Freelance Artist

Chapter 158 Hilarious broadcast

Compared with the anger of netizens, the industry has noticed some information from Kunpeng's statement.

It will be broadcast so soon, so Kunpeng must be filming a short drama this time, just like some short videos?

From this point of view, everyone can understand why Kunpeng is unwilling to invest too much money in it. Maybe this short play is really for those newcomers to practice and clap their hands for fun. In the end, they did not expect to be exposed to crude news...

But why are you making such a big fuss when you shoot short plays?

Isn't it on the cusp of broadcasting at this time?

Can such a worthless short play save your Kunpeng video?

Besides, even if you are a short play, those shoddy and experienced practitioners will look down on you. Do you think that netizens will easily spare you Kunpeng?

Before, Jiang Cheng said:

Whatever you say, you must give an explanation to the 8 million members of the website, and will make some new high-quality content for everyone.

Don't do porcelain work without diamonds.

This sentence will become a target for netizens to attack Kunpeng!

You can't say that this shoddy skit is what you Kunpeng call "high-quality content", right?

Is this fooling the audience for fools, or is it because of the traffic brought about by this scandal that they are biting the bullet and watching this short drama?

The correct way to deal with it must be to increase investment, re-shoot, and make this film well. Let’s not talk about the content, at least the quality of the production must keep up. At the same time, let the public relations department and the public explain that this drama is very short. Let's show everyone a little bit of fun.

What the hell is going head-on?

The industry can't understand why Kunpeng is so desperate.

Even though many people realize that this is a skit, Kunpeng's public relations handling is still eye-catching.

And in the villa.

Lin Zhibai worked overtime this night to go through the filmed content again to see if there were any problems.

"It's not a big problem..."

There is a point in this play that involves Journey to the West and the Three Kingdoms.

There is no Westward Journey and Three Kingdoms in this world, so Lin Zhibai adjusted the relevant content reasonably, because "Wan WanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWan Fang" has several seasons of content, so Lin Zhibai simply put together the content of several seasons, anyway the content is close , There is no need to divide it so scattered, this drama is used to attract traffic to the website, and its purpose is very simple.

At the same time, this also reminded Lin Zhibai.

There are still stalks that need to be adjusted in the filming of "Unexpectedly".

After that, "Wulin Biography" to be filmed, many of the stalks in it were inherited from Jin Yong's martial arts novels. If there were no works by Mr. Jin in this world, some stalks would not be available to everyone.

For example, Guo Juxia or something like that.

Maybe I have to keep Buyehou busy, at least I have to figure out the more involved things in "Wulin Biography".

Of course not all of them.

Some things can be explained to the outside world, this is linked with some future works of Bu Ye Hou, please look forward to it in the future.

"Go back and find the three."

Kunpeng and the three majors are still cooperating, and they won't break up just because Kunpeng has created a film and television drama. Before breaking up, it's time to use the strength of the three majors to make the most of it.

Lin Zhibai gradually had a new plan in his heart.


Yin Dongnuan knew that Feng Shuo was the director of Kunpeng's new play.

Feng Shuo shared the good news with Lin Zhibai and Yin Dongnuan as soon as he was selected as the director of "Unexpectedly".

At this time, the drama "Never Expected" was on the cusp.

Yin Dongnuan was very worried, and pulled Lin Zhibai and Feng Shuo to form a small group of three.

Yin Dongnuan: " @Feng Shuo, what's the situation with your drama?"

Feng Shuo: "It's similar to what is said on the Internet. Our crew is relatively poor, but we definitely didn't make shoddy productions. We shot this movie very seriously..."

Yin Dongnuan: "Is this a short play?"

Feng Shuo: "It seems that you guessed it. It's very short, so it can be broadcast so quickly."

Yin Dongnuan: "..."

Lin Zhibai: " @Can Feng Shuo succeed?"

Feng Shuo: "You two, don't worry, most of the photographer's revelations are true, but sometimes, even if you know a lot of facts, it will still interfere with your judgment before you have seen all the facts. Tucao, or anger, is based on our poor attitude. We filmed this drama to perfuse the public, but our attitude is fine. In addition, many people can't imagine that our crew is saving money, and it is also for comedy effect. "

Yin Dongnuan: "Save money for comedy effect?"

Lin Zhibai: "Are you kidding me?"

Feng Shuo: "Anyway, you'll know it after watching our drama."

Yin Dongnuan: "Just don't get tricked by Kunpeng, be careful they pull you out as a scapegoat."

