Freelance Artist

Chapter 102 Winning the championship?

Lin Shouzhuo's way of taking the audience to recall "Sorrow" is Baidi's debut work. This song is where his dream began, and Baidi is the person who let him touch his dream. At this moment, he no longer cares about the final ranking What's the matter, as a young singer, it's already a success to persevere until the finals. Today, he only wants to sing this song that is the most meaningful to him.

The song ends.

Applause from the audience.

Lin Shouzhuo's support is better than sound, because this song is Baidi's signature low-pitched singing style. He doesn't need to blow up the audience, as long as he sings with his heart, it can still move people. Maybe in the end his ranking will not be high. It will be very high, but no one can deny the excellence of this performance.


second singer.

Han Yueshuang appeared.

As the youngest female singer in this show, Han Yueshuang's audience popularity is not low, and the media even called her the "Iron Lung Little Song Queen"!

The treble is clear!

Has queen potential!

This kind of evaluation is not unreasonable, and Han Yueshuang really deserves such an evaluation. The song she played in the final has electronic music elements, which is very young. The most important thing is that she even danced on the stage!

Charming smiley.

black eyeliner.

Music beats on the dance floor.

In the dynamic interlude, bursts of smoke appeared on the stage, Han Yueshuang twisted around surrounded by dancers, and at the end of the song, she turned her charming side face to the audience, with a little contempt on her fingertips. Interpretation and expression, the atmosphere of the audience was pushed to a climax, under the colorful follow-up lights, there were endless screams and cheers!

"As expected of the final!"

"I didn't expect Han Yueshuang to be able to dance. This song completely highlights her youthful advantages. It sounds so exciting. This is really a big move!"

"It's so cool to hear!"

"This is definitely Han Yueshuang's best performance since participating in the competition. In the past, he can hit the first place!"


"Han Yueshuang, come on!"

"Amplify the move, this is it!"

"Han Yueshuang is definitely expected to become one of the leading figures of our young female singers in Qinzhou. There are almost no one among her peers who is better than her!"

"Shouldn't you want to win the championship?"

"Look at the following performances. This is a tactic. Han Yueshuang must not be the only one hiding the big move. I'm sure I'll be happy today!"

This is the finals!

The dance beauty is more gorgeous!

The audience is more enthusiastic!

Everyone waving glow sticks!

Even Lin Zhibai couldn't help being infected by the atmosphere, enjoying the performance on the stage. This Han Yueshuang was very good, which left a deep impression on him.


third singer.

Sun Gu appeared.

Sun Gu sang "Moonlight" when he was filling in. He couldn't sing this time, but he was very well prepared for the final. He even chose an old song that was extremely difficult. He used all kinds of singing skills to the extreme!



"In terms of skill alone, Sun Gu is not weaker than those singers at all. His shortcoming is that his voice lacks a little emotion, but this song is considered to be up to the standard in terms of skill and emotion."

"This is hard work!"

"This is definitely his best game since the game, even better than his performance in "Moonlight". This is the charm of using skills to the extreme!"

"I love this game!"

"Among all Sun Gu's live shows, this song can be ranked in the top three, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the first. It is almost extraordinary performance."


"Other singers in the background are also praising!"

The live audience can't see the backstage, but the audience in front of the TV can see it, and the live broadcast will edit some of the situation in the backstage preparation room.

"I'm under a lot of pressure."

Han Yueshuang, who had just finished singing, was still full of makeup, and while listening to Sun Gu's singing, she patted her chest with her little hands, looking a little cute.

"His skill is really good."

Xia Yulong also nodded seriously and said.

Next door is Yue Shanlan's preparation room.

This "aunt" put on makeup today, and she looked much prettier. While watching the performance, she said, "Xiao Sun is really a rare talent among young singers in Qinzhou."

At this time.

The camera cut to Zhang Xiyang.

Zhang Xiyang was wearing a black leather jacket today, and closed his eyes to rest in the quiet preparation room. The manager didn't bother him, but whispered to the staff: "Mr. Zhang is too silent today."

It was chilly in the preparation room.

Zhang Xiyang, who everyone is familiar with, is a very Buddhist person. He doesn’t create too much sense of distance. Everyone looks at him kindly, but tonight he is different from usual. There seems to be something that no one can tell. Change.


The contestants after Sun Gu came up from the back and were lucky enough to get into the finals. The opponent also knew that he was not as good as the other contestants in terms of skills and singing skills, so he simply chose a song that was very distracting. Not as good as Lin Shouzhuo, so the audience's response was obviously not as enthusiastic as the previous ones.


Yue Shanlan is here!

As the fifth contestant to appear today, Yue Shanlan aroused the enthusiasm of the audience as soon as he appeared on the stage, especially after the last performance weakened, everyone hoped that the stage would explode again!


