Freelance Artist

Chapter 150: Baidi enters the fourth line!

Before Kunpeng appeared, Han Yueshuang was most interested in Shinhwa Entertainment. Both Nathan and Tianguang knew this well, so the reaction was not that great. However, a high-level meeting was held for this, because Kunpeng had already issued an announcement to enter the music field. Signal!

Nathan here.

"Every time Chu Ci wins the first place in the season rankings, he always exposes the top three of us, but because he is alone, he cannot pose a real and effective threat to us, so just ignore him, but now Kunpeng seems to be It’s kind of like wanting to make it bigger, are we going to press down this bad sign?”

"I don't think so."

"Kunpeng Music is Chuci and Han Yueshuang. They want to make it big. It's not that easy. Besides, Han Yueshuang wants to go to Shinhwa Entertainment. Instead of letting her go to Shinhwa, I think it's better to let her go to Kunpeng."

"in addition……"

"It is necessary to maintain a good relationship with Kunpeng."

"Everyone should know that we got a script written by Bu Yehou, and the company has already started filming."

"For this cooperation, we have some expectations."

at the same time.

Sky Entertainment.

As soon as the meeting here started, Su Chan, as the leader of the TV department, directly characterized the matter: "The conflict in this matter is mainly between Kunpeng and Shinhwa Entertainment. We don't need to do anything more than superfluous."

"But Kunpeng wants to enter the music field!"

"Then let them march. Tianguang has always been the leader in Qinzhou's music industry. Even Nathan and Shinhwa have been suppressed by us. What is a Kunpeng? Where did they go?"

"Besides, it's better for Han Yueshuang to go to Kunpeng to get rid of the myth."

"Not to mention our Tianguang's new drama is still produced by Kunpeng."

"I'm just a little worried. If I don't push Kunpeng down now, it won't be so easy to suppress Kunpeng when it grows bigger."

"You are worrying unfoundedly. Even if Kunpeng is several times bigger, he will not be able to overcome the storm, but I really hope that Shinhwa can directly punish Kunpeng. This is beneficial to us!"

The final meeting discussion result is re-observation.

After the meeting, Su Chan's gaze was gloomy, and she suddenly called Jiang Cheng, and said with a half-smile:

"Kunpeng has already aroused the vigilance of the three majors."

"Thanks for reminding."

Jiang Cheng smiled, as if he had expected this.

Su Chan said softly: "Kunpeng is holding a carrot in his left hand and a big stick in his right. This trick can indeed temporarily paralyze some people, but this kind of paralysis will not last long. If Representative Jiang encounters a difficult problem one day, you may wish to chat with me. chat."

"no problem."

Kunpeng used Yangmou.

Jiangcheng clearly means that if Kunpeng wants to become bigger and stronger, it may affect the interests of the three majors, but because the cooperation between Kunpeng and the three majors involves intertwined interests, even the three majors will not be able to kill Kunpeng for the time being.

If Kunpeng is sanctioned, will TV dramas and variety shows still work together in the future?

However, the current Kunpeng is not a big threat to the three majors. If Kunpeng really makes the three majors feel threatened in the future, then they may really have to face real sanctions.

the other side.

Through Jiangcheng 1510's report, Lin Zhibai learned about these situations, and said with a smile: "This is a fairly successful trial."

That's right.

Lin Zhibai intercepted Hu Han Yueshuang, with the intention of testing the three majors.

Now it seems that this trial was relatively successful, and the interests of the three major companies are not consistent.

"It looks like this at the moment."

Jiang Cheng was a little worried, "But many people from the Big Three have already warned me."

After all, cutting Hu San San this time has touched the sensitive nerves of many people. If Lin Zhibai plays like this a few times in the future, Kunpeng will be ready to tear his face in the future.

"So before that, we need to develop more of our own people."

What Lin Zhibai wanted was to boil the frogs in warm water, and if he used too much force, there would be problems, although he would definitely compete with the three majors for the cake in the future.

And when the time comes, there is only one way to discord with the three majors:

Penetrate the Big Three!

For example, Zhao Lei from Mythology, he is now like Kunpeng’s spy in Mythology, he has great potential.

According to the myth, someone wants to touch Kunpeng?

Zhao Lei was the first to disagree!

But one Zhao Lei is not enough.

Lin Zhibai needs more Zhao Lei!

In addition, Zhao Lei's performance this time is really good, Lin Zhibai has to give him some sweetness, otherwise why should he be a second-five boy?

And in the outside world.

The major entertainment companies have been waiting for the response from the three major companies.

But to the surprise of many people, there was no actual reaction from San San, as if Kunpeng intercepted Hu Han Yueshuang, and San San recognized it just like that!

"There is no sanction?"

"It seems that the three majors don't want to tear themselves apart with Kunpeng."

"It's still the honeymoon period after all."

"The three major companies and Kunpeng have cooperated."

"Unless the three don't want to continue to cooperate with Kunpeng."

"If other small companies intercepted Hu Hanyueshuang, they should have been retaliated by the three majors by now. If they can't get it, they will be destroyed. This is the consistent style of the three majors."

