On the second day after the live broadcast platform was launched, Chuci did not broadcast live.

In the live broadcast room of female anchor Mimi, the number of viewers has always remained at about 1.5 million.

at the same time.

Other female anchors also came up one after another, imitating mimi's live broadcast style, dancing and playing around the edges.

Among them, some female anchors even received hundreds of thousands of viewers.

Water friends are very excited to watch!

"The desire to dance!"

"Tsk tsk tsk beauty is so relaxed!"

"It's a bit like mimi."

"It feels like mimi's dance is just that, this one is more fresh."



The third day of the platform's launch.

The female anchor mimi seems to be completely popular, and the number of viewers has reached two million!

It was also on this day that a game anchor named "Sima Pig" came out of the game area, and his popularity reached half a million. He played a gunfight game.

This is one of the hottest games in Qinzhou.

And this Sima Zhu was originally a professional player in this shootout game, but he retired three years ago.

After retiring, he has already disappeared from the public. After all, the commercial value of professional players cannot be compared with that of stars, but the appearance of live broadcast directly gave his career a second spring!

"Sima Pig is so strong!"

"He used to be a professional player."

"At this level, you can directly kill people in the passerby game!"

"High-end rounds can also c!"

"This live broadcast is really interesting. I can actually watch Sima Zhu play games live."

"The live broadcast website is really a good thing. Actually, I don't play this game anymore, but I still enjoy watching Sima Zhu play."


The third day of the platform's launch.

More retired professional players in the game circle joined the live broadcast army, and even live broadcasts of some unpopular games appeared!

"what game is this?"

"It's so interesting."

"It turns out that this is the correct way to open the live broadcast website!"

"I thought dancing was the most live broadcast, but I didn't expect there to be so many game live broadcasts!"

"Compared to games, women are worthless!"

"This live streaming website opened the door to a new world for me!"

"I learned several operating skills taught by professional players, and I used it in the game today. It is really awesome. I recommend everyone to watch Sima Zhu's live broadcast. He not only plays games, but also patiently explains to his friends. My own operation, teach everyone how to abuse passers-by."

"Go away, don't advertise other anchors in the anchor room!"


The fourth day of the platform's launch.

A female anchor appeared in the music area.

"Good singing!"

"The main thing is to look good!"

"The anchor is so versatile!"

"It's not interesting to watch dancing all the time, but it's also good to listen to singing."

"I love the anchor's voice!"

"It's a pity that Chu Ci is not broadcasting live."

"I don't know when Chuci will broadcast live again."


Live dancing is on fire!

The live broadcast of the game is on fire!

Live music is also on fire!

The platform has only been online for four days, and the number of registered users has exceeded 50 million. Of course, there are reasons why Li Yu spent a lot of money on publicity and marketing, but the most important thing is that the carp live broadcast itself has the ability to attract viewers!


outside world.

From the entertainment industry to venture capital, etc., everyone who pays attention to Liyu's live broadcast has smelled huge business opportunities, and they don't even need a high level of business sense. Just look at the major live broadcast rooms on this website. The audience can realize this fact!

Doing a live broadcast really works!

The carp live broadcast has been completed!

Does Carp Live still accept investment?

Some capital tycoons asked a question, and then someone contacted Li Yu and got an answer, "Carp Live Broadcasting no longer accepts new investment, this cake has already been made, and they are unwilling to share it with new forces."

Not accepting new investment?

Then we do it ourselves!

The capital boss will not be discouraged by this little difficulty, and immediately established a plan to create a live broadcast platform!

It has to be said that all kinds of venture capital capital responded quickly, but the three major industry capitals reacted faster. Tianguang, Nathan and Shinhwa decided to enter the field of live broadcasting at almost the same time. They are not afraid of being one step behind. Anyway, their resources are stronger than Liyu Live. !

The fifth day since the Liyu platform was launched.

A number of capitals are like sharks smelling blood. They have announced plans to build a live broadcast platform one after another. Those who are interested have counted. There are more than 50 capitals including the Big Three who want to enter the field of live broadcast!



Countless discussions!

"Three Big Three are also going to broadcast live!"

"Fetion is going to broadcast live!"

"The capital inside and outside the circle are all running into the field and entering the game crazily!"

"Oh my God."

"The live broadcast is so good?"

"I find it interesting."

"I mainly watch the anchor play games, and I also enjoy watching the anchor abuse food."

"Hahaha, I only love mimi."

"It's an old joke, but Mimi was turned over by Chuci (dog head)"

"It feels like Mimi can't wait to pack herself up and send her to Chu Ci's bed."

"Bah! Our Chu Ci is pure and clean! He is not from Blue Star!"



"The live streaming industry is on the rise!"

"They're all crazy!"

"So many people entered?"

"Can the live broadcast hold such a large plate?"

"I counted it, and it might be true. I estimate that there will be hundreds of live broadcast platforms in the future. After all, it is not difficult to build a platform, but it is difficult to be a good anchor."

"Kunpeng's winning this wave is numb!"

