Freelance Artist

Chapter 172 The live broadcast is over (4500 votes plus updates)

"Is such that."

Le Ziren began to tell stories seriously, "I have a friend who got into a fight with someone and was sentenced for more than three years. Then I went to visit him some time ago. This guy is in his thirties, and his hair is all white now. I asked him what was going on, and he said that he was worried every day, and he didn’t know how to face his family. He regretted every day that he was too impulsive and shouldn’t fight with others, but the one who fought with him also went in, and even more so Miserable, sentenced to more than four years..."

Lin Zhibai was stunned.

The audience was also dumbfounded.

Let me ask you a tricky question, why did you directly tune the emotional radio station to the legal channel?



"What kind of subject is this!"

"Chu Ci: I think you are embarrassing me!"

"Does Chuci have to go in after singing this song?"

"Is it okay to go to jail?"

"I made you feel embarrassed about Chu Ci, but I didn't ask you to directly confuse Chu Ci."

"What's the difference between you and my girlfriend asking me to pick the moon from the sky and give it to her?"

"Only the wrong name does not have the wrong ID."

"What a joy!"

"Killing me!"

No one expected that the show would be full of effects instantly when the Leziren came, knowing that it was impossible to write a song on this topic, and there were still people booing on the barrage:


"you write!"

"Next is the rule of law program."

"If you can write this song, I'll just eat the keyboard. Don't you think the previous title is too simple? Is this enough?"

Is this a live broadcast?

This is too much fun, right?

What happened in Chu Ci's live broadcast room directly made many people like this format, and everyone now wants to see Chu Ci suffer.


Lin Zhibai was also very cooperative, and directly made a gesture of handcuffing to the camera, as if he was about to be humiliated.

The audience laughed.

The fun man also seemed to feel that his topic was a bit outrageous, and the things he said seemed to be impossible to use as material for songwriting, "Hey, I just feel a little emotional, or Teacher Chuci pretends that I didn't say anything, so just sing whatever you want, as long as you We love to sing it."

Very skinny.

Lin Zhibai Fue, in fact, was secretly exchanging songs with the system, pretending to be silent for more than ten seconds, and suddenly said:

"wait a second."

Lin Zhibai started writing songs while talking.

When the audience saw Lin Zhibai's posture, they were stunned for a while, but then everyone laughed even more happily. This is not any music material at all!


"Still pretending."

"How do you write this thing?"

"The title of the song "Prison Disaster"?"

"The title of the song is "Rule of Law Online."


"He actually tried to create!"

Lin Zhibai kept writing and didn't speak, but the audience in the live broadcast room didn't feel bored at all. Everyone communicated with each other on the screen, and they were overjoyed.


Lin Zhibai stopped writing and went to the corner of the room to pick up an erhu. He doesn't know many musical instruments. He is best at the piano and guitar, and he can also play a little electronic organ. The erhu is actually only a half-level, but he is fooling around in the live broadcast room. The audience should be barely enough.

Really write it out?

The audience saw that Chuci took out the erhu and couldn't help but bewildered, and Lin Zhibai played the erhu in the audience's bewilderment, only to hear the sound of the erhu vibrating through the snake skin and the ponytail bow constantly rubbing against the strings, ringing Throughout the live broadcast room, a feeling of sadness and sadness filled the room instantly.


Suddenly playing a wrong note, Lin Zhibai muttered, and then played again, which immediately made the audience overjoyed.

Can you do it?

fine dog.

And Lin Zhibai sang in the ridicule of the barrage, the singing voice matched the sound of the erhu, and the atmosphere was really subtle:

"Sorrow, worry

worry turns white

Since I parted from you, I have lived in the prison building

tears can't stop flowing

can't stop flowing down

The two-foot-eight sign hangs on my neck, the streets and alleys swim me..."

After Lin Zhibai sang such a lyric, the audience in the live broadcast instantly burst into laughter. The main reason is that the erhu combined with this pretentiously sad voice not only does not feel sad, but also has a strong sense of joy!

"It can be seen that I am really sad!"

"Live in a prison building? Tears can't stop flowing? Should I say it or not, these lyrics are really suitable for the occasion, Chu Ci is really talented!"

"That's how talents are used?"

"He has taken the perspective of a criminal!"

"Why don't you be so funny!"

"Do you think that in ancient times, criminals still paraded through the streets?"

"Yes, the psychology of the prisoner has been manipulated by him."

"Really down to earth!"

"Where is this down-to-earth?"

"This song is a dungeon!"

"Almost landed in the government!"

Singing here, the scene of Bai Zhantang singing this song in "Wulin Biography" suddenly appeared in Lin Zhibai's mind. The feeling of not needing to pursue the expression of the song itself is easy to imitate. Songs, so what he mainly pursues is the kind of effect that obviously wants to express sadness, but the more people want to laugh:

"Holding the buns in your hands

There is not a drop of oil in the dish..."

Lin Zhibai sang this part of the lyrics very slowly, as if his voice was about to cry. If it was just funny before, this part is hilarious!


