Freelance Artist

Chapter 122 Borrow from Heaven for Another Five Hundred Years

Lin Zhibai is also a skilled worker now, and the speed of making music is much faster than before. He finished the accompaniment of "Borrowing from the Sky for Five Hundred Years" at around eleven o'clock in the evening, and he still felt a little guilty. , the bed time seems to be getting later and later, is there wood?

The difference from before is:

Lin Zhibai didn't delay time on purpose this time, and pretended that composing songs took a lot of energy. He is now a genius composer in the eyes of his sister, so it's better to show this talent more clearly, so that night Send the sheet music to Zhang Xiyang.

five minutes later.

The two exchanged messages.

Zhang Xiyang: "Among all the songs I have seen, this is the most regal song."

Lin Zhibai: "The song of the emperor needs the voice of the emperor, so it will be you, Pikachu, and prepare to record tomorrow."

Zhang Xiyang: "No problem, but Pikachu?"

Lin Zhibai: "It's not important, see you at the recording studio at 8:30 tomorrow morning."

Zhang Xiyang: "Good!"

The two decided on this cooperation in a few words.

The next day, Lin Zhibai took the accompaniment of "Borrowing from the Sky for Another Five Hundred Years" that he had finished yesterday to find Zhang Xiyang to record, and the two of them got into the recording studio and worked hard for a long time.


Recording complete.

Extremely fast forward and backward and extremely efficient.

Because Zhang Xiyang had already mastered the song after receiving it last night, and because of the cooperation between Lin Zhibai and Zhang Xiyang, there was already a tacit understanding.

Take the recorded finished product.

Lin Zhibai went directly to her sister's office.

"You came."

Lin Xi rarely wore a pair of low-prescription glasses today, and was lowering his head to handle his work. He noticed that his younger brother didn't look right when he entered the door: "Do you have any thoughts about the impression song of Qin Shihuang?"


Lin Zhibai said.

"Well, it's normal to have no ideas. Songs of emperors are not so easy to create, let alone Qin Shihuang. Let's go back slowly..."


Have an idea?

Lin Xi paused, put down his work, looked up at Lin Zhibai in astonishment.

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "To be precise, the song has already been recorded, and I have sent the finished product to your email address. You should listen to it first."


Lin Xi's eyes widened, and his brain froze for a while, how could his brother be so fast?

"Inspiration bursts."

Lin Zhibai knew what his sister was surprised about. He pointed to his own brain. Occasionally, when the inspiration bursts out, the composer can indeed write a high-quality song in one go. This is a reasonable and logical setting.


My sister was about to say something more when the phone rang suddenly.

She glanced at the caller ID, said "Zhang Peiheng" to Lin Zhibai, and then answered the call without haste.

"Director Zhang."

"It's like this. Didn't the order of our "Wentian" crew require Baidi to write an impression song about Qin Shihuang? I couldn't sleep last night and thought about it all night. I thought this request was too difficult, so we changed the request to For a moment, just ask Baidi to write a promotional song, the price is still the same, please inform Teacher Baidi."

over the phone.

Zhang Peiheng said so.

Lin Xi had a weird expression on his face and said, "But our brother Bai has already written the impression song about Qin Shihuang..."

Lin Xi's voice fell.

There was a moment of silence on the phone.

A few seconds later, Zhang Peiheng's voice sounded again, and the voice was a little knotted, "You... you... your mythology is so fast?"

"That's not mythical speed."

Lin Xi glanced at Lin Zhibai who was smiling and staring at him, a smile flickered across the corner of his mouth.

"This is Baidi's speed."

"Then you send it over for me to listen to?"

Zhang Peiheng felt that this matter was a bit noisy. The song that so many musicians in Qinzhou scratched their heads and dared not touch, Baidi just wrote it casually?

"Hold on."

After Lin Xi hung up the phone, he opened the mailbox and found the song.

"Borrow another five hundred years from the sky?"

The title of the song made Lin Xi's eyes light up slightly, and he listened to it quickly.

finished listening.

Lin Xi took a deep breath, and looked at Lin Zhibai, as if looking at a monster.

"You're not a musical genius."

Lin Xi sighed, "You are a monster."

Lin Zhibai shrugged, pretending to be a master without speaking.

This wave was done at such a fast speed on purpose for the purpose of pretending to be a forceful effect, because the identity of Bai Di will definitely make a lot of outrageous operations in the future, so I have to let my sister get used to it slowly, and now it seems that the effect is not bad. My sister was shocked.

What about Zhang Peiheng?


Hearing that Baidi had completed the creation of Qin Shihuang's impression song, Zhang Peiheng felt a little hesitant after hanging up the phone.

On the one hand, I think:

This Baidi is really powerful, he writes songs too fast, could it be because of a burst of inspiration, maybe he can really write a good impression song?

It doesn't have to be particularly good either.

After all, Qin Shihuang's impression songs are very difficult to write, as long as they are better than those existing in the music world, it is good to write Qin Shihuang's related songs.

