Freelance Artist

Chapter 126 The One That Suits You is the Best

Jiang Cheng quickly sent Gao Xingyue the promotional song request for that movie. Party A's general request was actually one:

The song should be combined with the movie plot!

The movie roughly tells the story of a smug young man who decides to join the army, bids farewell to his beautiful wife, and begins his military career.

Years later.

The man made great achievements in battle and became a general, but he was already physically and mentally exhausted, and he actually had the idea of ​​disarming and returning to the field. But at this time, the enemy army was about to attack the city where he was located. Seeing that the war was inevitable...

The title of the movie is "Soldiers at the City".

The plot outline given by Party A is very general, and the specific content must be far more than the introduction. However, if it is too specific, it will make the creation of custom songs more difficult, and this level is enough.

Should not be difficult.

Lin Zhibai's inspiration exploded, and he directly started his own creation, "Crimson, according to Party A's request, customize a song that fits the plot!"

Ding dong.

Crimson noticed the elements instantly, and quickly customized a song: "Congratulations to the host for getting the song "Half City Smoke and Sand"!"


Scarlet is very caring, and even customized Lao Xu's song for Lin Zhibai directly. The lyrics of this song match the plot of the movie very well, and the quality is also remarkable. It is not weaker than the first two songs of Chuci Song!

Lin Zhibai was very satisfied.

It just so happens that the first two songs of Chuci are also Lao Xu's works, and there is no need to change the style of singing this song. I hope that Party A should not change the singer.

Because this is a custom order.

Party A’s custom order usually only needs lyrics and music, and the singer’s discretion. If they are satisfied with the song but not the singer, they can directly find other singers to replace it. After all, they bought the copyright of the lyrics and music, so Lin Zhibai You have to take good care of it.

"Crimson, add more!"

After the success of the TV series "Hurricane", Lin Zhibai got a skill point, which he deliberately saved and didn't use. This time, in order to ensure that Party A would not replace him as a singer, he directly added the skill point to vocal music to improve his own sing.

Ding dong!

System: "Adding points is complete."

Lin Zhibai looked at the personal data panel.

Originally, the vocal music was 42, but after adding points, the vocal music became 43. The improvement is not particularly big, but it would be better for him.


Lin Zhibai started making songs.

Of course it won’t take long to make a song, but Lin Zhibai hopes that this song can be released next month, maybe it can win the season chart champion, because the season chart champion this month is "Borrowing from the Sky for Another Five Hundred Years". It is necessary to beat yourself up.

Three days later.

The song is done.

Lin Zhibai sent it to Jiang Cheng, specifically reminding him to send it to Party A later. If he releases this song this month, he will not be able to maximize his profits. Besides, the number one song now is his own "Borrowing from the Sky for Another Five Hundred Years". The second is Zhou Hanjin's new song, and the rankings are almost stable. If this song released in the name of Chuci is forced to release this month, the best ending is to get the second place. It can't be The rival of the Emperor's Song.

"rest assured."

Jiang Cheng smiled after hearing this.

"Party A also means the same thing, because the impression song made by Zhang Peiheng won the first place in the season chart, so they hope that the promotional song written by Chuci will also win the first place in the season list, so that there will be hot topics about movies, but this month The star competition has already become fierce, Baidi and Zhou Gewang are the top two on the list, there is no need to get involved, and there is no time."

"That's good."

This month's song from Chu Ci will definitely not take the first place.

However, Lin Zhibai thinks it shouldn't be a big problem for this song to be number one on the season chart next month.

Chu Ci has a strong appeal in the ancient style circle, and the film crew will also help to promote it. This song will definitely attract widespread attention as soon as it is released. You must know that this song is the theme of Sohu's large-scale online game Tianlongbabu series in the previous life No matter the quality or popularity of the song, it has been verified by the market in the previous life, and it belongs to the kind that many passers-by who are not familiar with Lao Xu can hum a few words.


Jiang Cheng suddenly mentioned something.

"Tianguang has already started filming the show "Conquer". All the male and female protagonists are first-line actors. It is said that they originally wanted the super-first-line actors to play the leading actor Liu Huaqiang, but Tianguang's super-first-line actors are really not good. It doesn't fit Liu Huaqiang's image, so I have no choice but to find a first-line actor. The fame and popularity are a bit lower than Chao A-line, but the image fits the script setting very well, and the acting skills are also very good."


After all, the filming of this drama has just started, and there must be some days before the official broadcast, so Lin Zhibai didn't pay too much attention to it.


In the days that followed, almost every day in the crew of the movie "Army at the City" people asked whether the promotional song was written well.

"How much longer?"

"It's the middle of the month!"

"You guys are in a hurry. It's not so easy for composers to write songs. Even if we rush, we have to give them time to create. If we write too fast, how can we guarantee the quality, but we have stated on the list that we must It needs to be finished before the end of the month, otherwise we won’t be able to make it to the top of the season rankings next month, and only when this movie promotional song hits the top of the season rankings can we bring enthusiasm and attention to our movie.”

"Can you catch up?"

"I hope so."

"Baidi's impression song is the first in the season chart. Can the movie promotional song written by Chuci also be the first in the season chart? It feels a bit difficult. Don't you say that the custom order is a test for the composer to write a proposition? musical ability?"

"it does not matter."

"We don't ask for first place either."

"It's enough to get the top three."

"The songs written by Chu Ci should be in the top three."