Lin Zhibai: "..."

Although he pretended not to know in the group, but Yin Dongnuan was so suspicious of Kunpeng, Lin Zhibai still couldn't help crying and laughing.

There is indeed a way to replace the dead ghost.

For example, when this show hit the street, they put all the responsibility on the director, explaining to the public that "this show is what the director wanted to shoot".

Anyway, the screenwriter Buyehou is very popular there, so he can be completely non-stick.

And Kunpeng can't say that he completely dumped the blame, at least he can let director Feng Shuo share half of the pressure.

But "Never Expected" can't just hit the street.

Taking a step back, even if this short play really hit the street, he would not cheat his good friend.


the next day.

Public opinion continued to ferment as Lin Zhibai imagined.

Lin Zhibai would even take the initiative to pay attention to some complaints or even curses about Kunpeng on the Internet.

Because this is the situation he wants to see, in fact, if Lin Zhibai is willing, he can explain things clearly.

But there is no need for that.

Anyway, it aired tonight.

Didn't watch it, all the netizens are waiting for your show to air, watching how I will spray you to death?

Everyone's keyboards are ready, how can I not cooperate?

And the time of day is advancing little by little amidst the continuous ferment of public opinion.




Six p.m.

seven o'clock in the evening.

Seven fifty in the evening!

During the last 10-minute countdown, the traffic of Kunpeng's video began to surge, and a large number of netizens poured in!


three big.

All parties are paying attention!

It is by no means that everyone has any expectations for "Unexpectedly", almost everyone is watching a joke.

"It's about to start!"

"I'm ready to spray!"

"If it wasn't for the script written by Mr. Buyehou, I wouldn't have read it."

"Maybe Mr. Buyehou didn't expect his script to be so ruined by Kunpeng."


"It's time, I'll wipe it, update ten episodes in one go!"


"The first episode is so short!"

"This is shorter than a skit!"

During the discussion, the audience had already clicked on the first episode, but the first episode was just over three minutes long, which instantly blinded many people's eyes.

Is this too short?

Everyone's brains are a little foggy.

At this time at home, Yin Dongnuan also boarded the Kunpeng video, and directly turned on the projection mode to watch it on a super big TV.

The title song sounded.

"The pressure of life makes me forget who I am. I want to be a hero but I am still the unlucky Wang Dahammer. This world makes you helpless. You don't know whether it is good or bad. The changes are too fast and I am afraid that I will miss this era. After looking around and looking forward Too much confusion, I think of running in the sunset, that's you, that's your lost youth

I never thought that morality was gone.

Never thought the world is so wonderful

Never expected Yo Yo Chek Nao

Never thought of that la la la la la

I look forward to waking up to have ten beautiful girls, and the reality will give you a pancake fruit without eggs. The law of nature is to kneel down to the uncle if you have money. ..."

Yin Dongnuan smiled.

The opening song of this film is quite interesting, especially the last sentence "I never thought of it la la la la la" is inexplicably a bit magical and brainwashing.


An advert appears:

"This episode is sponsored by the Qinzhou Temporary Workers' Association—we are professionals."

ah this...

Yin Dongnuan couldn't help laughing.

When I first heard that "this episode is sponsored by the Qinzhou Temporary Workers Association", Yin Dongnuan didn't feel that something was wrong, and thought about which association it was?

Does Qinzhou have this association?

It was only when she saw the following sentence "we are professionals who take the blame" that she realized that this sentence was purely a spoof and satire.

at the same time.

Some netizens also laughed, and everyone understood that this paragraph is a satire on the phenomenon of various temporary workers in society who take the blame.

"Ha ha."

"It's so nonsense. I was wondering where the sponsorship for this poor crew would come from. Is the Temporary Workers' Association okay?"

"It didn't feel right at first."


"The opening song and this meme are both very funny."

"This is where it goes, the feature film is the key point, don't be dismissed by Kunpeng's stalking!"

"that is."

"I had the annual meeting of this shitty website, and it's too bad to show me something that's shoddy."

"What good things can such a poor crew produce?"

"Low-cost production often means that cheap products are not good."

"Kunpeng has a temper. He is still not convinced that their quality is poor, and he insists on broadcasting on the cusp of the storm."

"Then let's see."

Blue Star's video website has barrage, and many people communicate directly through the barrage. There are not only ordinary viewers, but also a lot of people in the industry, and even the three big troublemakers.

discussion room.

Feature film begins.

