Freelance Artist

Chapter 123 The Unholy Fate between Baidi and Zhou Hanjin

"Zhang Peiheng was captured by you!"

As soon as Lin Zhibai got home from the company, he received a message from his sister. The corner of his mouth could not help showing a Nike logo smile, and then he typed and asked:

"When will it be released?"

Lin Xi replied: "They are very urgent, and they will send it at 8 o'clock tonight. At this time, the broadcast platform can arrange recommendations."

eight o'clock?

Lin Zhibai glanced at the time on his phone. It is now one o'clock in the afternoon, and "Borrowing from the Sky for Another Five Hundred Years" will be officially released in seven hours.

With that in mind.

The smile on the corner of Lin Zhibai's mouth couldn't help but deepen.

Why did he finish this song in such a hurry, was it to pretend to be aggressive with his sister?

Of course...

But not only that, don't forget that today is June 2nd, if this song is released today, then Lin Zhibai can run into the arena to participate in this month's season list competition, there is plenty of time, anyway, Baidi is like this Running into the arena is no longer once or twice.

Mainly Lin Zhibai pondered:

Chu Ci, who debuted later, has released two songs in total, and won two season charts at least.

Look at Baidi again, no matter what the reason is, anyway, after debuting for so long, he has released six or seven songs, but in the end he only won three season championships in total. Isn't this embarrassing to the system?


Lin Zhibai wanted to win the season championship in June in the name of Baidi, and this was the reason why he was in such a hurry to win Zhang Peiheng.

As for "Borrowing from the Sky for Another Five Hundred Years" can it win the season championship?

Lin Zhibai thought it was not a big problem.

He also took a special look at the current situation of the season rankings. The first and second places on the current season rankings are both Qin Zhou's first-line singers, but the quality of the new songs of these two first-line singers is really average!

It is worth mentioning that.

Last night, when Jiangcheng learned that Lin Zhibai intended to "run into the field" in this month's season standings, he called him specifically to analyze the current situation:

"This is an opportunity to catch the leak!"

Jiang Cheng said with great certainty: "Because the first and second numbers in this month's season standings are too mediocre, the boss's song can completely kill these two airborne firsts!"

"You are so confident?"

Lin Zhibai couldn't help laughing. This Jiangcheng hadn't even heard "Borrowing from the Heaven for Another Five Hundred Years", so he was already full of confidence.

"Don't listen."

Jiang Cheng also laughed: "Firstly, I know the ability of the boss, and secondly, the singer of this new song by the boss is Zhang Xiyang. Lao Zhang is now a first-line singer, even stronger than the average first-line singer. He is said to be the quasi-singer It's not too much, the popularity is ridiculously high, so why is it so difficult to directly airborne first?"

"Makes sense."

In fact, without Jiangcheng's analysis, Lin Zhibai also felt that he could run into the arena and directly miss this month's season champion.

But both Lin Zhibai and Jiang Cheng ignored one problem.

Now that everyone has seen that this month's season rankings have been pecking at each other, are they the only ones who have noticed that this is an opportunity to pick up the loopholes?

That afternoon.

Two thirty.

Singer Zhou Hanjin suddenly posted a post: [A new song comes running tonight at 8 o'clock, I like such sudden and unexpected encounters. 】

Zhou Han wants to release a song!

Lin Zhibai only found out about the news when he received another hasty call from Jiang Cheng——

"You mean Zhou Hanjin will release a new song at eight o'clock tonight?"

"It's confirmed." Jiang Cheng said helplessly: "The news posted on Aurora will run into the arena at 8 o'clock tonight and release it at the same time as us."

"He's a singer after all."

Lin Zhibai pursed his lips and said, "How can you learn from us to pick up leaks?"

Jiang Cheng smiled wryly and said: "After all, it is the honor of being the champion of the season rankings. Even the kings and queens care about it, because if these queens don't win the season rankings for a long time, the ranking and weight of the star rating list will be reduced, and even It is also possible to fall out of the first line."

Is that so?

After Lin Zhibai thought about it for a while, he suddenly felt that the problem was not too big. Firstly, the quality of "Borrowing from the Sky for Five Hundred Years" was very good, and secondly, Baidi's teammate this time was Zhang Xiyang, who had completely become popular. !

In Jiang Cheng's words:

Now Zhang Xiyang is the quasi-singer king!

The difference between the singers of Zhang Xiyang and Zhou Hanjin is not that big.

As long as I have a greater advantage in composing, I can completely make up for Zhang Xiyang's slight disadvantage!

With that in mind.

Lin Zhibai felt relieved.

Facing Zhou Hanjin, an old opponent, he still has a psychological advantage. After all, he and Sun Gu have teamed up to win against each other before.

Jiang Cheng also quickly analyzed the situation clearly.

"Boss, I suddenly felt that Zhou Gewang should be the one who should panic tonight. He didn't know that Baidi and Zhang Xiyang would also release new songs, so it was only natural that he won. After all, he is the song king, so if he loses... Hiss~~tsk tsk tsk!"

Speaking of back.

Jiang Cheng let out an incomprehensible staggering sound.

And Lin Zhibai is waiting for news from the crew of "Wen Tian", they should soon announce the release of the impression song tonight.


