn't imagine that this was a new song written by his younger brother. The style of the work has changed so much!


Noisy is noisy.

Let's make trouble.

Life went on day by day, and Lin Zhibai didn't bother to care about what the so-called experts said, so he wrote "Jieyou Grocery Store" in peace at his residence, and he almost finished writing 200,000 words.


The competition day is approaching, and the countdown to the last few days is approaching. The closer the time is, the more lively the Internet will be. Both inside and outside the industry and the media are not idle, chatting over and over again about Zhang Xiyang's final song selection every day.

three days!

two days!

one day!

It's finally final day!

On the recording site of Shinhwa Entertainment that day, Lin Shengtian was busy. He is the producer and director of this show, but he is not the chief director.

"The audience is about to enter!"

"All departments get ready!"

"Today is a live broadcast. You must not lose the chain. The status of the singers and teachers must be checked at any time."


"Arrange a few more people in the subtitle group, the live subtitles must be synchronized, and all equipment will be tested for final confirmation."

"The audience has entered!"

"The identity has been verified!"

"The audience has already taken their seats, and the seven singer teachers have all entered the waiting room. There is no problem with the equipment debugging."

"The host is ready!"

The internal channel of the program group was communicating, and it was a bit chaotic. Everyone was highly concentrated and responsible for their respective work.

And at the live broadcast.

At the moment it is relaxed and lively.

The audience in the auditorium whispered to each other.

Excitement and anticipation were written on everyone's faces. After all, today is the final live broadcast day of "I Am a Singer", and everyone has been eagerly looking forward to this day for a long time!

The second row of the auditorium.

Lin Zhibai sat in a position closer to the middle, so he could clearly hear the discussions from the front, back, left, and right sides of his ears.

"I'm looking forward to the final!"

"I guess there will be a serious host today, but the host is not the point. Today, I am curious about who will win the championship in the end."

"Zhang Xiyang!"

"Old Zhang for sure!"

"Didn't online experts say that Zhang Xiyang is going to sing Baidi's new song, but Baidi's music style has no hope of winning the championship? I am more optimistic about Mr. Xia Yulong winning the championship. First of all, there is nothing to say about his strength. Almost every episode is in the top three. If it is not for Zhang Xiyang His performance is too perverted, he should have won several firsts, but now that Zhang Xiyang is going to stretch his hips in the final, Xia Yulong will definitely seize the opportunity."

"Do you trust experts?"

"Even if you don't believe in Baidi, you should also believe in Zhang Xiyang. The two of them are not stupid. How could they do it knowing they couldn't do it? They must have some confidence to play like this."

"That's what you said."

"You are the typical wall-scratcher who is the easiest to copy what others say. Nowadays, many people on the Internet lack the ability to think independently. If you want to say who can win the championship, the competition changes rapidly. Everyone has a possibility. Zhang Xiyang, Yue Shanlan, and Xia Yulong won the championship. strangeness."

"Zhang Xiyang is still the number one favorite."

Lin Zhibai listened to the whispers of the audience, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The experts really worked hard to keep the rhythm, but most people still believed in Baidi and Zhang Xiyang.



Almost ready, Lin Shengtian looked at the time and said: "The countdown to the live broadcast has started, prepare to connect to the live broadcast signal!"






Finish with the countdown!

The live signal is connected!

The lights on the scene exploded gorgeously in an instant!

Two big-name hosts sent by Shinhwa Entertainment stepped onto the stage, "Welcome the audience friends on the scene and in front of the TV to watch "I Am a Singer" named after the Longquan water brand!"

"Live live for you!"

And at the moment when the live broadcast signal was successfully connected, countless viewers who were watching the live broadcast on the Shinhwa video were all elated, and the barrage immediately exploded!

"It's started, it's started!"

"Han Yueshuang, come on!"

"Zhang Xiyang, hurry up!"

"Teacher Zhang Xiyang will win!"

"Yue Shanlan, cross the mountains!"

"No one called for the bracelet, so I'll do it."

"I feel sorry for Sun Gu, no fans are here..."

"Sun Gu fans report!"

"Looking forward to Zhang Xiyang singing Baidi's new song!"

"Experts say..."

"Forget about those Laoshizi experts, I'm a fan of Baidi, I have to believe in Baidi and Zhang Xiyang's strength in this wave!"

The barrage is dense!

This is Qin Zhou's number one phenomenon-level variety show, and the popularity of the final is the highest since "I Am a Singer" started broadcasting!


Countless people watched the live broadcast while discussing various predictions about the ranking results of today's competition. Of course, many people were curious about the new Baidi song that Zhang Xiyang would sing today.

Not just netizens.

The industry is also collectively watching the live broadcast.

While watching the opening of the show, many experts expressed their thoughts through various industry groups, such as what kind of big moves these singers will release today. After all, the final is the time to desperately.


The fun is over!

The first singer to appear on stage tonight was Lin Shouzhuo who got the number one draw. Not long after he stepped onto the stage, the audience suddenly heard a burst of familiar music.

"When you walk into this joyous place

Carry all dreams and dreams

makeup on different faces

No one remembers what you look like..."

Lin Shouzhuo's repertoire is his famous work "Sorrow"!

Lin Shouzhuo sang very seriously. He didn't make any arrangements for the whole song, but sang it with the original arrangement and accompaniment. It seemed that he was expressing something deliberately in this way.

this moment.

Without too many words, everyone understood Lin Shouzhuo's meaning. Singing "Sorrow" in the final was Lin Shouzhuo's tribute to Baidi, and at the same time, he was expressing his support for Baidi, because this is Baidi's debut work.


Many people discuss.

"It is said that Zhang Xiyang is affectionate and righteous, and our bracelet is not bad at all. It is a unequivocal expression of support for Teacher Baidi!"


"Singing this song in the final is definitely not a good card. After all, everyone is familiar with it, but I was a little teary. Maybe I am more emotional."

"Support Baidi."

"As a fan of Zhang Xiyang, I couldn't help but want to say a few words. Many people on the Internet said that if Lao Zhang lost the game because Baidi's new song didn't fit the competition stage, we would hate Baidi to death. This is absolutely speculation. Even slander, we will not let Baidi take the blame."


"Because Zhang Xiyang came back and became popular because of Baidi's song, and because Zhang Xiyang said that he participated in "I Am a Singer" because he was invited by Teacher Baidi. Without Baidi, everyone may have forgotten who Zhang Xiyang is. , don't treat us Zhang Xiyang's fans like white-eyed wolves."

"No one needs to take the blame."

"Every teacher who participated in the competition is very good. In the finals, everyone depends on their ability. Don't blame anyone if you lose. Isn't that why we like this show? Let those experts shut up and let's listen to the songs carefully. As long as the songs are good , all public opinion and controversy are not important!"

on the stage.

After Lin Shouzhuo sang "Alleviating Sorrow", he didn't say "I support Teacher Baidi" on his lips. He just bowed to the audience and said softly:

"This song... is where my dreams began."

Ask for a monthly ticket, finish writing this paragraph tomorrow

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