Freelance Artist

Chapter 125 Chu Ci also has a custom order!

This month's season standings.

Originally, there was nothing wrong with pecking at each other, but it was still peaceful and peaceful, but on the night of the 2nd, two songs suddenly came up all the way, and the list was full of complaints!

"Hey, what are these two doing!"

"It's fine with Zhou Hanjin, why Baidi also released a song, if you two want to fight, can you stop fighting this month, is it easy for us?"

"Why is this!"

"Zhou Hanjin's increase is not as high as that of Baidi."

"If Zhou Hanjin's gains are not as good as Baidi's, it's easy for us."

"You can't say that. He is a song king who has worked so hard to run into the arena just to get the second place in the season list?"

"Yeah, he hit Baidi with a gun."

"Zhou Hanjin probably didn't expect Baidi to release a new song this month. After all, when he announced that he was running into the arena tonight, the crew that won Baidi's customized song hadn't made an official announcement yet."


"Is this a mess?"

"Although my ranking is -2, I feel a bit of comfort. After all, even if Zhou Hanjin comes this month, he can only take second place. However, Zhou Gewang seems to have taken second place when he met Baidi last time?"


Everyone was very depressed at the beginning, but when they thought that Zhou Hanjin, the king of singers, could only take the second place this month, he felt a lot more comfortable in an instant, and even started to tease him. Can the emperor only be the "second child of ten thousand years"?

on the list.

As everyone discussed.

From the first to the early hours of the season list, it became "Borrowing from the Sky for Another Five Hundred Years". The growth rate of this song is too fast, and finally such a classic Qin Shihuang-related impression song came out, and the downloading enthusiasm of the audience is extremely high Gao, in comparison, Zhou Hanjin's new song did not reach the second place on the season chart until the afternoon of the 3rd, but it was obviously far behind Baidi's new song. Wang "Bai" sighed, hated and lost, and had no hope of catching up.


In the next few days, the number of downloads of "Borrowing from the Sky for Another Five Hundred Years" kept increasing, and the data of Zhou Hanjin's new song became farther and farther away.

Everyone in the industry began to admire:

"Baidi's song is really amazing. He actually wrote such a classic impression song of Qin Shihuang, and also a song of the emperor!"

"King Ge of Zhou didn't deserve to lose."

"Baidi has grown up completely now, besides Father Qu, even those big-name composers dare not say that they can win against him, right?"


"Because of the success of this impression song, the attention and discussion of the movie "Wen Tian" has increased these days. Zhang Peiheng really did a good deal. Bai Di is really good at this kind of film and television. The creation of the soundtrack!"


Because this impression song about Qin Shihuang was a big success, even Zhang Peiheng's new movie "Wen Tian" became popular!

The film will be released in August.

The success of Baidi's song will undoubtedly increase the film's box office indirectly. From this perspective, the return of this custom order is indeed beyond Zhang Peiheng's expectations!

To this.

The most excited one is probably the crew of "Wen Tian".

"Director Zhang is really wise and powerful. With just one song, the attention of our movie has been raised by half a level!"

"I've been playing this song on repeat every day recently."

"It really feels good to cooperate with our movie."

"Previously, the topic discussion of our movie Aurora has been suppressed by "Soldiers Under the City". As soon as this song came out, the topic discussion directly surpassed their movie!"

"Just wait for the movie to come out in August now."

"Let's kill "Soldiers Under the City" at the box office!"

"Of all the movies released in August, only "Soldiers Under the City" can be our opponent. Now that the topic has overwhelmed them, it shouldn't be a big problem to overwhelm them at the box office."

"hope so."

"After all, the director of that movie is Gao Xingyue, and Gao Xingyue is also one of our top ten directors in Qinzhou."


Gao Xingyue is one of Qinzhou's top ten film directors. In terms of employment status and achievements, she is slightly higher than Zhang Peiheng.

In August, Gao Xingyue's new movie "Soldiers Under the City" will be released.

And Zhang Peiheng's new movie "Ask the Sky" will also be released in August this year.

The two top ten directors are about to confront each other head-on. Both Gao Xingyue and Zhang Peiheng will be under a lot of pressure.

However, Gao Xingyue felt that she had to be more stable here, because of the hot topic of Aurora, the discussion on "Soldiers Under the City" over there was higher than that of Zhang Peiheng's movie.

But who knows...

Just a few days of work.

The popularity of the movie "Wen Tian" on the Internet suddenly surpassed that of his new movie!

At first, Gao Xingyue didn't understand what was going on. She thought it was Zhang Peiheng's hype, but after searching the Internet, she found out the reason. It turned out to be because of a song!

Baidi, "Borrow from Heaven for Another Five Hundred Years"?

Gao Xingyue listened to this song right away, and after listening to it, he felt something was wrong. This impression song about Qin Shihuang was written too well. It obviously added a lot of impression points to Zhang Peiheng's movie. As a result, when the audience watched movies in August, they would give priority to the works of the other party. You must know that Gao Xingyue's "Soldiers Under the City" is also a war-themed movie. You can tell from the name that it is very similar to Zhang Peiheng's theme, and the audience overlap is also very high. Time is equal to whoever has more box office, who has relatively less box office.

All of a sudden.

The entire "Soldiers Under the City" crew was a little panicked.

