Freelance Artist

Chapter 156 The Poor Crew

The outside world is paying attention to the first project of Kunpeng Film and Television, and soon several key information of "WanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanKnow".

Feature Capture——

Low cost shooting! Inexperienced young team! Directors and actors are basically newcomers!

Swish Swish Swish.

A set of these buffs made many people laugh.

"Testing the waters?"

"The new team lineup?"

"This drama is purely for newcomers to practice, right?"

"Kunpeng wants to train a shooting team by himself, so he must pay a lot of tuition fees, and they can't recruit really good talents."

"A lot of people are watching."

"I have a director friend with great qualifications. Now he has come out of the company and has not yet found a next job. Kunpeng's representative Jiang Cheng personally contacted him to invite him to join, but he said that he should consider it, because Kunpeng Film and Television is really too small now. , It’s just a grass-roots team.”

"So there is no way to use a group of newcomers."

"When Kunpeng Film and Television really makes achievements, we can attract some more powerful talents."

"However, there is nothing wrong with Kunpeng's handling. I'm really afraid if they want to come up and shoot with big investment and big production."

"But can Kunpeng Video afford to wait?"

"When this group of newcomers grows up, Kunpeng Video will probably be finished."


"I heard that Jiangcheng ordered that many variety shows and self-made film and television drama projects of Kunpeng Video be cut off."

do not forget.

Video websites need to constantly update their content.

After Kunpeng acquired the video site, it also inherited the site's 8 million member users.

Although mosquitoes are small, they are meat. The monthly membership fee of these eight million members can bring hundreds of millions of income to Kunpeng Video.

But if these member users can't find good content to watch on Kunpeng Video, they will run out sooner or later.

Before Haifeng Media, in order to keep the 8 million members and users, it produced a lot of self-made variety shows and self-made film and television dramas.

This is the source of the loss of the website.

Because self-made variety shows and film and television dramas cost money, a lot of money.

So this is a deadlock. If you don't produce new programs and produce new variety shows, then users will run away.

if you did

That is also a loss of money, because your contribution to these content is not directly proportional to the return.

No wonder Haifeng Video finally agreed to sell the website for 100 million yuan, which is quite cheap.

However, after Kunpeng acquired this video website, the first thing it did was to slowly cut off these projects that were too big to drop.

For example, a self-made variety show of Haifeng Media did not have a high broadcast volume, but it spent a lot of money. It was originally expected to have 22 episodes, but now it has only got the sixth episode, and the website has been acquired by Kunpeng.

Jiang Cheng waved his hand:

This purely money-losing variety show must end within six episodes!

And some self-made film and television dramas have all stopped.

For the specific handover situation, Kunpeng's legal team, financial team and Blast Merchant dispatched by Jiangcheng discussed business——

After all, the business has spread out.

Kunpeng has now formed the necessary teams such as the legal department and the financial department.


Neither the industry nor Hurricane Media can figure it out:

After Ni Kunpeng acquired the video site, he directly cut these things off. What will users watch in the future?

Don't you just watch low-cost film and television dramas shot by your pure rookie team?


Lin Zhibai is also thinking about how to continue to operate the website.

Filming "Never Expected" is just one part of his drainage plan.

As for the variety shows and self-produced film and television dramas of Haifeng Media, Lin Zhibai must cut them, a bit like a strong man cutting his wrists and breaking the boat.

There must have been labor pains, but he couldn't let the hole continue to expand.

Although there are already a large number of old members of the website scolding on the message board:

"I was chasing the music variety show "Performer" produced by Blast, but the rhythm of these two episodes suddenly started to speed up. It was said that the finals would be in a few episodes. Is this because the income is not good and I have to cut it?"

"Many online dramas that are being broadcast on this website are speeding up."

"This broken website takes jujube pills."

"Didn't you see that the name of the website has been changed? It used to be called Haifeng, but now it's called Kunpeng."

"After Kunpeng acquired this website, these programs are destined to be cut."

"Then Kunpeng didn't announce any new plans."

"There is an online drama I have been looking forward to. It said that it will start filming in the near future, and it will be broadcast on this website at that time. As a result, there is no news now. It is estimated that the crew has disbanded."

"I will not renew the membership when it expires this month."

"I'm going to cry to death. I have a one-year membership, and it will expire in May next year!"

"Losing money!"

"There is nothing new to read on this site!"

"I thought that after Kunpeng acquired this website, the situation of the website would improve, but this is the result?"

Users are annoyed.

There was some disturbance on the Internet.

And this is already the result of Jiangcheng trying to give those programs a buffer time. If they cut the programs directly, it is estimated that many users will be bombed directly.

no way.

Jiangcheng can only set up a public relations department to explain to these users. In fact, it is almost the same as losing money. It is to give 8 million members an extra three months of membership.

