Freelance Artist

Chapter 151 Shake Before Drinking (Tang Bin 0630 Leader Plus)

According to Lin Zhibai's order, Jiang Cheng has been watching Lin Gong's side.

As long as Lin Gong shoots commercials, Lin Zhibai will give him some gifts.

"Which brand is the advertisement?"

"As for the Qile juice mentioned earlier, this is a beverage brand wholly owned by Shinhwa."

"The opponent is Thousand Flavors Orchard..."

Lin Zhibai heard Jiang Cheng introduce this brand before.

Jiang Cheng smiled and said, "Qile Juice's biggest competitor is indeed Qianwei Orchard. What's interesting is that Qianwei Orchard also contacted me after learning that Qile Juice wanted us to do advertising planning with Kunpeng, wanting to cooperate with us."

"How's the reputation?"

"Qianwei Orchard mainly produces fruit juice drinks. There is no problem with word-of-mouth in the market, and there have been no health and safety issues so far, so we can cooperate with confidence."


Lin Zhibai sent Jiang Cheng an "Advertising Plan for Thousand Flavors Orchard" that night.

When Jiang Cheng opened the planning case, he couldn't help being stunned, because the planning case was just a single advertisement:

"Shake before drinking!"

Even if he trusts the boss's ability very much, he still has to call and ask, "Is that the only sentence in the advertisement?"

can this work?

How should I explain it to the people over at the Thousand Flavors Orchard?

Lin Zhibai smiled and said: "You must have drunk fruit juice, and you must know that many fruit juice brands will write something like this on the remark on the bottle, 'If there is precipitation, it is the pulp component, please rest assured to drink it ', this ad slogan comes from this sentence."

"Reverse Thinking……"

Jiang Cheng's eyes lit up instantly, "Another way of explaining that the beverage brand is used for patching can not only dispel customers' concerns about these deposits, but also turn it into a selling point, giving everyone a way to shake before drinking. The psychological hint that the taste will be better!"

As for whether the taste will really get better?

It’s hard to say, everyone has their own feelings, but the taste will definitely change, because after shaking, the pulp in the juice is more uniform and no longer precipitated.


Lin Zhibai smiled and said: "Don't juice brands like to emphasize the high concentration of their own products? This advertisement is to amplify this point. You must know that a truly excellent advertisement is not to brag about your own products, but to guide buyers to find their own products." Lenovo, don't you think that the phrase "shake before drinking" is very memorable?"

"It really is."

This ad is catchy, and indeed it can be remembered by people, "Then why don't we invite celebrities to endorse? I read in the ad plan that you can just find a child and an adult and form a father-son pair to shoot? "

"Children are cute, adults are simple and honest."

Lin Zhibai reminded, "In addition, the actor's body must be shaken..."

Jiang Cheng hurriedly said: "I know all of this, and the advertising plan is also written very clearly. I just wonder, wouldn't it be better for a celebrity to act?"

"It's a simple ad without complicating it."

Lin Zhibai reminded: "Have you forgotten how "I Love to Remember the Lyrics" became popular?"

"Down to earth!"

"This is a drink, not a high-end drink, but a civilian drink that anyone can afford."

Jiang Cheng suddenly realized.

It really is.

Because this ad focuses on simplicity, and the mnemonic point is the ad slogan "shake before drinking", so it is taking the route of being close to the people.


An advertising crew.

Lin Gong looked at the shooting in front of him expressionlessly.

The ad was shot by two first-line stars, a man and a woman.

The actor looked up and drank the drink, his Adam's apple rolled, and the heroine stared at the actor's Adam's apple, and couldn't help swallowing.

The blower in the distance turned on.


The male protagonist's hair is blown.

After the male protagonist finished drinking, he found the female protagonist staring at him, shyly took out another bottle of drink from his bag and handed it to her.

The heroine just unscrewed it and drank it.

The blower blew again, and the heroine's long hair fluttered.

at last.

The hero and heroine cuddled together, and the two raised a bottle of drink, saying in unison:

"Meet your sweetheart, meet a good taste, Qile Juice."


The director trotted all the way to Lin Gong's side after filming, and said flatteringly, "President Xiao Lin, do you think this is okay?"

"Let me think about it."

Lin Gong frowned and fell into deep thought.

This ad somewhat imitates the traces of Lanfu chocolate, with the theme of the love between the hero and heroine, and the special effects in the later stage will also imitate the gray chocolate silk, making the effect of fruit juice surrounding the hero and heroine, but for some reason, Lin Gong always feels that some soul is missing .


Lin Gong thought of something, looked at the commercial director and said, "The ending of this commercial is changed, so that the male and female protagonists hug each other in the end, the more intimate the movements, the better!"


The commercial director immediately ran to communicate with the actors.

Lin Gong said to the secretary in a low voice: "Before the advertisement was broadcast, we found some gossip media to join forces to hype it up, saying that the two celebrities had an underground relationship because of this advertisement... Keep it secret, don't let people know. "

"Mr. Kobayashi is brilliant!"

The secretary's eyes lit up, and he felt that this was a feasible solution. Although such hype was clichéd, it could draw people's attention to this ad!