I saw a young man in ancient clothes appearing in the camera, his expression was dull as if his face was paralyzed, his mouth was slightly opened, and two front teeth could be vaguely seen, giving him an inexplicable sense of joy.

at the same time.

The voice-over sounds.

Mental activities are combined with music with a strong sense of rhythm: "My name is Wang Dahammer, I am an actor, and I am filming a low-cost martial arts drama."

The voice changed.

Wang Dachui suddenly turned his head to look at the sword in his hand, his mouth still did not move, and his mental activities continued to appear in the form of voice-over, this time with emotional complaints: "This is too low-cost! Where did the children's toy sword come from?" ah!"

call out.

The children's toy sword in Wang Dahui's hand was flashing bulingbulingly.

"It's already at this quality, what a shame!"

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the children's toy sword in Wang Dahammer's hand suddenly flashed even more powerfully.


"You are not convinced that your quality is poor, you!"


Netizens couldn't help laughing.

This time I really couldn't bear it.

What do you mean "you are not convinced that your quality is poor"?

Isn't Wang Dachui's complaint about Kunpeng the same as netizens have complained about Kunpeng in the past two days?

"What the hell!"

"Is the toy sword okay?"

"This is too spoof!"

"Kunpeng is not lying, it really has special effects, look at this toy sword flashing, hahahahahahaha, are you sure it's not self-defeating?"

"This is the most perfunctory special effect I've ever seen!"

"Where did you find this actor? It's quite funny, with an inexplicable joy on his face."

"The lines are also very interesting. Just complain about the low cost of yourself, and say what the netizens say, so that the netizens have nothing to say?"

This joy is too strong!

Combining it with netizens' complaints about Kunpeng's drama, and eating it together, people with high laughs can't help laughing.


Everyone suddenly felt that this drama was not as bad as expected?


The feature film continues.

Suddenly a person jumped out from the opposite side of Wang Dachui.

That's right.

This ugly-looking man dressed in ancient costumes just jumped into the camera, holding an unsheathed sword in his hand, and recited his lines perfunctorily when he came up:


"If you want to rescue the princess, then..."

The man actually forgot the words, and he groaned for a long time, "Just... um... just... just stepped over my corpse! Uh!"

Finally remembered.

The guy also confirmed himself.

Wang Dachui: "Please, can you memorize the lines before you come up?"

The man said: "Come on, use your ultimate move, Nine Suns Divine Fist!"

Wang Dachui: "It turns out that I used boxing... Nine Suns God Fist? It sounds amazing!"


Wang Dachui directly threw away the toy sword and clenched it tightly with both hands, and then the special effect appeared, in fact, the camera was slightly distorted.

"I feel a powerful force gathering towards my fists!"

"My left fist is as hot as a flame!"

"My right fist is as cold as frost!"


"I'm a big X, what the hell, I didn't even do special effects, it's too perfunctory to just type it!"

Wang Dahammer raised his fists.

The left fist has the words "Flame Special Effects" written on it.

The words "Frost Special Effects" were written on the right fist.

The man shouted: "Ice and Fire Nine Heavens!"

Wang Dachui: "Hey! How did you see this trick? This name is too sentimental!"

The man acted without hesitation: "It's amazing!"

After speaking, the man shook his body wildly, and the words "fire special effect" and "ice frost special effect" kept appearing on his chest.

at last.

The man fell down and began to say his last words: "As expected of being the successor of Nine Suns Fist, I have no regrets in my life..."

Wang Dachui broke his guard, "No regrets, my sister, I haven't made a move yet, let me tell you!"

The man continued to play himself, and this time the performance was quite similar, "I think of running under the sunset that afternoon, it was my lost youth."

With a panting.

The man died instantly.


this moment.

in front of the screen.

Yin Dongnuan was dumbfounded.

Netizens were dumbfounded.

People in the industry were dumbfounded.

The three majors were also dumbfounded.

What kind of thing is this Nima shooting?

Why can't this villain even remember his lines?

Why did this villain hang up without doing anything?

Can the special effects be more perfunctory?

And are the last words of the villain before his death serious?


After a moment of dumbfounded and sluggishness, everyone burst into laughter, even those industry insiders who came to watch the fun, and the three major employees with malicious intentions couldn't help laughing like crazy, Yin Dongnuan even laughed so hard that his stomach hurts, He patted his thigh.

Can't help it!

I really can't help it!

What the hell is this filming about? It's obvious that the plot is nonsensical, and the performances of the actors and special effects are all perfunctory to the extreme, but it's still so funny!



The barrage exploded!

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