Freelance Artist

Chapter 155 Kunpeng Film and Television Establishment

Kunpeng's development is so smooth, but the top three executives are still reluctant to suppress Kunpeng, or there is no way to suppress it explicitly, unless they don't want to cooperate with Kunpeng anymore. Under such circumstances, the situation they most want to see is It was Kunpeng's own mistakes, and Kunpeng's taking over the video website of Gale Media, which fell into the eyes of the three major companies and even the entire industry, was the beginning of mistakes.

In other words:

Lin Zhibai's move not only did not arouse San San's vigilance, but instead made San San let go of part of his wariness about Kunpeng's rapid rise.

at the same time.

Jiangcheng has already started to take action. While forming Kunpeng Film and Television, he is also looking for a suitable team to shoot "Unexpectedly".


Kunpeng Film and Television was established.

So far, Kunpeng has three subsidiaries——

Kunpeng Music!

Kunpeng Film and Television!

Kunpeng video site!

It goes without saying that the Kunpeng video website is the one that took over.

The only artists under Kunpeng Music are Chu Ci and Han Yueshuang.

As for the recruitment of Kunpeng Film and Television, it is obviously more drastic. Jiangcheng has continuously recruited many film and television talents.



Photographer blah blah blah.

During the recruiting process, Lin Zhibai suddenly remembered his friend Feng Shuo.

Feng Shuo is a part-time student director. Although he is just a sophomore like Lin Zhibai, the short videos he made received a good response online.

Dad also spoke well of Feng Shuo.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhibai simply asked Jiang Cheng to recruit Feng Shuo.

Because the elite talents in the film and television industry are basically covered by the three major monopolies, Kunpeng Film and Television can only recruit more young people who look good. Feng Shuo's appearance on the recruitment list is not unexpected.

Many of the talents of the Big Three were cultivated by themselves.

Kunpeng can also cultivate talents by itself, although it will take some time.

And after Feng Shuo signed the contract with Kunpeng Film and Television, the first thing he did was to invite Lin Zhibai and Yin Dongnuan to dinner.

In the restaurant.

Yin Dongnuan asked with a smile: "Is there any happy event? I suddenly treat guests to dinner."

"Big happy event!"

Feng Shuo is a person who is in high spirits every happy event, blushing and said: "A company has signed me! Guess which company it is?"

Yin Dongnuan subconsciously looked at Lin Zhibai, "Myth?"

Lin Zhibai shook his head, "I don't know."

Feng Shuo laughed loudly, "Kunpeng! It was Kunpeng who signed me, and I am now the contracted director of Kunpeng Film and Television!"

Yin Dongnuan opened his mouth wide in astonishment.

Lin Zhibai also showed a surprised expression at the right time.

Feng Shuo glared at the two of them: "What kind of expressions are you guys making, shouldn't you congratulate me?"


Lin Zhibai said nonsense: "But I originally thought that after you graduate, I will help you enter the mythology."

Yin Dongnuan followed and said, "It's okay to enter Nathan."

Feng Shuo shook his head and said: "Friends are friends, I should ask you for help, I will definitely do so, but if I can rely on myself, I still want to rely on my own strength as much as possible."

"You may not know."

Yin Dong reminded: "Although Kunpeng is a very powerful company, their current situation is not very good, because Kunpeng just acquired the video website of Haifeng Media, so they established Kunpeng Film and Television, which should be to give blood to the website, but the outside world generally I don’t like them, because the video website market has been monopolized by the three major..."

"I know what you mean."

Feng Shuo still pays close attention to the news in the industry, besides, Kunpeng's investment actions are not a secret, and he can find out even if he has a little heart.

"I just think that everything happens for a reason."

Feng Shuo smiled and said, "If it wasn't for this reason, do you think I have a chance to join Kunpeng?"

Lin Zhibai nodded and said: "You can just think clearly. Kunpeng Film and Television is recruiting people on a large scale in the industry this time. The main purpose is to cultivate its own film and television team. If you are trained, you may have the opportunity to formally direct a film and television drama. , but also because Kunpeng Film and Television has recruited a lot of people, so after you enter, it is not so easy to get ahead."

"I know, but I won't regret it, maybe because I admire Kunpeng very much."

Feng Shuo scratched his head. As a sophomore, he was favored by Kunpeng. He thought it was a kind of recognition.

And this recognition is worth fighting for.

As for whether you can get ahead? A young man like Feng Shuo, who has experienced upheaval in his family, is full of enthusiasm and wants to make a career, so he has a little bit of confidence in him.

"It's easier said than done to develop your own team."

As a good friend, Yin Dongnuan actually hopes that Feng Shuo can enter Nathan or Shinhwa.

But seeing that Feng Shuo had already made up his mind, she didn't say anything more, this was a personal choice after all.

When Kunpeng Film and Television messes up, at worst, I and Lin Zhibai will help.


The establishment of Kunpeng Film and Television, as well as Jiangcheng's large-scale recruiting actions, have not been hidden in the slightest.

Everyone in the industry knows that Kunpeng is going to cultivate its own film and television team, and shoot some film and television dramas to help Kunpeng video transfusion.