"If Kunpeng is willing to sell shares now, it is estimated that the 300 million invested before can be directly doubled!"

"Kunpeng must be reluctant. Now that live broadcasts are so profitable, I don't think the audience will give gifts without blinking. Mimi's gift worth 800,000 in a live broadcast last night!"

"So crazy?"

"The platform must have a commission. I don't know how much she can get."

"However, with so many capital predators entering the game, there is no way to enjoy the exclusive cake after the live broadcast of carp."


As Lin Zhibai expected, after the carp live broadcast became popular, the whole Qinzhou followed suit and ran into the arena!


It's not just Qinzhou, Jiangcheng told Lin Zhibai that there are already capital giants replicating the carp live broadcast model in several other continents.

"The competition is fierce now."

Jiang Cheng was a little worried that the carp live broadcast would be hit hard next time, "Old Li is worried now, after all, he took the lead in creating the barrage mode before, but was abruptly killed by the three big imitators, the three are three old hooligans, Not to mention that many non-industry capitals are also entering the game to compete for the cake."

Lao Li is the boss Li Yu.

Jiang Cheng was already familiar with him, so after a pause he continued, "Lao Li wants to invite the boss to be a consultant for the live broadcast of carp."


"King's Landing."

Who is King's Landing?

Lin Zhibai subconsciously wanted to ask a question, and then realized that this was a name he had temporarily made up for Kunpeng's planner in the live broadcast room.


"Then I pull the boss into the core group?"

"Tonight, I'll go buy a mobile phone first."

The small vest of Junlin can use the name of planning to break into the carp live broadcast management group, so Lin Zhibai simply bought a new red mobile phone.

This is tradition.

Lin Zhibai has a mobile phone of a corresponding color for each vest.

Baidi is white, Buyehou is black, Chuci is pink, and King's Landing is red.

that's all.

that night.

Lin Zhibai was pulled into the carp core group. There were only Li Yu, Jiang Cheng, and Su Chan in the group, and he was the fourth.

Junlin: "Hello, everyone."

Su Chan: "Welcome Teacher Junlin! I'm your fan!"

Lin Zhibai was stunned, this Su Chan seemed to have said the same thing to Chu Ci.

Li Yu: "Hi, Mr. Junlin, from now on you will be the general consultant of our Liyu live broadcast."

Jiang Cheng: "Junlin is also one of the major shareholders of our Kunpeng, and has the same status in Kunpeng as me."

in front of the phone screen.

Su Chan narrowed her eyes.

The industry guessed right.

Jun Lin, the planner of Kunpeng, really has shares in Kunpeng... She directly added Jun Lin as a friend.

The system prompts: [The other party has rejected your friend addition request. 】

Su Chan:? ? ?

Chu Ci seemed to be ignoring himself before.

You Kunpeng people, have you been hanging like this all the time?


Su Chan is too smart, Lin Zhibai doesn't want to entangle this woman too much, so he directly rejects the other party's request to be added as a friend.


Lin Zhibai spoke in the group: "Pay attention to the major anchors who maintain the platform. The three major companies and various capitals will definitely find ways to poach people from us."

previous life.

The major live broadcast platforms poach people from each other, and all kinds of lawsuits, such things will also happen to Liyu Live, and Lin Zhibai should try to avoid them.

Lao Li: "Don't worry, you have thought of it a long time ago, so the number of years and liquidated damages in the contract are very high."

King's Landing: "Okay."

Because when those anchors signed the contract, they didn't know the prospects of the live broadcast platform, so the contract was signed very simply.

But now that the live broadcast is popular, some of them will become big anchors. I guess they are dumbfounded. They didn't expect their own live broadcast to be so popular.

After thinking about it, Lin Zhibai continued typing.

Jun Lin: "The treatment of those big anchors can be relatively improved, and they can't be squeezed too hard, otherwise it will not be good for us in the future."

Su Chan: "Agreed."

Lao Li: "Shenzhen's live broadcast platform will be launched after a while. They moved too fast, and they were able to set up a website in a short time, and they also recruited a large number of Internet celebrities to become anchors."

King's Landing: "We can snipe them."

Old Li: "What's going on?"

Lin Zhibai smiled and did not answer.

In fact, it is very simple, the method is only five words:

Close the door and release Chuci!

On the day the Shinhwa live broadcast platform was launched, Chuci held a live broadcast on Liyu's side, which could definitely achieve the effect of sniping!

Because in a sense, Chu Ci is the king of carp's live broadcast!

Although Chu Ci has only been broadcast once so far, no one is more popular than his live broadcast!

As for why Lin Zhibai wanted to snipe Shinhwa Live?

Because he has already received news that the person in charge of the Myth live broadcast platform is Lin Bao’s brother——

Lin Hu!

Lin Bao is not worth mentioning, and his elder brother Lin Hu's IQ is not much higher. The two are called "Tiger and Leopard Brothers" in the circle.

There are many people in the third generation of Mythology.

These people counted one by one, Lin Zhibai planned to deal with them one by one, this revenge game had just begun.

Ask for a monthly ticket!

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