Freelance Artist

Chapter 200: Zhou Han is second

It was also the day of the finale of "Conquer", the new year's January was finally over, and the season rankings for this month were also announced.

Bai Di's "Gong Xi Fa Cai" finally won the first place.

And the second is "Tonight", a collaboration between Tianguang Qu's father Xie Fangshi and singer Zhou Hanjin.

For this result, the Qinzhou music scene can already accept it with a normal heart, because "Gong Xi Fa Cai" has been raging for nearly a month, and it has conquered almost all supermarkets and shopping malls since the New Year. It would be strange if it didn't take the first place.

by contrast.

Zhou Hanjin, who took the second place, felt a little uneasy.

Girlfriend Li Xiao looked at the results of the January season rankings, suddenly counted with her fingers, and then said to Zhou Han:

"This is the third time you have lost to Baidi."

"Kneeling three times."

The manager next to him couldn't help but answer.

Zhou Hanjin blushed, and the veins on his forehead burst out, arguing:

"I won the battle against the White Emperor in August of the 2000 season!"

Then there are some difficult words, such as "his luck is good", "the mall will help him", "we open 50-50" and so on.

Li Xiao and Zhou Hanjin's manager laughed, and the air was full of joy.

Just because of this result, everyone expected it in the middle of the month, so they actually accepted it in their hearts long ago, even though this incident brought great shock to the song kings and queens:

No matter what the reason is, follow the mass line, or the brainwashing of shopping malls.

In this year's battle of the gods, Baidi defeated the three song fathers and their respective cooperating song kings and queens——

This is the truth.

It's no wonder that some people in the industry call Baidi "Daddy Xiaoqu".

But Qu's parents didn't think it was a shame.

After all, people at the level of Qu Daddy no longer look up to the champion of the season list.

So Zhou Han felt aggrieved and wanted to cry a little, feeling that this Baidi was like his nemesis.

Whenever he meets Baidi, he will definitely take the second place!

This kind of thing has happened three times in a row, three times!

Zhou Hanjin wondered if this Baidi was deliberately targeting him, as if locked by some will somewhere.

"By the way, have you read the February season standings?" Li Xiao asked.

Zhou Han shook his head. How could he be in the mood to pay attention to the February season rankings? The gold content is far worse than the battle of the gods in January.

'If there is no Baidi, I will be the champion singer of the battle of the gods. '

This incident made Zhou Hanjin very sad, and it was much more uncomfortable than the previous two losses to Baidi.

Zhou Hanjin's manager smiled wryly and said, "The song that currently ranks first in the February season chart is called "Listen to the Sea".

Chuci and Baidi are so popular recently!

The statement of Gemini stars in the music world has become more and more popular.

Li Xiao said with some emotion: "Bai Di and Chu Ci, hearing these two names now, the composers in our company feel scared."

Chuci is indeed no weaker than Baidi's existence.

Li Xiao had lost to Chu Ci in the season rankings, so he was deeply impressed by this person. This queen would watch the other party's live broadcast in private.

He has even become a fan of Chuci.

Of course Zhou Hanjin didn't know about this.

After Li Xiao sang, it was impossible for him to tell people that he was a fan of Chuci.


Shuiyuntian Villa.

Lin Zhibai is listening to a song.

"Write and tell me what color the sea is today

How does Hai feel when he is with you every night?

Gray is not wanting to say that blue is melancholy

Where does the heart of the wandering Kuanglang stop?

write and tell me what you want to dream tonight

Do you have no choice whether I am in or out of the dream?

I can't close my eyes all night

Why are you clearly in love but you don't get close..."

The song "Listening to the Sea" was originally sung by Amei, and Lin Zhibai gave it to Han Yueshuang.

Han Yueshuang's style is somewhat different from Amei's, but as far as her song performance is concerned, it is also different from the original version.

The release time of this song was also chosen well. Taking advantage of the fact that the battle of the gods had just ended and the competition in the February season list was not so fierce, they quickly released the song to compete for the first place in the February season list.

So far the decision appears to have been successful.

In fact, Lin Zhibai also gave Han Yueshuang a song "Bubble".

But Han Yueshuang said she liked that song more, so she wanted to save it for later release.

Why not post it together?

Because Han Yueshuang wanted to maximize her income, and when the popularity of this song gradually subsided, and then released "Bubble", she would be able to enjoy a large wave of bonuses from popular songs, highlighting her careful planning.

After all, not everyone can sing as well as Lin Zhibai.

To be honest, for the current Lin Zhibai, he doesn't pay much attention to the season rankings.

But the championship that should be won still has to be won.

After all, Lin Zhibai still needs to pursue the title of Father Qu.

at this time.

Lin Xi called.

"The results of the voting have come out. Uncle was successfully elected as the director of the third department of Mythology Music. Our plan is one-third successful."

"one third?"

Lin Zhibai raised his eyebrows slightly, this statement is interesting.

Lin Xi explained: "Although my uncle got the position in charge of the third music department, Wei Qianxiang, the father of the third music department, transferred the contract to the sixth music department, and Zhang Yunshang, the king of the third music department, transferred the contract to the seventh music department. , the person in charge of the six departments is the uncle, and the person in charge of the seven departments is the person who is the second uncle."

Lin Zhibai was stunned.

So although Uncle Wen Liang succeeded in becoming the director of the third music department, the two cash cows in the department were divided between the uncle and the second uncle.

In other words.

This transfer of personnel in the music department has resulted in gains for all three parties.

The uncle got Qu Da Wei Qianxiang, the second uncle got the song king Zhang Yunshang, and the uncle got the seat in charge of the third music department as he wished.