There are many people who pay attention to the movie "Wen Tian" on the Internet, not only because Zhang Peiheng is Qin Zhou's top ten director, but also because the leading actors and actresses of this movie are super-first-line actors, and the fan appeal is extremely terrifying. .

this afternoon.

Ten past three.

Everyone who follows this movie has noticed this news: [Please lock in at 8 o'clock tonight, Qinzhou's major music players will simultaneously launch the "Qin Shihuang" related "Wen Tian" movie impression song, the creator of the song It's Teacher Baidi, and the singer is Zhang Xiyang! 】


As soon as the news comes out!

The fans were in an uproar!

Qin Shihuang's related impression song?

"I said that the crew of "Wen Tian" is so brave. So many musicians have written songs related to Qin Shihuang, and each time they have mixed reviews and are full of controversy. Now no one dares to write songs related to this emperor. , Zhang Peiheng is not afraid?"

"You should ask Bai Di if he is afraid?"

"After all, the song was written by Baidi."

"Bai Di took care of writing the lyrics and composing the music."

"I feel that Baidi's soundtrack ability is very strong. Anyone who has watched the drama "Hurricane" knows this. Maybe he can really write a good impression song related to Qin Shihuang?"

"Nice impression song?"

"I'm not doubting Baidi's ability, but if you write Qin Shihuang's songs, if they are only good, you will definitely not be able to convince the public."

"Zhang Xiyang singing?"

"I like Zhang Xiyang very much. I became a fan of him in "I Am a Singer", but is he sure he wants to sing Qin Shihuang related songs? This is a very risky thing."


"It's enough for the crew to be honest with the whole promotional song. Why do they have to write Qin Shihuang's personal impression song? It's a thankless thing."

All right.

The fans didn't have any malice, they were just worried that there might be a problem with this impression song. After all, there were so many songs written about Qin Shihuang in the music scene before, and none of them satisfied the common people in Qinzhou. So now everyone doesn't like to touch this thing, but Zhang Peiheng doesn't believe it. This evil also found cooperation with Baidi, who has recently been widely praised for his ability to score TV dramas.

Soon netizens also noticed the news.

After all, the movie "Wen Tian" is a heavyweight movie co-operated by the great director Zhang Peiheng and two super first-line actors.

Then the impression song is related to Qin Shihuang.

The partner of the film impression song is Baidi, who has recently been widely recognized inside and outside the industry for his soundtrack to "Hurricane".

And Zhang Xiyang, who became popular with "I Am a Singer".

It can be said that there are many elements, and it is normal for it to quickly become a hot news on the Internet.

Aurora platform.

Someone complained: "It's been a long time since no one dared to touch Qin Shihuang's impression song. It's really a dare to think, a dare to write, and a dare to sing."

What dare to think is the crew.

It is Baidi who dares to write.

The one who dared to sing was Zhang Xiyang.

"The background of the movie "Wen Tian" is that Qin destroyed the six kingdoms, and Qin Shihuang's impression song is the most suitable for the scene."

"That's the way it is said, but no one can write Qin Shihuang's impression song."

"Writing Qin Shihuang's songs is either a general praise to curry favor, praising his great achievements throughout the article, or it is pretending to be heroic but the content is extremely empty. It can only be said to be a pass line work, which does not meet the standards in everyone's heart. The standard is classics, if you write Qin Shihuang's songs, if they are not classic enough, don't take them out."

"It's so easy to get a classic."

"Songs that can be called classics can't be released a few times a year, let alone writing a propositional composition like Qin Shihuang Impression Song."

"Didn't you say that Baidi is very good at making custom songs?"

"The "Moonlight" he wrote before is a custom song with the background of the Warring States Period. It is very well written!"

"This is different. That song is a propaganda song, and it's not about Qin Shihuang."

"It's just that your requirements are too high, and many musicians can't let go of their hands and feet to write. You should be more tolerant and let the music world try more."

"I thought so too."

"Let's listen to it. Anyway, it will be released at eight o'clock. My requirements are not that demanding. It's just as good as it sounds."


And the music scene at this time.

Many people in the circle are chatting about the news that Zhou Hanjin will release a new song tonight.

"Good guy."

"Zhou Hanjin also started to learn how to release new songs on the 2nd?"

"You covered Zhou Gewang's name and I thought it was Baidi."

"Haha, what Baidi likes to play the most is this kind of routine of running into the arena."

"This Zhou Han was infected by Baidi?"

"King Song of Zhou probably wants to seize the opportunity to win the championship of the season rankings. This month's season rankings are a bit pecking at each other. The number of downloads for the first and second is too low. At this time, it is completely okay for a singing king to run into the arena. Airborne first, and by the way, you can check the indicators and weights of the star rating rankings, so why not do it."

"That's true."

"Oh shit!"

"Something has happened!"

"Look at the announcement from the crew of "Wen Tian"!"

"Baidi's new song will be released at 8 o'clock tonight? Is the co-singer Zhang Xiyang? Qin Shihuang's personal impression song customized by the film crew of "Ask the Sky"!?"

Oh my god!

So many buffs!

But isn't Baidi and Zhou Hanjin too destined?

It seems that this is the third time the two have met on the season standings...

Guarantee the second update, and there is an additional update, it will definitely be done before twelve o'clock, and more than a thousand words have been written~!

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