Freelance Artist

Chapter 179 The old man's decision

As the saying goes, Taoism should not be publicized. Lin Zhibai was bullied by his cousin back then, and has become a source of gossip in the circle. Now that the conflict has arisen again, the old man does not want this matter to spread, which will damage the face of the Lin family, so he is simply present. Everyone's surname is Lin, and the bodyguards and doctors are all working in Xicheng Manor, so the news is blocked for the time being, at least in the short term, everything will be calm.

As for the future?

Paper cannot contain fire.

Lin Zhaomu didn't investigate what Lin Gong and the others had said to completely offend Lin Zhibai. The matter seemed to be exposed just like that, similar to how he handled it back then.

And when the birthday party is about to begin.

No one noticed that Lin Hu and Lin Jing, the third generation of the Lin family, were not at the banquet. Both of them had a slight concussion and were no longer fit to attend.

Also one of the helmsmen of the top three, Nathan's chairman Yin Tianchou also came today and saw Lin Zhaomu before the birthday banquet. Yin Tianchou, who is 77 years old this year, feels a little uncomfortable for being able to give a speech and thank the guests for their support.

"This old guy's health is better than mine."

Yin Tianchou didn't even know if he could survive until his eightieth birthday.

However, Su Dingbo, the chairman of Tianguang, is in even worse condition. He is now in a semi-retired state. He is lying in the hospital every day. It is reasonable to say that he should come here today. Unfortunately, his body can no longer support him, and it is said that he has been admitted to the ICU.

The three have been fighting for so many years.

Although Shinhwa has always been far ahead, there is still no way to take down Nathan and Tianguang. The situation is so stalemate. Perhaps with the curtain call of the older generation, the three major structures will have new changes.

In fact.

Now not only Lin Zhaomu is choosing an heir from among his descendants, but Nathan and the helm of Tianguang also have the same troubles.

"What happened to your hand?"

Yin Dongnuan also came today, and she was sitting next to Lin Zhibai at the moment. She suddenly saw several scratches on Lin Zhibai's hands, which looked like fresh wounds and hadn't scabbed yet, so she couldn't help but express concern.

"Scratched by broken glass."

What Lin Zhibai told was the truth, but he didn't tell the cause and effect.

Yin Dongnuan groaned, complaining that he was careless, and wanted to deal with the wound, Lin Zhibai shook his head and said, "It has been dealt with."

"Then put a band-aid on it, too."

"It's okay, this kind of wound will scab over in the hospital."

Lin Zhibai played bad jokes, but the elder brother and sister next to him didn't look very good.

The two were very dissatisfied with Lin Zhibai's behavior today, not to blame Lin Zhibai for beating someone, of course there is a reason for beating someone, they just blamed Lin Zhibai for putting themselves in danger, in case Lin Gong and his gang What to do if you swarm up, if you want to fight, you have to bring your brothers and sisters with you, right?

My sister may not be able to fight well.

My brother's combat effectiveness is not low.

Lin Shengtian is a typical fitness fanatic, he is a big muscle tyrant when he takes off his clothes.

After Lin Zhaomu finished speaking, the banquet began. Lin Zhibai peeled a shrimp and was putting it in his mouth when he suddenly felt a resentful look.

Su Chan.

Su Chan's table was not far from Lin Zhibai, she was forced to participate in the conflict of the third generation of the Lin family, and she had torn skins with Lin Gong. The current situation is actually very bad.

Lin Zhibai winked at her.

Su Chan's expression was a little dazed.

Lin Zhibai was in a slump, what was he pretending to be, he really thought this woman could see through his eyes.

After the banquet comes the event.

It's nothing more than some show performances.

Lin Zhibai found an opportunity to sneak away, Su Chan followed him all the way to the back garden, until no one asked, "Can I get on your boat now?"

Lin Zhibai was startled, "What bed?"

"Get on the boat!" Su Chan's chest trembled angrily, her capital in this area is quite strong: "Read after me, Chuan."

"All right."

Lin Zhibai didn't mean to be gibberish, but he just didn't hear clearly.

But Su Chan did bear a lot of pressure on herself, it's time to give her some sweetness.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhibai said, "I will speak to Representative Jiang."

Su Chan stared at him, "The one behind Jiangcheng should be Kunpeng's boss, right?"

"I don't know." Lin Zhibai shrugged and said, "I've never met Kunpeng's boss. It's Jiang Cheng who has always been in touch with me."

"Really." Su Chan was dubious.

"In short, don't worry, I will let Representative Jiang and you have a good chat."

Lin Zhibai's identity is a thousand-layer cake, the superficial student identity is the first layer, Baidi is the second layer, Chuci is the third layer, Bu Yehou is the fourth layer, King's Landing is the fifth layer, and the boss of Kunpeng This identity can be regarded as the sixth floor.

Most people only see the first layer.

A small number of insiders saw the second layer.

Su Chan is amazing, she has even guessed and uncovered the third layer.

In Su Chan's imagination, Lin Zhibai is the lucky one chosen by Kunpeng, and the boss behind Kunpeng wants to support Lin Zhibai in the mythology.

In this way, Kunpeng can also benefit from it.