"Don't forget that the theme is the ancient style that he is best at."

Chu Ci has only released two songs so far, both of which won the season chart championship. This is one of the reasons why the crew sought him out. However, Chu Ci has no experience in creating soundtracks for film and television dramas after all, so everyone has no score in their minds. What are the requirements? Naturally, it was lowered accordingly. After all, "Borrowing from the Sky for Another Five Hundred Years" is so classic that even the singer Zhou Hanjin couldn't stand it.

at this time.

The producer suddenly sent a message in the crew group: "Chu Ci's song has been sent, Director Gao and I are preparing to listen to it, how to go back and talk about it in the group."


There was an uproar in the group!

The producer put down his phone, looked at Gao Xingyue beside him and said, "This group of people know to urge them in the group every day, but the song Chu Ci was written very quickly, and it was finished in only half a month. "

"I don't know the quality."

Gao Xingyue was inevitably nervous at the moment.

The producer took a deep breath, "Let's listen to it. It's good for Chu Ci to be written so quickly, but if we're not satisfied with it, we can call back and ask him to revise it."

Gao Xingyue nodded.

The two are at the producer's residence at the moment. The producer's home has a high-end audio system, and he directly connected the device to play it.

Lyricist: Chu Ci

Composer: Chu Ci

Composer: Chu Ci

Singing: Songs of Chu

Song Name: Smoke and Sand in Half City

The instrumental prelude started.

Then came the singing of Chu Ci.

"Some love is like a paper kite with a broken string, and the ending is sad, and the thread in the hand is left. Some hate is like a circle, and the grievance cannot be repaid. Just to fulfill a long-cherished wish, how much blood, loyal words, and self-deceiving lies..."


The producer's eyes flickered.

Gao Xingyue was also slightly stunned.

Gao Xingyue and the producer first imagined this promotional song, which was a heroic and willful opening and closing, but they didn't expect that the key of the song Chuci was not high, and the voice was definitely not too loud. The lyrics are very culturally connotative.

But this song...

Does that seem like a good idea?

"Some loves are lingering in misery, and the moon and night form between the windows, and some hatred is hidden but silent, and the belly turns the wind and snow into a sword, just to fulfill a long-cherished wish. I have nothing but sorrow..."

between melodies.

The producer's mind is wandering.

Gao Xingyue fixed her eyes on the lyrics, as if she was hit by something, so she didn't need to pretend to be heroic, as long as she used a strong rhythm to show the influence of war on personal destiny, she could also show the effect of her heart!


The song written by Chu Ci is even better than what I originally wanted. This song is clearly about the speculative theme of "War and Peace", which is full of Zen. A slightly lazy bystander attitude, waiting for an imminent fight, but this indifferent and careless attitude highlights the coldness and cruelty of war even more!

At this moment.

The chorus sounded.

All the emotions of the whole song exploded at this moment, as if the sand was flying and the smoke was flying everywhere, and the lyrics of the lyrics between true and false voices:

"Half city smoke and sand

soldiers approaching the city

Golden Ge Iron Horse

fight for who

one will become ten thousand bone dry

How many gray hairs send away black hair

Half of the city smoke and sand blowing down with the wind

There is still a ray of concern in my hand

I only hope to return to the field and take off my armor

I can also take back the tea you brewed..."

Gao Xingyue stared blankly at the line in the lyrics, "one will become ten thousand bones", as if a lightning bolt had struck out of his brain, this sentence was exactly the theme of the movie he wanted to express!

There is no Tang Dynasty in this world.

And the so-called "one will succeed and ten thousand bones will die" comes from Lin Zhibai's previous Tang Dynasty poet Cao Song's "One of the Two Poems of the Year of the Hai".

There is a famous saying that has been passed down through the ages:

According to Jun Mo's words to seal the marquis' affairs, one general will succeed in ten thousand bones!

There is no such poem in this world, so Gao Xingyue was directly shocked by this line of lyrics. At the same time, Chu Ci even perfectly integrated the movie name "Bings under the City" into the chorus, without the slightest bluntness or deliberation!

"Half city smoke and sand

tears of blood

Broken Armor

spread red horizon

Reincarnated swallow returns to old bed

Bringing February flowers for you..."

The song finally ended. Gao Xingyue admitted that all she could think about before was the quality of Chuci's song, and how different it was from Baidi's "Borrowing from Heaven for Another Five Hundred Years", but now he doesn't care anymore. That's all, because he likes this song from the bottom of his heart!

Baidi's song is the perfect emperor's song!

But Chu Ci is the most suitable song for this movie!

Gao Xingyue is a director with a strong artistic pursuit. He made "Soldiers Under the City" not to sing the praises of war, but to yearn for peace!

Just like the hero of the movie.

What the male protagonist yearns for is not at all to be crowned king or general.

He is very similar to the person sung in the song, but he is looking forward to returning to the field and taking back the cup of hot tea made by his wife. Every sentence in the song of Chu Ci emphasizes this point: Who will fight for the world? How Much Gray Sends Black Hair? The reincarnated Yan returned the old couch to bring flowers for February...

"That's it!"

Gao Xingyue said without hesitation.

The producer laughed, "I think so too, we don't need to compete with Baidi's song, the one that suits us is the best."

Just avoid the sharp edge of your opponent.

Next month will be the stage for this song!

Today's guarantee is completed, and the next chapter will be updated

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