On the other hand, it is inevitable to worry about:

Could this Baidi be perfunctory himself, thinking that I don't understand music because I'm a movie maker? You must know that Zhang Peiheng ordered the crew to send this order to Shinhwa Entertainment yesterday.

It's fine if it's another song.

This is an impression song related to Qin Shihuang. How many composers scratched their heads and racked their brains to write related songs about Qin Shihuang but couldn't get it right. As a result, Baidi wrote it in less than a day?

How can it be?

You are too fast!

Of course, these two guesses just flashed in his mind, and soon Zhang Peiheng couldn't care about them, because Shinhwa Entertainment had already sent the song to his mailbox, so you can tell the effect after listening to it?

"Borrow another five hundred years from the sky..."

While downloading the song, Zhang Peiheng stared at the name of the song, and suddenly felt his heart throbbing inexplicably!


What a wonderful angle!

The first half of Qin's life was brilliant and powerful, but in his later years he was obsessed with the pursuit of longevity, and even summoned alchemists to refine the so-called elixir of life. Anyone with a little knowledge of history knows this. Wei Zulong really wants to "borrow another five hundred years from the sky" to realize his greater ambition!

"Good title!"

Regardless of the quality of the composition of the song, at least the title of the song is worthy of recognition. The idea of ​​Baidi's music creation is very good!


The download is complete.

Zhang Peiheng was alone at home at the moment. He was anxious, anticipating and worried, so he zoomed in on the music and clicked to play.

listen and see.

The prelude sounded.

The majestic and heroic instruments are combined together, like the clash of gold and iron horses, swords, guns, swords and halberds, instantly pulling people into a certain situation.


The singing started.

The voice of the verse part is thick yet tender, and Zhang Peiheng immediately recognized that it was the voice of mythical singer Zhang Xiyang.

He knows the singer.

"Following the ups and downs and gentle curves of the mountains and rivers, letting horses love the Central Plains and loving the North Country and Jiangnan, facing the company of ice, snow, swords and wind and rain, cherish the golden years bestowed on me by the heavens, and be brave enough to be a man without fear Difficulties and dangers, the same pride year after year, life is bitter and sweet

good and evil separate

all for the dream tomorrow


The sound of singing came in bursts.

Zhang Peiheng's eyes were slightly blurred.

Listening to the singing and looking at the words and phrases in front of me, there are countless associations immediately after substituting Qin Shihuang, especially the last sentence of the main song "good and evil are separated from both sides, and both are tomorrow in dreams". Qin Shihuang's life is a life of great talent, It was also a life full of controversies. Some people say that his meritorious deeds will last for thousands of years, while others say that his rule was brutal and the laws were strict, forcing people to build the Great Wall and burning books to bury Confucianism. But modern people will find that his deeds are beyond doubt , maybe our today is his "dream tomorrow"?


The music became more majestic, and Zhang Xiyang's singing voice also became more heroic. This is the chorus part of "Borrowing from the Heaven for Another Five Hundred Years", which almost instantly brings people back to that war era!

"Look at the iron hooves

Travel across thousands of miles of rivers and mountains

I stand on the cusp

hold the sun and the moon

May the world of fireworks

peace and happiness

I really want to live another five hundred years!

I really want to live another five hundred years! "

At this moment, Zhang Peiheng was completely stunned. Baidi did not directly put the seven characters of the song title "Borrow another five hundred years from the sky" into the song, but sang "I really want to live another five hundred years" in Qin Shihuang's tone. The vision of "year" has an instant sense of the times and a sense of heroism!

"this one!"

Zhang Peiheng shivered violently!

It must be this song, other songs will not work, including the singer, and absolutely cannot be changed. Zhang Xiyang's voice is bold and deep, strong and warm, and has a wide range of meanings. It is flexible and free in the pure masculine taste, making people feel heavy at the same time. The emotion, cordial charm and unfetteredness fully embodies the domineering and ambition of a generation of emperors, and complements the artistic conception of this song. Zhang Peiheng is very satisfied!

"The atmosphere is majestic!"

Isn't this the Impression Song of Qin Shihuang that I want?

Zhang Peiheng was admiring from the bottom of his heart. He listened to this song and thought about Qin Shihuang's great achievements. He didn't feel that there was any exaggeration or exaggeration. He just wanted to borrow another five hundred years from the sky. There is a touch of helplessness floating in the lyrics.

"What a White Emperor!"

Zhang Peiheng was glad that he chose Baidi, who was able to write such a nearly perfect emperor's song!


Zhang Peiheng called the producer, "Release the news immediately, we will release the Impression Song of Qin Shihuang from "Wen Tian" at 8 o'clock tonight!"

"Where did you get the song!?"

The producer opposite was taken aback.

Zhang Peiheng said with a smile: "I commissioned Shinhwa to make a song before. I will send the song to you. After listening to your song, you should understand where I come from."

Zhang Peiheng is full of confidence!

Who said that there are no really excellent works in the songs about Qin Shihuang, this "Borrowing from the Heaven for Another Five Hundred Years" is the best song among all the songs about Qin Shihuang!

Guaranteed first update.

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