"It's not just Wei Qianxiang and Zhang Yunshang. Many big names in the three movies have been divided up by the uncle and the second uncle. The three movies that my uncle got are definitely not empty shells, but the overall strength has also shrunk seriously, like a Bare commander, in the future, the performance ranking should be at the bottom of the music department."

Lin Xi was a little helpless, this result was not bad, but it was definitely not good either.

Lin Zhibai narrowed his eyes slightly, the uncle and the second uncle were very powerful, and they actually played a trick of drawing salary from the bottom of the pot.

"This result is acceptable."

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "At least it proves that we are qualified to fight against Uncle and Uncle."

"That's true."

Lin Xi also showed a smile. In the past, his family could not participate in this kind of cake sharing.

Besides, the polished commander is also the commander.

Lin Xi will help my uncle rebuild the third music department.

Not to mention that Lin Zhibai will definitely help his uncle in the future.


"Listen to the cry of the sea

Lamenting who was hurt again but still not sober

It must not be me at least I am calm

But the tears don't even believe the tears

Listen to the sound of the sea crying

This sea is too sentimental and weeps till dawn

Write me a letter as the last promise

Tell me how you felt when you left me..."

news channel.

"Entertainment has no circle" program scene.

This month's season champion song "Listen to the Sea" was playing in the background music.

After listening to the song, the male host said: "This is the song "Listen to the Sea" written by Chuci for Han Yueshuang. It's very beautiful music. I've been listening to it since I drove to work today. It seems that this month's season champion will be Chu Ci and Han Yueshuang are in the bag."


The hostess said: "Some people have been asking on the Internet, who is Kunpeng in 3C? Some people say that it is Junlin who is good at advertising and variety shows, some say it is Chuci who is good at lyrics, music and singing, and some people say that he is good at novels and screenwriting. Buyehou, in order to get an official answer, today we invited Jiang Cheng, the representative of Kunpeng Investment Company!"

There was applause at the scene.

Jiang Cheng really appeared on the news talk show "Entertainment Has No Circle". For the first time on the show, he attached great importance to it. He bought himself a very flamboyant outfit, which looked quite photogenic.

"Can you tell us the answer?"

The male host stared at Jiang Cheng with great interest, this powerful figure who has been in the limelight in the entertainment industry recently, and even the top three want to win him over.

"Then I'll ask you first."

Jiang Cheng thought for a while and said, "Do you dare to comment on your leaders on the show?"

The host shook his head.

"We dare not on the show, but we are very brave in private."

The audience who were watching the show suddenly laughed. This show is interesting because the host speaks in a down-to-earth manner.


The hostess captured important information, "So what does Representative Jiang mean, these three are your leaders?"

"I am the representative of Kunpeng Investment."

Jiang Cheng smiled and said, "Buyehou, Chuci, and Junlin all own shares invested by Kunpeng, so it's not wrong to say that the three of them are probably my leaders."


This news is explosive enough!

No wonder Chuci Buyehou and Junlin have been working for Kunpeng, obviously they can get better treatment if they go to the three majors...

If there is a stake, it makes sense.

The male host was full of gossip, "Can you tell me how many shares these three own in Kunpeng?"

"This has to be kept secret."

Jiang Cheng continued to laugh and said, "The boss won't let me speak."

The hostess was thoughtful, "So Kunpeng's boss is someone else?"

Jiang Cheng shrugged, "As you can imagine, I am a professional manager. Although I also own some shares of Kunpeng, the shares are limited."

In fact.

Lin Zhibai held 99% of Kunpeng's shares in the form of a private equity fund.

Jiangcheng owns one percent of the shares.

It was specially given by Lin Zhibai to participate in the company's dividends.

Many people in the industry who were watching this program were shocked. Although they had already speculated about it, hearing Jiang Cheng's words made everyone's hearts jump.

King's Landing, Chuci, and Hou Yehou all have shares in Kunpeng!

And Jiang Cheng is not Kunpeng's boss, so who is the real boss?

The host also tried to inquire, but Jiang Cheng obviously wouldn't say anything.

"Most of the company's decisions are made by me. My boss is more Buddhist and doesn't like to be widely concerned by everyone."

"Then let's talk about the gossip about Kunpeng 3c. They have a good relationship in private?"

"Yes, very good."

"Tell me specifically?"

"The three of them live in the same villa."


"So Teacher Junlin is also a man?"

"Yes, hey hey! Don't look so strange, they are just friends..."

"What about their character?"

"Chu Ci is more difficult to mess with, you understand."

"I know, I've watched Chuci's live broadcast, and a doubter rewarded him with a million dollars, asking him to create on the spot, but he was slapped badly in the face. Lin Liu, the director of the Shinhwa music department, offended him, and it is said that he has now been Resigned..."

"Where is the Marquis of Night?"

"Buyehou is more melancholy, um, melancholy."

"As for King's Landing, he probably belongs to the Buddhist family. He even refused to participate in the star rating. He doesn't care about these things..."

Jiangcheng can be edited vigorously.

And because there are a lot of gossip about Kunpeng 3c and the company's internal gossip in this episode, the ratings are soaring.

It even surpassed Kunpeng's own "If You Are the One" in one fell swoop, becoming the second most popular program in Qinzhou.

Also on this day.

Star rating leaderboard update!

Chu Ci has officially entered the fourth-tier star sequence!

Of course, it has nothing to do with the gossip about Jiangcheng. It is mainly because Chu Ci's "Listening to the Sea" created for Han Yueshuang ranked first in the season list.

To this.

The fans of Chuci were naturally excited.

Baidi's fans felt the pressure.

Because Baidi was on the fourth line before, and Chuci was only on the fifth line.

Because of this, Baidi had some psychological advantages, but now this advantage no longer exists.

This pair of music twin stars is like quantum entanglement, making it increasingly difficult to tell the winner.

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