Freelance Artist

Chapter 173 Chu Ci's Popularity Soars

Although Chu Ci's live broadcast was over, the audience did not disperse because of this. Everyone was obviously in a state of unfinished content, and they were still swiping barrage on the black screen in his live broadcast room.

"It's so interesting!"

"I didn't expect the live broadcast of Chuci to be so exciting."

"I really like the three songs that Chu Ci created on the spot today!"

"It's a pity that none of these songs were released publicly."

"It's okay, you can watch the recording. You can see that there is a live playback function at the bottom of the page."

"Okay, I'll watch the replay!"

"I can't wait for Chu Ci to start another live broadcast immediately. I already like his image. The combination of real and virtual idols feels cool."

"Wait for him to broadcast live next time!"

"I'll watch Mimi's live broadcast first."

"Oh, mimi is the one who was rounded up by Chuci, she is really exciting, it's completely different from watching that kind of dance video."

"The main thing is enough!"

"Live streaming is really interesting."

These barrage exchanges in the Chu Ci live broadcast room lasted for a long time before gradually ending.

And Lin Zhibai also observed secretly for a while after the broadcast, he was quite satisfied with his live broadcast debut performance, judging from the barrage effect, the audience also received rave reviews.


Lin Zhibai looked at the general situation of the carp live broadcast webpage.

The more popular live broadcast room entrances are displayed on the first-level webpage and ranked according to the number of viewers.

After Chu Ci was broadcast, the current No. 1 anchor is called Mimi, who is the girl from the dance area that Lin Zhibai just checked the room with, and the number of viewers has stabilized at around one million.

have to say:

This mimi is good at taking chances.

After Chu Ci drained her, she danced even harder, and the live broadcast was even a bit of a side benefit.

However, the live broadcast has just come out in this world, and the supervision is not very strict, so it's okay for her to go too far occasionally, but many viewers screamed excitedly, giving all kinds of small gifts non-stop.

"Even without me, the live broadcast will appear."

Lin Zhibai was thoughtful, "But the joining of Kunpeng and my plan have accelerated the development of live broadcasting. It is estimated that there will be a large number of live broadcasting platforms of the same type in a short time, and the competition in the field of live broadcasting will be overwhelming. It's going to get intense."

However, Carp Live is not afraid of competition.

Because even if people in this world want to imitate the Liyu platform, their understanding of live broadcasting is definitely not as deep as their own.


As the first live broadcast platform of Blue Star, Carp has already seized the opportunity to take a step ahead. This is the benefit of being the first to eat crabs, but the current live broadcast types are still very poor. Major live broadcasts.

The first category is singing.

The second category is dancing.

The third category is playing games.

Unlike the previous life, the content of the live broadcast is varied, such as live eating, live sleeping, live tapping codes, poking a hornet's nest, live tomb robbery, live eating big meat bugs and so on.

Even eat Olli live to...

There is also a live broadcast...

Although this kind of live broadcast room was quickly blocked.

The barbaric growth period of the live broadcast in the previous life was so outrageous, but Lin Zhibai, who was too excessive, was not allowed to appear. He sent a message with his mobile phone to remind Jiangcheng, asking Li Yu to get a batch of super tubes for this live broadcast website, to prevent some serious cross-line The video appeared, and as for hitting a sideball while dancing, you can ignore it for the time being, there is a problem of speed.

It stands to reason that Kunpeng is a shareholder.

The actual operation is in charge of the boss Li Yu.

However, Lin Zhibai is not only a shareholder, but also the planner of Liyu Video, so if he intervenes in some actual operations, Li Yu will definitely not say much, after all, his opinions are very pertinent.

take it easy.

In Lin Zhibai's plan, there are still many ideas that have not been brought out.

It's not to guard against Li Yu, the better the website is, the higher the dividends he gets. The main reason is that Lin Zhibai is afraid that if he takes out everything in one go, he will be imitated by others, and there is no effective countermeasure. means.

After all, there is no patent for this thing.

If you can make a live broadcast website yourself, so can others.

After Jiangcheng received a message from Lin Zhibai requesting to recruit a group of super managers, he called, "We are already recruiting super managers, and we will launch pk rules in a while."

The pk game is not available yet.

Lin Zhibai said: "This is easy to handle. The next thing that needs the most attention is to make a mobile app for the carp live broadcast as soon as possible. After all, people use their mobile phones frequently, and the live broadcast is very suitable for watching while eating. Typical electronic mustard, It is very inconvenient to browse the website.”

"This is also being done."

After all, Li Yu took so much money, he naturally formed a team of top programmers, and the mobile app for Liyu Live is under development.


Jiang Chengdao: "Boss, this live broadcast of yours is the first good start for Carp. Many people in the industry have also watched it. Now the response is quite intense."


Jiang Cheng was right. Many people in the industry also watched Chu Ci's live broadcast, and were already shocked by his performance!


"Have you watched Chu Ci's live broadcast? He even wrote a song live in five to ten minutes. The live broadcast lasted about three hours. He wrote three songs, and the quality was not bad, especially the first two. First of all, I feel that as long as it is released, the season rankings will be among the top few!"