Everyone felt Kunpeng's determination.

I just don't know if Kunpeng's funds can support it?

The speculation in the industry is actually correct. Kunpeng’s funds are indeed limited.

Lin Zhibai has been paying attention to the money on the books, and now Kunpeng has a cash flow of about 200 million on the books.

If Kunpeng directly shoots a TV series of the size of "Hurricane", it will probably only be enough to shoot two, and it must be guaranteed not to fail.

Because once it fails, the company's finances will be in trouble.

However, the first drama that Kunpeng plans to shoot is "Unexpectedly", the cost of Jiangcheng has already been calculated by the producer, and the filming and publicity of 5 million can be settled steadily.

Don't say this show won't fail.

Even if it really fails, Kunpeng can afford it.

Moreover, the cooperation between Kunpeng and the three major companies is still in progress.

When "Conquer" is broadcast, Kunpeng can get 30% of the income.

When "The Temptation of Going Home" is broadcast, Kunpeng can also get 30% of the income.

Not to mention that the second season of "I Am a Singer" will be broadcast, and part of the proceeds will also be included in Kunpeng's books.

According to the previous cooperation experience with the three major companies, these cooperation benefits are added together, and it is conservatively estimated that it will not be a problem for Kunpeng to earn 100 million or 200 million yuan.

Come and go.

Jiang Cheng finally formed a shooting team for "Unexpectedly" with not much filming experience and a very young filming team as a whole.

Actors have also been found one after another.

Among them, Wang Dahammer is played by a newcomer named Lu Weida.

This was Jiang Cheng's choice after showing Lin Zhibai more than forty auditions in a row.

This Lu Weida feels amazing to Lin Zhibai, a bit like the original protagonist of "Unexpectedly", but at the same time, he seems to have a bit of Zhang Yida's shadow?

Looking at his looks and temperament, he is definitely a comedy talent.

Lin Zhibai watched the other party's audition and was sure that this was the person he was looking for.

Well, this is actually Lin Zhibai's way of cheating. People in this world, if their temperament or face resembles some successful stars in their previous lives, then their chances of success must be higher than ordinary people.

Not just Wang Dahammer.

The other characters in the play are also determined by Lin Zhibai, and they are basically newcomers, but their image or temperament is more in line with the original version.

After all, Kunpeng has gained a reputation in the industry, so the conditions are actually not bad. Lin Zhibai still has a relatively wide range of choices.

As for whether it's okay to do this?

Lin Zhibai thinks there is no problem, because the original team of "Unexpectedly" is also mainly newcomers.

Who knew the actors in "Unexpectedly" before it exploded?

All are very strange!

If "Never Expected" was performed by a group of well-known actors, it is estimated that the effect may not be better than that group of newcomers.

Because the performance of the newcomer is young, but it is open enough, and it is easier to accept the nonsensical performance style of "Unexpectedly".

You must know that Blue Star is a world without Zhou Xingchi!

Without Zhou Xingchi, it means that there is no real "nonsensical comedy" in this world.

Although there are signs of "nonsense" in some comedies, which is normal, but without a character like Master Xing to carry it forward, no one will pay attention to the blue ocean of this style of acting.

Maybe when "Never Expected" is broadcast, the concept of nonsense will become popular in the film and television circles.

As for the director of this film, Feng Shuo was finally decided, because Jiang Cheng finally selected five similar directors after reviewing each layer.

Among them was Feng Shuo.

Lin Zhibai felt that since the level of these five people was similar, he should simply choose Feng Shuo.

The remaining four are co-directors, they are higher than the assistant directors, and they can co-shoot this movie with Feng Shuo.

Lin Zhibai can check it out himself.

Every time an episode is filmed, Lin Zhibai will check the results, and if it doesn't work, he will call back and ask them to reshoot, at most it will cost more money.

Cultivating talents always costs money.

What? Cronyism? That's a little bit.

But it’s as if you are the interviewer, and the five people are of similar level, and they all have the opportunity to get hired. Would you choose the most beautiful one?

Then Lin Zhibai chose the one he was most familiar with, there was nothing wrong with that.

Of course, Feng Shuo didn't know that Kunpeng's boss was his good buddy, he only thought that he was lucky enough to be selected, and happily shared the good news with Lin Zhibai and Yin Dongnuan.


This time Yin Dongnuan really congratulated.

Because it meant that Feng Shuo was only in his sophomore year, and he started directing a TV series.

Feng Shuo said with some embarrassment: "It's not an official TV series, but I've signed a non-disclosure agreement so it's not convenient to say what kind."

"Then stop talking, come on."

Lin Zhibai smiled and encouraged, Feng Shuo was right, "Wan WanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaible" And "Wan Wan Wan Wan Fang" is not a TV series, not even a pure web drama.

Perhaps it should be defined by "mini network comedy"?

Anyway, Lin Zhibai thinks this thing is most suitable for attracting traffic from Kunpeng Film and Television.

He vaguely remembered that there was a drama called "Diaosi Men", which was also of this type?

Looking back can be considered and system customization.


ps: I have heard everyone's opinions, Wulin Gaiden is really popular.

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