"It's a pity that Kunpeng didn't cooperate with me."

Lin Gong was a little upset. Kunpeng didn't agree to his invitation. He couldn't find a suitable advertising plan, so he could only use gossip as an out-of-the-box trick.

"Where is Kunpeng needed?"

The secretary said with a smile: "Since Lan Fu's chocolate advertisement was a big success, let's just copy it and finish the job. Hey, the male and female protagonists are all first-line stars, right, and they all have love because of the product. You don’t have to worry about people saying that we plagiarized, because we just borrowed a little bit of ideas, a little similarity can be ignored, and we hype up some gossip for the hero and heroine, and the advertising design fee is saved. It’s all thanks to Mr. Kobayashi. !"

"It's not as good as that chocolate ad after all."

Lin Gong is still sober, knowing that this ad is incomparable to that of Lanfu Chocolate, because he only learned the shape and did not grasp the key point of the silky ad, but the gap should not be too big, after all There is no shortage of first-line celebrity combinations, as well as linking products to love, and the theme of marriage between men and women.


In the final analysis, it is to use the star effect to promote products.

At this time, the secretary suddenly received a call, and after hanging up, he reminded Lin Gong, "I just got the news that Qianwei Orchard is also filming a new advertisement, and they probably want to fight us."


Lin Gong was not surprised. Thousand Flavors Orchard and Qile Juice are competitors. "They have our people, and we must also have their people. Who do they ask for endorsement?"

"It's not clear yet."

The secretary was also puzzled. It stands to reason that Qianwei Orchard's search for a spokesperson should not be hidden. Why didn't I hear the news?


Qianwei Orchard is moving very quickly, and has already started filming the advertisement of "shake before drinking".


Jiang Cheng sighed in admiration: "When the Thousand Flavors Orchard heard me say [shake before drinking], they bought the plan directly. It seems that their vision is very keen. I was still thinking about what to say. I resigned to persuade them, but I didn’t need to say anything after I prepared a lot.”

"Because the most valuable thing is to shake it."

Lin Zhibai smiled, just like the Lanfu chocolate advertisement, the most valuable thing is not the love between the hero and the heroine, but "enjoy silky smoothness"!

All the foreshadowing is for these few words.

As for the phrase "Is it really so silky" in the heroine's mouth, it is only used to deepen and emphasize the feature of "silky".

What surprised Lin Zhibai was:

While shooting the new advertisement of Qianwei Orchard, they suddenly released the news that the new advertisement of the company's beverages was produced by Kunpeng planner Yunyun, and posted all the achievements of Kunpeng planner by the way.

"I'm a singer"

"I Love to Remember Lyrics"

"You Are the One"

"Lan Fu Chocolate Advertisement"

Anyway, all kinds of bragging about how awesome this planner is.

Lin Zhibai suddenly laughed when he heard about this, he was being rubbed.

I'm afraid that the cooperation between Qianwei Orchard and Kunpeng is based on the idea of ​​taking advantage of the popularity of "Kunpeng Planner".

Neither Lin Zhibai nor Jiang Cheng expected this.

"It's a good opportunity."

Jiang Cheng also couldn't laugh or cry, "Boss, you, Kunpeng planner, are well-known now. The promotion of Qianwei Orchard has indeed attracted a lot of attention. In a sense, the signboard of Kunpeng planner has become the spokesperson of this advertisement."


After the news of Thousand Flavors Orchard was released, it immediately attracted a lot of attention because of the words "Kunpeng planner"!


"Kunpeng planner? This person is super powerful, and the variety shows he plans are very popular!"

"I know him. The advertisement for Lanfu Chocolate was also written by Kunpeng's planner!"

"Oops, you may not believe me if I tell you, but I'm actually looking forward to the new advertisement of Thousand Flavors Orchard. God knows I'm usually annoyed by advertisements!"

"Hahahaha, brother, you are not alone."

"Who is the spokesperson?"

"It seems that no spokesperson has been announced."

"It doesn't matter who his spokesperson is, I just want to know what new tricks this Kunpeng planner can play!"



"Kunpeng started advertising business again?"

"That Kunpeng planner, isn't he too prolific? In a year or so, he has already planned three variety shows in succession. Not long ago, he even planned an advertisement for Lanfu Chocolate, and now he has an advertisement for Thousand Flavors Orchard? "

"I don't know how this advertisement is going to be."

"If this advertisement is successful again, there will be more brands seeking Kunpeng to advertise in the future, and at the same time, there will be more business opportunities."

"How to say?"

"It's very simple, Kunpeng can give you an additional condition, just say that I will plan a good advertisement for you, but you must use our Kunpeng celebrity endorsement, such as Han Yueshuang."


What an unimaginable path.

"Having said that, Kunpeng has to ensure that their advertisements are good enough. It depends on whether the Kunpeng planner's advertisements are effective!"

After the success of the Lan Fu chocolate commercial, everyone wants to know:

What will the second advertisement produced by the Kunpeng planner look like?


ps: Thanks to the leader of [Tang Bin 0630] for the reward, fresh additions are here!

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