"The operation is too outrageous. The quality of the song written in such a short time is so good, and when he downloaded it, there were more than six million viewers in the live broadcast room!"

It's just a new website!

On the first day of its launch, Guang Chuci alone attracted more than 6 million viewers. Doesn't that mean that the website had almost 10 million visitors on the first day?

"I have a hunch."

"This site is going to explode."

Everyone's ideas have quietly changed, and the live broadcast platform has great potential. This is definitely a blue ocean market, and it is worth exploring!

Some people think not.

"It's not that exaggerated. The vast majority of people are here for Chu Ci. This live broadcast website can't be supported by him alone, can it?"

"That's wrong."

"Didn't you see that Chu Ci finally drained that little anchor? A wave of drainage directly made that little-known little anchor explode in popularity, and the number of viewers exceeded one million!"

"Are there so many!?"

"Let's observe for a few more days."

"In the beginning, with the bonus of Chu Ci and Kunpeng's appeal, the real potential of this live broadcast website will be seen in the next few days."

The industry is not sure either.

Just looking at the huge momentum on the first day of this live broadcast website, it seems that it really has a lot of potential?


And the most lively place at the moment is the Shinhwa Music Department.


There are several supervisors, Etling Liu.

“ @Director Lin Liu watched the live broadcast of Chu Ci?”

"This Chu Ci is really perverted!"

"Director Lin Liu, why did you offend this kind of live song creation, and you can still guarantee high-quality metamorphosis?"

"Director Lin Liu really found a terrifying enemy for himself."

"I'm really worried that Chu Ci is targeting us."

"No, I heard that Chu Ci just has a problem with Supervisor Lin Liu."

"Watching Chuci's live broadcast made me break out in a cold sweat!"

"It's not human at all!"

The person who knows you best will always be your opponent. Lin Liu practiced this sentence very well. She did watch Chu Ci's live broadcast.

From beginning to end!

There were also dozens of cursed barrages, but because there were too many barrages, they were just drowned out, and Lin Zhibai didn't even notice.


When Lin Liu saw the group chat, she was trembling with anger, because of Chu Ci, she was isolated by the directors of the Shinhwa Music Department!

This isolation is getting worse!

Damn Kunpeng, when will he die!


the next day.

The news is out!

"Carp live broadcast is online! "

"Live Streaming Platform, Blue Ocean Market? "

"Carp Live Streaming Boss Reveals: The website received 18 million visitors on the first day!" "

"Chu Ci, Super Music Genius! "

"Songs of Chu" created songs live, and the quality of the first song is not bad! "

"Chu Ci live broadcast reveals: Kunpeng's planner is called Junlin! "

"Songs of Chu, King's Landing, Marquis of Night, Kunpeng's invincible trident combination! "

"Chuci live broadcast said with a smile: Kunpeng 3C is of course I am in C! "

"A live broadcast made Chuci Jiguang's attention skyrocket! "

On the first day of the live broadcast of "Songs of Chu", a millionaire rewarded by a rich woman! "

Chu Ci's performance in this live broadcast was too shocking for the industry, and even many people in the media were shocked, so most of the news headlines revolved around Chu Ci!

The facts are just as the media broke the news.

The number of Chu Ci's fans on the Aurora platform is skyrocketing. It went directly from the original three million fans to more than five million in just one night. These are the three songs created on the spot, bringing everyone shock.

at the same time.

It is also because the effect of this live broadcast is good enough. Many netizens who did not watch the live broadcast for the first time, after seeing the news and discussions on the Internet, watched the replay of the live broadcast with curiosity. Said, anyway, Chu Ci has become much more popular than before, and someone even contacted Jiang Cheng, wanting to make a figure for Chu Ci...

"You can have a figure."

Lin Zhibai said to Jiang Cheng: "But we must have a high copyright share, and not now. When Chuci's popularity is higher, it will be more convenient for us to negotiate prices."

Lin Zhibai's thoughts were very clear.

The commercial value of avatars is high.

In the previous life, there was a rapper named Travis Scott in the United States.

This person used his avatar identity to hold a live concert in Epic Games' game "Fortnite".

Directly earned 120 million yuan.

And its previous offline live concert was about 6 million yuan.

From a real person to a virtual one, the net worth soared 20 times. This is a good example.

Lin Zhibai wants to make Chu Ci's virtual human into a superstar, and he can also use similar commercial monetization methods in the future. This is one of the reasons why he wants to play live broadcasts. As for the figure figures, it is naturally a monetization channel.

But now the outside world is watching.

Everyone wants to know whether the carp live broadcast platform is full of water, and whether it will stop switching after leaving Chuci. After all, the traffic on the first day after the website goes online is mostly due to the creative contribution of Chuci's shocking live broadcast. from.


next few days.

Qinzhou Entertainment Circle.

Even some VC firms.

And some irrelevant capital parties.

All eyes are on the carp live broadcast!

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