"The impression song of Qin Shihuang next door has already ranked first in the season list, and the netizens have received rave reviews, and their movie discussion has also been raised. Shall we also make an impression song or something?"

"Impressions definitely won't work."

"Whose impression song can compare with Qin Shihuang's?"

"Our main character is the general, so why not make a promotional song and ask the composer to create it around the general plot of our movie. Of course, the quality should not be too bad. What do you think?"


"But the song from the crew next door won the first place in the season chart, and our promotional song has to strive to be the first place in the season chart!"

"The championship of the season list is the best publicity!"

"Then will our production crew also cooperate with Baidi?"

The senior creators behind the scenes of the crew are discussing seriously.

When Gao Xingyue saw someone in the group suggesting to find Baidi, she immediately frowned.

Of course Gao Xingyue has no objection to Bai Di, but if Zhang Peiheng and Zhang Peiheng find the same composer to write the song for this movie, what will the industry think of her?

After all, the face is not very good-looking.

Fortunately, the film producer also thought of this, and said in the group: "If we also look for Baidi, we will be ridiculed by the next door. Why do we just look for whoever they want to cooperate with? It seems that there is only one person in this circle." It's as if Baidi can write songs."

"Then who are you looking for?"

"Father Qu?"

"Father Qu is too expensive!"

"We don't have enough budget!"

At this time, the assistant director suddenly spoke in the group: "I have a candidate to recommend. This person has won the season championship twice, and was once compared to Baidi by the media."

"Who are you talking about?"

Gao Xingyue couldn't help bubbling.

The assistant director noticed that Gao Xingyue appeared, and quickly replied: "This is a singer-songwriter, whose stage name is Chu Ci. He is very good at writing ancient songs. Maybe he can write the promotional song we want. After all, we are a movie with an ancient background. .”

Chu Ci?

Gao Xingyue didn't pay much attention to the music scene, and had never heard of this character, but after all, he was recommended by the assistant director. He immediately turned on the player and searched for the word "Chu Ci", only to find that this Chu Ci only wrote After two songs.

Are you new to music?

Gao Xingyue instinctively felt that it was unreliable, but she still listened to Chuci's only two songs, which were less than eight minutes anyway.

finished listening.

Gao Xingyue's expression was a little surprised. He quite liked these two songs. There was a kind of story in them, unlike ordinary ancient songs with empty content.

In the group.

The assistant director is still introducing: "Although Chu Ci has only released two songs so far, both of his songs took the first place in the season chart when they were released. He is a terrifying newcomer recognized by the circle. The most important thing is He is very popular in the ancient style circle!"

Then let him try?

After thinking about it, Gao Xingyue felt that it could be considered, so she called the producer and asked him to contact Chu Ci's agency.


The producer had no objection, and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, you must not have guessed which brokerage company Chu Ci is."

"Which one?"

"Kunpeng Investment."

Gao Xingyue was stunned. He had never heard of Chuci, but Kunpeng had heard of it a lot. He had watched more than 20 episodes of the hit "Hurricane" last month, but he was busy with work recently. Kong Kong finished watching, did not expect Chu Ci to be an artist of this company?



Lin Zhibai had a weird expression when he received a call from Jiang Cheng.

"Are you saying that the movie "Soldiers Under the City" wants to ask Chu Ci to write a promotional song?"

Chu Ci finally has a custom order?


Jiang Cheng also thought it was a bit funny, Zhang Peiheng asked Baidi to customize a movie impression song, Gao Xingyue asked Chu Ci to write a movie promotional song, these two directors never imagined that they both found the same person in the end!

"How much did you pay?"

"Three million to buy a promotional song."

Lin Zhibai was a little unhappy when he heard the price, "Zhang Peiheng gave me 8 million, and Gao Xingyue only offered 3 million? It doesn't matter if you don't accept the order!"

"Boss... Actually, the price is quite reasonable."

Jiang Cheng explained: "Because Baidi's waistcoat wrote more songs and proved his soundtrack ability for film and television dramas more than once, and Qin Shihuang's impression song was really difficult to write, so Zhang Peiheng was willing to give 8 million. Chuci has only written two songs here, and he has never composed music for film and television dramas, so the price must be..."

"You want me to come next?"

"I highly recommend the boss to take this order. Firstly, Gao Xingyue's status in the industry is no worse than that of Zhang Peiheng. We can increase the price after the soundtrack for his movie is successful. Second, the customized orders accepted by Baidi will be drawn by Shinhwa. But the order that Chuci received didn’t take a cut. We just split the bill with the player, and the money won’t be small. Thirdly, there are too few works of Chuci’s waistcoat, so we really need to pay more attention to the sense of presence. .”

Jiangcheng analyzed the pros and cons.

There was nothing wrong with Jiang Cheng's analysis, and Lin Zhibai had already been convinced by him, "Then send me the request for the order of "Soldiers Coming to the City"."

Zhang Peiheng is a famous director.

So is Gao Xingyue.

Lin Zhibai has also seen this movie made by Gao Xingyue.

If Chuci can cooperate successfully with Gao Xingyue, it will indeed be of great benefit to the future.

In this wave, Gao Xingyue is simply used as a ladder to make orders, let's put aside a little bit of immediate benefits, and at worst, when I meet this famous director in the future, I will place an order and kill him hard!

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