Yue Shanlan lived up to expectations, the prelude to the music was a roar of thunder, it can be imagined that this must be a work that can bring her treble to the extreme!

as expected.

The momentum of Yue Shanlan's song is like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, with a strong sense of oppression coming to his face, and that thick voice seems to bring the audience into a world of war!

"The dragon is in the wild!"

"Cloud Thunder Tribulation!"

"Snow and rain!"

"Chang'an Eve!"

This is a representative work of a certain queen, not a traditional love song. Although the theme is love, it also describes the rise and fall of a certain dynasty in ancient times. Generally, a weak voice cannot support this song, but Yue Shanlan did it. When it arrived, she was no less than the queen who sang the original song!

off stage.

The audience was deeply shocked!

"I was shocked when I heard this song for the first time. I thought that other than the original singer, no one would have the same effect, but Yue Ma broke my perception."

"too strong!"

"It's terrifyingly strong!"

"The key is that Yue Ma is not only strong but also stable. The transition from the verse to the chorus of this song is very difficult, but she went up without any effort!"


at the same time.

A university dormitory.

"I originally thought that Han Yueshuang and Sun Gu were expected to compete for the championship, but once Yue Shanlan came out, they didn't have much hope. This is a mountain that is higher than a mountain!"

"It exploded!"


"Yue Shanlan really deserves to be ranked in the top three for a long time. This song is also her best performance so far, and she has completely achieved a self-breakthrough!"


Still in front of the TV.

At Lin Zhibai's home, his parents and sister were also watching the game. They didn't go to the scene because they were too nervous, but they didn't expect to be as nervous watching TV at home, or even more nervous.

"That's great too."

"Can Zhang Xiyang win?"

"Zhang Xiyang sang Xiao Hei's new song. Some people on the Internet said that Xiao Hei's new song is not suitable for the competition. If he loses..."

"rest assured."

Lin Xi took a deep breath and said: "This is how the finals are. Everyone will try their best. Yue Shanlan is indeed very strong, but Xia Yulong and Zhang Xiyang are not strong. If the opponent is not so strong, how can we highlight the champion's strength?" Gold content?"

Parents nod.

Not so nervous anymore.

Lin Xi's hands were entangled, obviously she was not as relaxed as she said, and she was extremely worried in her heart, but it was not about the quality of Lin Zhibai's song itself, the song must be fine, but one Whether a song can impress the audience depends not only on its own quality, but also on whether the singer's performance is wonderful.

Can Zhang Xiyang hold on?

Under normal circumstances, Zhang Xiyang can be stable, but judging from the backstage camera, Zhang Xiyang seems to be extraordinarily silent today, making people a little unclear whether he is brewing emotions or is not in a good state. Anyway, people can feel it through the screen. to a deep low pressure.



"The competition ceiling for professional singers in our industry seems to be "I Am a Singer". The stage professionalism of other music programs has been crushed by this program."

"Han Yueshuang!"

"Yue Shanlan!"

"And Sun Gu!"

"The performances of these guys are all remarkable, especially in Yue Shanlan's match, she is completely a champion. It depends on whether Xia Yulong behind can suppress her."

In conversation.

People in the industry have naturally noticed that Zhang Xiyang's state in the camera is not the same as usual. He has not said a word until now, and other singers will sigh how good the opponent's performance is, but he seems to be isolated from the world. Apart from drinking some water in the middle, there is no emotion in the eyes, even a little indifference?

"What was he thinking about?"

"The ghost knows what Zhang Xiyang is thinking, but I guess he is regretting it. None of these opponents are vegetarians, and their performances can be said to be abnormal, but he wants to sing Baidi's new song."


"The quality of Baidi's new songs should not be bad. After all, every song performed very well in the season charts, but his music style will limit Zhang Xiyang's performance."

"It's useless to say that now."

"He must be nervous."

"There are a lot of people complaining about us on the Internet. This is a bad word. Baidi has a lot of fans, and Zhang Xiyang has even more fans. These people can't hear the truth anymore."


"Xia Yulong is here!"

"Damn it, are Xia Yulong sure you want to sing this song?"

"The difficulty of this song is even higher than that of Yue Shanlan. The work included in the textbooks of major conservatories is recognized as one of the most difficult works among all popular songs. !"


Xia Yulong appeared.

However, the song Xia Yulong chose made everyone sweat because this song is the posthumous work of a deceased Qu father. The original song was sung by a certain singer twenty years ago. Since then, almost no one has sung this song again.

Because dare not!

Even if he is a song king, he would not dare to cover this song lightly, but if he can sing this song well, Xia Yulong may...


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