At the same time, Jiangcheng also made a promise:

Kunpeng will make some new high-quality content for everyone in the shortest possible time.

As for those variety shows that have been speeding up one after another, as well as some self-produced film and television dramas that have been officially announced to be filmed, they must be cancelled, because if they insist on continuing to do it, Kunpeng will bear the cost.

This appeasement is quite effective.

After all, there are three months of membership compensation.

Moreover, representatives of Kunpeng also publicly promised that they will produce some new high-quality content in the shortest possible time.

At this time, Kunpeng's signature came into play.

After all, regardless of TV dramas or variety shows, as long as it is produced by Kunpeng, the quality and popularity are very good, so the promised users of Jiangcheng are willing to believe it.

Appease the user.

Jiang Cheng hurriedly called Lin Zhibai, "According to the boss's order, I have already let the word out, and we may have a variety show next."

"I know."

Lin Zhibai has already started to think about what kind of variety show is more suitable. After all, the website can't just rely on "Wan Wan Wan Wan Wan Wan Wan Wan Fang", this show will definitely be a success, but it is actually an act of treating the symptoms rather than the root cause. If you want to solve the root cause, you have to come up with a lot of new ideas. Things come out.


Lin Zhibai asked: "How is the filming of "Wonderful Expectations" going?"

Jiang Cheng smiled and said: "The progress is very fast, Feng Shuo has filmed six episodes."

Don't be surprised.

Six episodes were filmed in a few days, not because of how good director Feng Shuo is, nor because of how good the actors are, nor because the crew is perfunctory, but because each episode of this drama is only two or three minutes long, and there is no substantive plot at all. The key is the grasp of the lines and the jokes.

This is the miniseries!

It is estimated that this drama will be broadcast in a few days.


Lin Zhibai thought that when "Won't Expect" to start broadcasting, Kunpeng Video would be able to breathe a sigh of relief. Who would have thought that something would happen in just a few days.

That night.

Aurora platform.

A user who claimed to be an insider of Kunpeng Film and Television posted a long article.

The title of the article is "Kunpeng Film and Television deceives fans and ruins the industry atmosphere"!

"I am a newcomer photographer who was recruited into Kunpeng Film and Television a few days ago. When I first joined this company, I was very excited, full of longing and admiration for Kunpeng..."

The content of the article is not complicated.

It was nothing more than a newcomer who admired Kunpeng was recruited into Kunpeng Film and Television, and then filmed a drama with the newly established crew, but found that this drama was all kinds of shoddy, so as a photographer with a conscience and a dream, justice He couldn't bear it anymore, and would rather lose his job than expose Kunpeng Film and Television's behavior that ruined the industry.

The end of the article.

The netizen, who claimed to be a photographer of Kunpeng, complained: "The Jiangcheng representative of Kunpeng said that they would produce some new high-quality content in the shortest possible time and put it on the Kunpeng Video website. Is it high-quality content, you are clearly deceiving website users, you have already made so much money, why are you reluctant to polish and produce works that meet the standards..."

I have to admit that what the photographer said is true.

As far as the shooting situation is concerned, "Won't Expect" does meet the so-called "shoddy" standard.

The plot is quite simple, without any meaningful content, and the investment of the crew is also a variety of cost-saving. The scene is not serious at all, and even gives people a sense of playfulness.

These are the facts...

Recently, Kunpeng video has indeed caused some disturbances.

Because many variety shows on the video site are accelerating, many projects destined to lose money have been cut off by Kunpeng, causing many users of the site to be very dissatisfied.

Plus this wave.

Kunpeng's first filming of a film and television drama was "perfunctory".

Reluctant to spend money, reluctant to invite celebrities, the studio is too simple, in the words of the photographer who wrote the article, you Kunpeng is obviously not short of money, why can’t you afford a little money, it’s fine if you don’t hire celebrities, give newcomers a chance It's understandable, but it's okay to just put the whole point of content on the website to fool the ignorant public!

Someone in the comment area questioned whether this guy was trying to discredit Kunpeng?

In order to prove the authenticity of his words, the photographer directly released the unofficial stills of the scene. In the photos, it can be seen that the crew really gave people a feeling of extreme poverty, such as the protagonist and the ultimate villain. On an old wooden stake...


This time the netizens exploded.

The 8 million users of Kunpeng Video are even more angry!

Is this the so-called "high-quality content" that you Kunpeng is preparing for everyone?

Kunpeng has made so much money, and in the end, he set up such a poor crew to perfuse us?

It's just a small incident that the website cut programs or something.

This time, it really affected the reputation of the Kunpeng brand.

It was the second day since Lin Zhibai found out about this, because he had the habit of silently silencing his phone when he slept, so he didn't know how many calls Jiang Cheng had made to him last night...

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