Freelance Artist

Chapter 180 Lin Liu Was Dismissed

On the way home, Lin Dong drove the car, and the whole family was very quiet.

This 80th birthday is not a festive occasion. The old man seems to be sick. Although his body still looks strong, if there is no problem with his body, with his strong personality, he will not think about how the Shinhwa Group’s property will be in the children so early. problem of allocation.

However, the old man's personal doctor will not disclose the situation.

No one knows the specific physical condition of the old man, everyone can only guess.

As for the issue of property distribution, tonight's family dinner finally became peaceful, but the second and third generations had their own thoughts.

Not to mention rich and powerful.

Even ordinary people, if the elderly have some property, their children will inevitably have conflicts or even turn against each other on the distribution of these properties.

Not to mention a chaebol like the Lin family, the second and third generations already have deep suspicions.

Lin Zhibai is sure that in the next few years, the competition between the second generation and the third generation will gradually enter a fierce stage.

Maybe Tianguang is the same, otherwise Su Chan wouldn't be making trouble with her today.

Including Yin Tianshou, the chairman of Nathan, should not be much better...


Lin Xi couldn't help but said, "Some things should be fought for, and I don't care, but you always have to consider your two sons."

Lin Dong, who was driving, didn't make a sound.

It was my mother who answered: "Your father knows it well."

Lin Dong is not keen on fighting for family property, otherwise he could have competed with the old man for a job in the middle and upper management of the group.

But to put it bluntly, no one knows how many years the old man will live. At this time, Lin Dong also has to consider the feelings of his two sons.

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "Father can just do what he wants. Didn't the old man say that everyone has a test paper."

"I agree." Lin Shengtian said.

Lin Xi rolled his eyes, "Then you have to be careful that there are no bones left from the bones eaten by those people."

In the future, if there is no old man to suppress her, those uncles will not be able to make her family feel better, Lin Xi is very sure of this.

It seems to remember something.

Lin Xi added: "Tomorrow's Spring Festival Gala rehearsal, Zhang Yunshang wants to grab Zhang Xiyang's solo opportunity. Hmph, it's all Lin Liu's idea. The internal struggle of Shinhwa Group has never stopped."

back home.

Lin Zhibai received a call from Jiang Cheng, "Boss, I saw you today."

There were too many people at the banquet today, Lin Zhibai didn't notice Jiang Cheng, or his attention was distracted by messy things.

"I'm busy today."

Lin Zhibai did not talk about what happened today, "The development of Kunpeng will accelerate in the next few years."

Jiang Cheng laughed, "Haven't we been accelerating?"

"I want to go faster."

"I see."

Jiang Cheng felt that something happened in the Lin family today, which gave the boss a sense of urgency.

"Keep an eye on the third generation of Mythology."

Lin Zhibai confessed that if he had the chance, he would hold down everyone like Lin Gong.

As for the second generation of Shinhwa, Lin Zhibai can't move for the time being, and his influence has not yet reached that level.

Uncle's family is very hypocritical.

Erbo's family is the most irritable.

Sanbo's family is too insidious.

Lin Zhibai felt that the easiest target should be Erbo's family.

Er Bo Lin Xia has a fiery temper, and Lin Hu and Lin Bao's two sons are too useless.

As for Lin Xia's daughter Lin Feng, she is already married, and seems to be married to a very powerful guy?

Lin Zhibai was thoughtful.

It seems that the relatives of the uncle's family are not bad?


the next day.

December is coming.

Spring Festival Gala program group.

Two teams arrived.

Zhang Yunshang and his agent assistant team.

Zhang Xiyang and his team of agent assistants.

In terms of numbers and momentum, Zhang Yunshang undoubtedly has a big advantage. As the king of singers, there are nearly ten people behind him wherever he goes.

Zhang Xiyang was accompanied by his manager and an assistant.

There are eleven people in the director team of the Spring Festival Gala. The chief director has no time to chat, so he said directly:

"Look at the rehearsal effect, who will start first?"

"I come."

Zhang Yunshang glared at Zhang Xiyang, and then went to the stage to prepare.

After a while.

The singing sounded.

Zhang Yunshang sang a love song.

The director group glanced at each other, and then nodded. There is no doubt about the strength of the singer.

The person in charge of the song and dance program said: "There is no problem with the song, and there is no problem with the singing, but the dance has to be changed. This dance is too festive, and love songs are not suitable for such a festive dance."

"It doesn't matter."

The assistant director said with a smile: "There is still one month left, the dance can catch up with the change."

The chief director glanced at the assistant director and knew that the other party was supporting Zhang Yunshang, "Zhang Xiyang, let's try."

that's all.

Zhang Xiyang took the stage, a burst of festive music preluded, and then Zhang Xiyang's singing sounded.


The assistant director's expression changed slightly, "Didn't Zhang Xiyang promise to sing "Huahuo"?"

This is not "Huahuo" at all!

The person in charge of song and dance was a little surprised, "This is a new song!?"

this song...


The person in charge of singing and dancing listened, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

The rest of the director team were also attracted by the singing, their eyes gradually became astonished, and even the chief director couldn't help but prick up his ears to listen.