"My God!"

"How can Chu Ci be so funny!"

"The lyrics are really amazing!"

"Holding the corn bread in my hand, there is not a drop of oil in the dish, this singing is invincible, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"The erhu is really amazing!"

"Isn't that better than a guitar?"

Lin Zhibai continued to sing amidst the laughter: "Life in prison is so painful, one step at a time, holding the steamed buns in your hands, tears streaming down your face, how shameful the crimes you committed, how can I help you?" I was able to raise my head, I lost my freedom when I left my loved ones, my tears turned into bitter water, and I will never see my loved ones again without face, adding infinite sorrow to my heart..."


It's over.

The barrage exploded just as Lin Zhibai had imagined. After all, this song is really easy to create a contrasting sense of joy. However, Lin Zhibai had just considered customizing "Tears Behind the Bar" with the system, and finally changed his mind and used this song.


Because this song appeared more than once in "Wulin Biography", Bai Zhantang always liked to sing it, so he just took advantage of the excitement of the live broadcast and played it directly, so that when everyone watched that drama again in the future, they would be able to smile knowingly, besides this song The lyrics of the song are indeed close to what the fun person said.

The barrage exploded!

"This song reminds me of the years when I was on a sewing machine. The lyrics are correct, and there is really no oil in the dishes with the buns in my hands."

"Brother has experience!"

"It's obviously a sad song, but I always feel like laughing when I listen to it. Maybe it's because I don't have that experience, but why are you so proficient at Chu Ci!"

"Have you squatted in it?"

"He directly substituted it!"

"After listening to this song, I was greatly alarmed!"

"Hahahahaha, it has really become a legal program. This song is to persuade everyone not to follow the path of breaking the law and committing crimes!"

"Depend on!"

"It really made him write it!"

"How did you write that!"

"Guess what, it's really hard for him!"

Some people laughed, some people were really alerted, but more people were still shocked, because the song is very complete, and the melody is okay, especially the part "there is no oil in the steamed buns in your hands", the imagery is too strong !

Well the show works well.

Looking at the barrage, Lin Zhibai felt that the time was almost up, he smiled and said: "This song is called "Sorrow, Sorrow", all three songs have been sung, and we have chatted for a long time, today's live broadcast is about the same It's over, if you like my live broadcast, you can follow me, everyone will receive a notification next time I start a live broadcast, and of course I will notify you on Aurora before the live broadcast."

"Is this the end?"

"Let's play it for a while!"

"Teacher Chu Ci has another song!"

"I'll masturbate you!"

"Although...people can' least they shouldn't..."

"It's not fun yet!"

"This live broadcast is so interesting, it's completely different from what I imagined!"

"Will these songs be released?"

"I want "Happy Breakup"!"

"I want "The Girl Opposite Look Over here"!"

"Am I the only one who likes "Sorrow, Sorrow"?"

The audience was still unsatisfied, and couldn't bear to see Chuci's live broadcast end like this. Lin Zhibai thought about it, and simply took the opportunity to attract other anchors.


Lin Zhibai said: "Since everyone hasn't seen enough, let's check the rooms of other anchors and watch their performances."


Lin Zhibai clicked on the live broadcast platform, and directly led everyone into a live broadcast room of a female anchor.

The hostess is dancing.

The eyes kept staring at the barrage.

Suddenly saw:

"A member of the anti-pornography brigade!"

"Spot checks!"

"Chu Ci rounds the room!"

"Teacher Chu Ci is here!"

"Teacher Chu Ci is watching you dance!"

"Chu Ci Chu Ci!"

The female anchor's voice trembled with excitement, "Welcome to Mr. Chuci's ward rounds...Huh? A ward round?"

What kind of broken word is this?


Forget it is not important.

Chu Ci is a big star, and he is not the same concept as a small anchor like himself. He danced for a long time, and there were not many audiences. When Chu Ci watched it, the number of audiences soared to millions, which is outrageous!

take this opportunity.

The female anchor twisted crazily, with thin waist, tender skin, charming voice, long legs, and crisp eyes.

Direct super performance.

Lin Zhibai whispered: "Is this something I can watch without paying?"

The female anchors in this world are self-taught, and the dynamic light waves are almost jumping out, and they have already touched the essence of the live broadcast in the dance area.

The audience of Chu Ci was also stimulated by this female anchor!


"Type with both hands to prove your innocence!"

"I think... I might not be able to go back..."

"Isn't this more exciting than listening to music?"

"I'm sorry, Teacher Chu Ci!"

"Talk to Teacher Chu Ci, and I won't go back."

"This kind of dance, I have to stay in her live broadcast room and criticize it!"

Tut tut.

Everyone is in high spirits.

This live broadcast is a bit past life.

Lin Zhibai felt that the time was ripe, and taking advantage of the audience's attention being diverted, he decisively bid farewell to everyone.

"See you next time live!"


ps: This song has to be sung in the brain, otherwise it will be tasteless.

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