"After all, it is Kunpeng."

"The entire industry cannot find such a special company as Kunpeng, which trips up the three ambassadors while providing more benefits to the three."


After this successful test, Lin Zhibai knew that Kunpeng would have to keep a low profile next time, which could be regarded as loosening the nerves of the three majors.

As for Han Yueshuang's conditions for signing Kunpeng, Lin Zhibai will fulfill them.

For example, if Han Yueshuang was given three songs a year, Lin Zhibai would still give it even if it wasn't written into the contract.

Otherwise why sign her?

Just want her to become popular and make money for the company.

Among the three songs given to Han Yueshuang, one of them must be guaranteed to win the championship of the season chart. This condition is not too difficult for Lin Zhibai.

It's written in the contract.

This championship song can be sung by Chuci and the other party, which has a lot of flexibility. Of course, Lin Zhibai will not deliberately cheat Han Yueshuang, and this year Lin Zhibai has given Han Yueshuang two songs. With the signing of her contract with Kunpeng, it has already begun to fulfill the terms of the contract, that is, before September next year, Lin Zhibai only needs to provide Han Yueshuang with another song that can win the season chart, because it happens to be Sign up for one year.

Speak up.

The singers in the previous life released songs, usually one album a year, and there are usually twelve songs in an album.

And in this world.

Singers only release singles and don't play albums, so they release fewer songs, so that major companies can concentrate their resources to promote songs.

But it is also strictly related to copyright protection in this world.

As long as one song is a big hit, the downloads alone will be worth more than a million.

This is not the big head, the real big head is that the commercial use of this song can bring more considerable profits.

In the mythology, Baidi is just a composer, so he can't share the benefits.

On Kunpeng's side, Lin Zhibai could have eaten this piece of cake directly, how much is the download income?

But Chu Ci has a fatal flaw, he cannot show his face!

So Chu Ci couldn't accept the endorsement, and couldn't do commercial performances.

The joining of Han Yueshuang can just fill the gap in Kunpeng. If the profit in this area is rich enough, Lin Zhibai will consider signing more singers to Kunpeng in the future.

The composer doesn't have to.

The earth song library is in the hands of Lin Zhibai, so recruit composers to come in and do odd jobs?


A few more days passed.

Jiangcheng brought good news to Lin Zhibai, saying that the TV series "Conquer" had already finished, and Tianguang was going to do the post-production.

This is Kunpeng's second drama after "Hurricane".

Lin Zhibai's expectations for this drama are quite high, and it should be no problem to match the popularity of "Hurricane". As for when this drama will be broadcast, it depends on Tianguang's later progress and how it is arranged.

Also on this day.

The ranking of the national artist evaluation list has also been refreshed.


Baidi's official entry into the ranks of fourth-tier stars has aroused some attention.

"Bai Di enters the fourth line! "

"It took him a year to go from being unknown to a fourth-tier star!" "

"Baidi's rapid promotion speed! "

"Baidi entered the fourth line first before Chu Ci!" "

"How long can the four lines trap Baidi?" "


There are also countless voices of congratulations under Baidi Aurora's account!

"Into the fourth line!"

"The speed is so fast!"

"Congratulations, Teacher Baidi!"

"Baidi made his debut at the end of August in the early years of Baidi. It has only been a year now, and he has become a fourth-tier star!"

"Chu Ci is still a fifth-tier star."

"Hey, our teacher Baidi is one step ahead again!"

"Chu Ci debuted a few months later than Baidi. If Chu Ci also breaks into the fourth line in the next few months, it seems to be almost the same."

"It's a tough opponent."

"It will not be easy for Chu Ci to go from the fifth line to the fourth line in the next few months."

"Once a composer breaks into the top line, he will become Qu's father. I really look forward to the day when Bai Di will become Qu's father!"


"Although I also like Teacher Baidi very much, it's too far away to become Qu's father. To the front line or something."

Lin Zhibai looked at the comments.

He looked at Chuci and Buyehou again.

These two vests are still waiting on the fifth line.

However, Baidi was originally the first to enter the fifth line, so it is not surprising that he was the first to enter the fourth line, after all, the works are published the most diligently.

"By the time "Conquer" airs, Bu Yehou should be on the fourth tier."

"Chu Ci doesn't need to do anything here. I gave Han Yueshuang two songs. As long as she releases the song, she can bring popularity to Chu Ci."

With that in mind.

Lin Zhibai contacted Jiang Cheng and asked him about Lin Liu's movements.

Jiang Chengdao: "It's a little troublesome. Lin Liu knows that the boss is going to target her, so even if someone under her command releases a song, she doesn't dare to promote it in advance."


Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "Then no matter how much she hides it, she will always sing on the first day. At worst, let's run into the arena."

In a word!

I've got you covered!

As long as there is a singer under Lin Liu who wants to hit the charts, Lin Zhibai will immediately arrange a song to run into the arena on the first day!


Jiang Cheng said, "But the boss is not going to deal with Lin Liu..."

"How to say?"

"Lin Gong is going to shoot an advertisement." Jiang Cheng eagerly said, "Let's..."

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