After Zhang Yunshang sang, he was still full of confidence, but when he heard Zhang Xiyang sing, his expression even showed a bit of impatience.

But listen and listen.

Zhang Yunshang's face was a bit ugly, this is a new song, a very high-quality new song!

A few minutes later.

The singing is over.

The eleven members of the director's team had different expressions, and none of them spoke.

Zhang Xiyang's manager walked forward quickly, "What do you directors think?"

The person in charge of singing and dancing couldn't wait to ask: "Who wrote this new song? My god's song father made a move?"


The manager smiled slightly: "The songwriter is Teacher Baidi."

White Emperor?

There are eleven members in the director team, some of them have heard of this name, some are not familiar with it.

The person in charge of singing and dancing seems to be no stranger to Baidi, "So it's Baidi, so it's no wonder that besides Father Qu, only Baidi can write such a song. I think this song..."

"That's right."

The assistant director interrupted the person in charge of singing and dancing, "I think this song is okay, but we already have songs with a festive atmosphere, and there are quite a few programs that focus on the atmosphere of the Spring Festival. It would be too much to add more. In addition, it is not composed by Daddy Qu. For new songs, we still have to use them with caution.”

"I agree."

A person next to the assistant director spoke.

The person in charge of singing and dancing was not happy, "Are you afraid that the Spring Festival Gala will be too festive? This song is tailor-made for the Spring Festival Gala. As for whether Baidi is the father of Qu, this should not be the focus of our attention. In the final analysis, we still have to watch the song quality!"

"It's not that I'm afraid that the festive atmosphere will be too strong."

Another person in charge said: "It's this kind of songs on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, the homogenization is too serious!"

"The word homogeneity is used well." A person next to him said: "But even if it is homogeneity, you have to admit that this song is the best among the songs of the same type in this Spring Festival Gala. I think this song The song can even be compared with Lin Fengmian's "All the Best" back then."

"Is the lyrics orientation not very good?"

"It's a bit of a show off."

"Damn, say a few auspicious words, can you count as showing off your wealth?"

"There is the word mansion in the lyrics!"

"What's wrong with ordinary people wanting to live in luxury houses? Fight by yourself without breaking the law!"

The group of people actually quarreled.

The chief director took a deep breath, he knew that what everyone was arguing about was not the song itself, but that there were different people standing behind this group of people.


He decided to use the most primitive way to decide, "Support Zhang Yunshang's raise of hands."

Five people.

"Where are those who support Zhang Xiyang?"

Still five people.

Only the chief director himself did not express his opinion.

The chief director couldn't help regretting, he didn't expect that the vote would end in a tie, so he had to be the villain.

Zhang Yunshang?

Or Zhang Xiyang?

No, it's not about the two of them, it's about choosing Lin Liu or Lin Xi.

The chief director sighed, "I vote for Zhang Xiyang."

In terms of power and influence, Lin Liu was greater, but in terms of song quality and rehearsal effects, it was obvious that Bai Di wrote the song for Zhang Xiyang better.

The Lin family is fighting.

There are also struggles on the outside.

In some positions, it is impossible not to offend people. The chief director can't hold water on this song, let alone pretend to be dead.


that night.

Westside Manor.

Secretary Jin reported to Lin Zhaomu in the study.

"Lin Liu lost."

"Then take her down."

Lin Zhaomu said lightly, "It's a mess."

Secretary Jin asked: "Where will she be arranged in the future?"

Lin Zhaomu said: "Since everyone will have an exam paper, I won't confiscate her exam qualification directly, but... throw her into the grass-roots position of the group headquarters and hone it for a year. As for which grass-roots position will go, she herself Choose."

Secretary Jin: "I understand."


the other side.

Lin Liu stared at Zhang Yunshang, "You are a singer, but you can't beat a first-line singer?"

"He sang a new song, written by Bai Di!"


Lin Liu took a deep breath, "I will use all the energy of Sanbu to make him..."


the phone is ringing.

Lin Liu connected.

Secretary Jin's voice came from inside: "Miss Liu, the chairman ordered that you will be transferred to the headquarters of the group tomorrow, and you can choose all grassroots positions."

Lin Liu was stunned.

His face paled quickly.

Part of her power comes from her family, and part of it comes from the influence of the third part of Shinhwa Music.

If she loses her status as the director of the third music department, her influence will be greatly reduced!

"I want to see Grandpa!"

"The chairman will not see you. He said that after one year, there will be new arrangements, so in the next year, you should stop."


Secretary Jin hung up.

Lin Liu put down the phone in a daze.

Zhang Yunshang leaned over, "Liu Er, what's the matter with you?"

"On the cloud..."

Lin Liu looked at Zhang Yunshang with a pale face, "You will still support me, right? After I leave the third music department..."

"You want to leave?"

"I was transferred to the headquarters, but don't worry, my grandfather will not be so heartless! He promised yesterday that everyone in the Lin family will have an exam paper. The exam papers haven't been issued yet. I still have the qualifications for the exam. One year later I will return……"

"Ok, I will wait for you!"

After Zhang Yunshang finished speaking, Lin Liu was moved to tears and hugged him tightly.

Zhang Yunshang's face was a little gloomy, and he suppressed his disgust...

It's time to find a home for yourself.

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