It is indeed a very complete logic line.

But what Su Chan wanted was that Kunpeng would take her as a second support object and help her get a higher position in Tianguang.

If Su Chan controls Tianguang, she can indeed bring enough benefits to Kunpeng. This is where her personal value lies.

"For you, I have torn face with the third generation of your mythology."

Su Chan was pitiful, Lin Gong and his gang were an interest group on the same boat, she let Lin Gong lose face today, and the possibility of their marriage has been completely eliminated.

"You are for Kunpeng."

Lin Zhibai said mercilessly.

After Su Chan heard this, her back molars almost gnawed, "In your eyes, I'm just a woman who is full of calculations, right?"

"Not at all."

Lin Zhibai's gaze softened a little, no matter what, she did gain her own favor today.


the other side.

Lin Gong took a few mouthfuls of food, and then left the banquet directly, and the other members of the third generation of mythology quickly followed after seeing this.

"Brother Gong."

"do not worry!"

"Lin Zhibai will not end well, we all support you."

"There are also Lin Shengtian and Lin Xi."

"We won't make it easy for his family!"

"Lin Zhibai is too much!"

These people showed their loyalty to Lin Gong in various ways.

Lin Gong felt a little more comfortable.

Not everyone has a double quotient as low as Lin Bao.


What about Linbao people?

Lin Gong looked around, but didn't see the other party, until Lin Bao's voice came from behind, as if asking for credit, he said:

"Brother Gong, I just saw Su Chan followed Lin Zhibai to the back garden, they must be dating, that bastard Lin Zhibai really made you green, that's true, delicious It’s just dumplings, it’s not as fun as sister-in-law..."


Lin Gong swung out a fist, hitting Lin Bao hard on the face.

Lin Bao was caught off guard and took two steps back after being punched, then looked at Lin Gong in disbelief.

"You hit me?"

"Lin Gong, you passed!"

Lin Bao's younger sister Lin Feng became impatient when she saw her brother being beaten.

"You fucking got pissed off by Lin Zhibai!?"

Lin Bao's temper has also come up, he is not afraid of Lin Gong like those side branches, who are also the grandson of the old man, who is really afraid of whom?

"You still say!"

Lin Gong's eyes were red, and he wanted to make another move, but was stopped by Lin Mu next to him, "Brother Gong, calm down, we can't fight among ourselves."

Lin Gong took a deep breath.

But Lin Bao left cursing.


Lin Zhaomu's 80th birthday ended peacefully, the guests left one after another, while the direct line of the Lin family stayed behind, and there was a family banquet later.

Six o'clock at night.

In the hall on the third floor.

The huge long table of the Lin family was full of people.

Lin Chun, Lin Xia, Lin Qiu, and Lin Dong sat near the old man.

The third generation, headed by Lin Gong, also sat at the dining table.


Lin Hu had a bandage on his head;

Lin Jing's face was also tightly bandaged;

Even Lin Bao had two cartoon bandages on his face.

The atmosphere in the hall was extremely depressing, not like a family gathering, but more like a gathering of enemies.

The servants started serving the dishes.

After the dishes were served, they retreated one after another.

Second Bo Linxia got up suddenly, pointed at Lin Zhibai, "You are so cruel, you beat my two sons like this!"


Lin Bao shouted: "I was beaten by Lin Gong."

The second uncle was taken aback, opened his mouth, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Lin Dong said coldly: "Compared to the injuries my son suffered back then, second child, do you think you have the right to blame him?"

Lin Hu roared: "Fourth Uncle, as I said, I was involved in that incident back then, and the third generation of the Lin family participated, but in the end it wasn't Lin Zhibai I promoted!"

"Who pushed that?"

Lin Dong also stood up and pointed at Lin Gong: "You, or you, or you?"

His finger pointed to the third generation of everyone.

No one admitted it, but it was true that someone took advantage of the chaos and pushed Lin Zhibai hard, which caused his head injury.

"Second, fourth!"

San Bo Lin Qiu said: "Sit down, tonight is my father's 80th birthday."

The second uncle said coldly: "It's not your son who was beaten for co-authoring!"

Uncle Lin Chun said: "My son was also beaten. What did I say? In the final analysis, children fight. You are an adult, and you want to find someone to fight?"

After all, Lin Chun is the second-generation big brother, so he is quite prestigious.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the second uncle finally sat back, and then Lin Dong also sat back in silence.

Anyway, Lin Zhibai didn't suffer, otherwise Lin Dong would have turned the table over tonight.

"Is it over?"

Lin Zhaomu said: "It's over, this matter is over, let's eat, eat while it's hot, after I die, you probably won't sit at the same table to eat like today again."


The faces of the sons changed slightly, and even Lin Dong couldn't help but speak out, which was not at all what Lin Zhaomu would say.

But then.

What Lin Zhaomu said made everyone's hearts tremble:

"Your performance will determine how much property you can inherit from the Shinhwa Group in the future. So, do you want to fight? You go ahead and fight, and I will be a fair referee. In addition, starting next year, the group's personnel changes will be relatively large, and some industries will Split it up and each of you will have your own test paper."

next few years.

The old man is about to officially distribute the property of the Shinhwa Group.

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